Seems the 1 billion bullet and split to craft new items wont work.
Number are not being updated and remains 2 question marks(??)
Cannot enable the "Backpack item (unlimited item)
Here is a table containing tfigment's and akhent's scripts plus some additional features I discovered.
Include tfigment's scripts that:
Level up all partisans
999 Skill points
999 Skill use limits
Include and expanded tfigment's script for editing partisans:
Set HP to maximum
Set stamina to maximum
No chance to get any trauma debuff
Do not generate any noises in the bushes
Dodge any bullet, even if not behind cover
Speed up walking, sprinting, stealth moving, and even when carrying a body
Increased weapon accuracy.
Doesn't affect accuracy against enemies behind cover.
Instant skill cool down
Massive XP gain
Instant weapon reload
Include and updated akhent's scripts for v1.1.05:
Edit weapon attributes, with following options toggled individually:
Max distance, even applicable to knife.
When melee an enemy, as long as there is a line of sight, enemy will be teleported to you and killed.
Clip size set to 99999
Don't worry about reload your weapons, since the clip can hold all your ammo.
Super weapon.
Will instant kill anyone, with guaranteed hit and apply critical damage.
Note that this appears to edit both your copy of the weapon and the weapon's base attributes. Such that what has been changed applies to your enemy's weapons as well.
Edit food and construction material
Operation always successful even with one partisan assigned
Scripts that disable/enable timer countdown
Updated the item editor to be working with v1.1.05
All consumables (e.g. bullets, grenade) in backpack and storage set to their maximum number per stack
If leaving this option on, then not consuming those items even if using them during a mission.
Items in storage needs to be placed in backpack then moved back again to have the change persist after disabling the script.
Change to selected item
Move the item between backpack and storage to see the effect.
Be careful where you move to, it must have enough space for the new item. So don't place on the right edge of the backpack or storage, or if the new item over overlap with existing items. Will result in instant crash.
Do not leave this option on. Do not save/load while this script is enabled. Will result in instant crash.
Some additional observations when improving the existing tables.
cake-san's Unreal Engine 4 object dumper table is really helpful for understanding the data structure.
The game doesn't appear to adopt OOP best practices. Unlike other games running on UE4, this game has fewer classes, and most of the useful stuff are stored as structs. Perhaps the need to constantly passing to a scripting language and back forces the game to use structs for easier communication.
As a result of above, the offset used in assembly are different than what's reported by the object dumper. For example, tfigment has figured out how to modify the HP of partisans. The offset is +0234 in assembly. The object dumper reports the current HP is stored as a float with offset +08 from the struct Partisans.AttributeSet.
My understanding is that the +0234 offset is from a character pointer pointing to a different struct, whose later part is this Partisans.AttributeSet struct stuck in the middle. So that block of memory contains multiple structs located one after another. This makes the object dumper less effective at making sense of the code.
Here is a table containing tfigment's and akhent's scripts plus some additional features I discovered.
I think you are over-crediting me. Most of what you list I think is Akhent's work. My table was fairly minimal when I posted it.
Structs in .NET will be stored compactly in Array's as they are valuetypes (compared to java or python). So some games use it for memory management but comes with a huge cost in interacting with the data type. Dyson Sphere Program uses them extensively to manage huge numbers of objects efficiently. Not sure if that was why they did it here though.