OtakuGamer wrote: ↑Mon Nov 06, 2023 9:28 am
Azura_Zaraki wrote: ↑Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:15 am
Azura_Zaraki wrote: ↑Mon Nov 06, 2023 7:20 am
Thanks but I want to make an overpowered character, I removed the ability cap and want 300 int and constitution, this process of Hag's hair is too tedious to get to 300, editing through the stat script would be the easiest way.
Nevermind I figured it out, you can edit stats by editing the script in the console commands max all stats, just edit Ability(Strength,31,20) to Ability(Strength,30000,20) to get 30000 strength. Same for the rest of the stats.
Pretty sure that's temporary and doesn't survive loading games. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm hereby correcting you
Without having looked into the referenced UUIDs, but having looked at the responses, I am concluding that they are actually spawning the item which they will consume, to get the Hag Hair ability bonus.
That being said, I just add them as passives, along with several other passives that will increase various ability scores. Here's a script that will add all the passives (that I know of) that increases your ability scores. They don't all stack and some only increase to 20 or 23 or something like that. If you average all your ability scores during creation, with slight focus on Constitution and Wisdom (ie. the +2 and +1 bonus). Don't go higher than 13, as points after that costs 2 points. Charisma is the easiest to get high using passives, in my experience.
Code: Select all
if syntaxcheck then return end
Passive = {
'AbilityImprovement_Strength', -- str+X
'AbilityImprovement_Dexterity', -- dex+X
'AbilityImprovement_Constitution', -- con+X
'AbilityImprovement_Intelligence', -- int+X
'AbilityImprovement_Wisdom', -- wis+X
'AbilityImprovement_Charisma', -- cha+X
'Resilient_Strength', -- str+X
'Resilient_Dexterity', -- dex+X
'Resilient_Constitution', -- con+X
'Resilient_Intelligence', -- int+X
'Resilient_Wisdom', -- wis+X
'Resilient_Charisma', -- cha+X
'Actor', -- cha+X,Y
'Durable', -- con+1,20
'HeavilyArmored', -- str+1,20
'HeavyArmorMaster', -- str +X,Y
'Athlete_PassiveBonuses', -- str+dex+X
'TavernBrawler_Bonuses', -- str+con+1,20
'HAG_Hair_CHA_Passive', -- cha+X
'HAG_Hair_CON_Passive', -- con+X
'HAG_Hair_DEX_Passive', -- dex+X
'HAG_Hair_INT_Passive', -- int+X
'HAG_Hair_STR_Passive', -- str+X
'HAG_Hair_WIS_Passive', -- wis+X
'KeenMind_AbilityIncrease', -- int+1,20
'Linguist_AbilityIncrease', -- int+1,20
'LOW_HagKiller_CHA_Passive', -- cha+X
'LOW_SharGrotto_Mirror_CharismaBoon_Passive', -- cha+2
'LOW_SharGrotto_Mirror_ConstitutionBoon_Passive', -- con+2
'LOW_SharGrotto_Mirror_DexterityBoon_Passive', -- dex+2
'LOW_SharGrotto_Mirror_IntelligenceBoon_Passive', -- int+2
'LOW_SharGrotto_Mirror_MinorCharismaBoon_Passive', -- cha+2
'LOW_SharGrotto_Mirror_StrengthBoon_Passive', -- str+2
'LOW_SharGrotto_Mirror_WisdomBoon_Passive', -- wis+2
'MAG_BarbMonk_Armor_Offensive_Passive', -- str+X,Y
'MAG_BarbMonk_Armor_Defensive_Passive', -- dex+X,Y
'MAG_LC_Jannath_Hat_Passive', -- cha+X,Y
'MAG_LC_Nymph_Cloak_Passive', -- cha+X,Y
'TWN_PlaquePuzzle_Charisma', -- cha+X
'TWN_PlaquePuzzle_Intelligence', -- int+X
'TWN_PlaquePuzzle_Wisdom', -- wis+X
OtakuGamer wrote: ↑Mon Nov 06, 2023 9:28 am
EDIT: Yes, it uses AddBoostsToPlayer which is temporary. The DebugMax Attribute cheats might work better bacause it uses ApplyStatusToPlayer, and unlike the hag hair method you can undo it and it won't crowd your character sheet as badly.
I would still hazard that they are spawning items and not adding boosts, from reading the responses (i.e. the hairs spawning in their Camp Supplies Pack). Regardless, just add them as passives, works just as well