z Baldur's Gate 3

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by knightjedi »

Noway3 wrote:
Sat Oct 07, 2023 1:24 pm
freehongkong wrote:
Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:47 am
I am struggling to get the quest version of the Noblestalk (with orange text).

I reloaded an old save and picked up the quest version of the Noblestalk, and last item dropped UUID says:
Item: S_UND_MushroomHunter_Noblestalk_09561b3f-f556-4a01-b289-9b362bc0d43a
Template: PUZ_Underdark_Mushroom_Noblestalk_A_48c679c1-b713-4d2f-9bba-1c43ed654404

Only the template string 48c679c1-b713-4d2f-9bba-1c43ed654404 works with the item spawner but it only gives me a regular white text version each time which does not progress any quests. Spawning it on the ground didn't help either. I tried doing another quest item, a Umbral Gem, and its Template string successfully spawned a quest variant. So I have no clue what's going on.


Any solutions or ideas? Cheers!
My assumption is that some quest items are "unique" and the UUID is the one of an already spawned item, not the one from a template.
I have thus tried to "move" the item, instead of spawning it like a template.
I successfully moved it to the camp chest of a fresh character. I did get the wanted "orange" version.

Moving it to my feet didn't work. So, I moved it back to the camp chest and picked it up from there into my inventory.

Here the piece of CE code that worked for me:

Code: Select all

function SendToCampChest(m_entity, m_player)
  SetArgToString(0, m_entity)

player = GetHostCharacter()
item = "09561b3f-f556-4a01-b289-9b362bc0d43a" -- S_UND_MushroomHunter_Noblestalk
SendToCampChest(item, player)
Have Fun!
cant make it work
can you please sent a ct file with it ?

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by LazyNerd »

Noway3 wrote:
Sat Oct 07, 2023 1:24 pm
freehongkong wrote:
Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:47 am
I am struggling to get the quest version of the Noblestalk (with orange text).

I reloaded an old save and picked up the quest version of the Noblestalk, and last item dropped UUID says:
Item: S_UND_MushroomHunter_Noblestalk_09561b3f-f556-4a01-b289-9b362bc0d43a
Template: PUZ_Underdark_Mushroom_Noblestalk_A_48c679c1-b713-4d2f-9bba-1c43ed654404

Only the template string 48c679c1-b713-4d2f-9bba-1c43ed654404 works with the item spawner but it only gives me a regular white text version each time which does not progress any quests. Spawning it on the ground didn't help either. I tried doing another quest item, a Umbral Gem, and its Template string successfully spawned a quest variant. So I have no clue what's going on.


Any solutions or ideas? Cheers!
My assumption is that some quest items are "unique" and the UUID is the one of an already spawned item, not the one from a template.
I have thus tried to "move" the item, instead of spawning it like a template.
I successfully moved it to the camp chest of a fresh character. I did get the wanted "orange" version.

Moving it to my feet didn't work. So, I moved it back to the camp chest and picked it up from there into my inventory.

Here the piece of CE code that worked for me:

Code: Select all

function SendToCampChest(m_entity, m_player)
  SetArgToString(0, m_entity)

player = GetHostCharacter()
item = "09561b3f-f556-4a01-b289-9b362bc0d43a" -- S_UND_MushroomHunter_Noblestalk
SendToCampChest(item, player)
Have Fun!
I'm curious, admittedly as a total noob lurker with CE, if this quest item is particularly hard to pin down, and if this is intentional by Larian?
I'm unable to spawn one via the sample item spawner script, or the CreateAtPlayer script, and the only thing this SendToCampChest function does for me is moves my one orange Noblestalk around, and without that one orange Noblestalk, nothing.
Are there other items this difficult to spawn and use?
Last edited by LazyNerd on Sun Oct 08, 2023 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by dd3dd »

boombrakh wrote:
Sat Oct 07, 2023 10:29 pm
So, I done fugged up. I activated the "Flaming Sphere Aura" under "Random Cheats" for Zanzers table. Now I can't turn it off. I've tried to re-add it, then remove it. Worked at first, but now I'm stuck. I've tried murdering my character, Long resting, short resting, and "RestoreParty". I simply can't get rid of it. Is it GG and start from scratch?

NPC's are fleeing, items are burning up, my new playthrough is very quickly coming to an abrupt end :D


LMAO! :lol: Thanks for making my day :lol:

Save file prior to the incident?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by dd3dd »

EvenLess wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 2:44 pm
Babbymode wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 1:56 pm
knightjedi wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:26 am

is this still work when i save and load the game?or it is permanent?
I don't know how it could be permanent, I have never had a boost apply permanently between reloading, it needs a passive effect to stay working, otherwise the game discards it.

For those of you who just want to click 1 button and apply every bonus you could need, this is the script for you:

Code: Select all

if syntaxcheck then return end
AddBoostsToPlayer("ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(TidesOfChaos,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SneakAttack_Charge,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(DeflectMissiles_Charge,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(KiPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WarPriestActionPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(ChannelDivinity,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(ChannelOath,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(LayOnHandsCharge,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(FungalInfestationCharge,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(NaturalRecoveryPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WildShape,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SuperiorityDie,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(Rage,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WarlockSpellSlot,0,1);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WarlockSpellSlot,0,2);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WarlockSpellSlot,0,3);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WarlockSpellSlot,0,4);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WarlockSpellSlot,0,5);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(ArcaneRecoveryPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SorceryPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SpellSlot,0,1);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SpellSlot,0,2);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SpellSlot,0,3);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SpellSlot,0,4);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SpellSlot,0,5);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SpellSlot,0,6);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(ActionPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(BonusActionPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(ReactionActionPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(Movement,0,0);IF(IsWeaponAttack() or IsSpell()):DamageBonus(1d12+(Level/2));CriticalHitExtraDice(2);ReduceCriticalAttackThreshold(20);RollBonus(SkillCheck,20);RollBonus(RawAbility,20);RollBonus(SavingThrow,20);RollBonus(Attack,20);Initiative(20);SpellSaveDC(20);AC(20);CarryCapacityMultiplier(100);Ability(Strength,31);Ability(Dexterity,31);Ability(Constitution,31);Ability(Intelligence,31);Ability(Wisdom,31);Ability(Charisma,31);IncreaseMaxHP(200%);IncreaseMaxHP(50);UnlockSpellVariant(IsSpell(),ModifySpellRoll('not SavingThrow','SpellAutoResolveOnAlly'),ModifyStatusDuration(Override,-1),ModifySummonDuration(Override,-1),ModifySurfaceDuration(Override,-1),ModifyTargetRadius(AdditiveBase,10),ModifyAreaRadius(AdditiveBase,3),ModifyNumberOfTargets(AdditiveBase,2),ModifyMaximumTargets(AdditiveBase,2),ModifySpellFlags(Verbal,0),ModifySpellFlags(Stealth,1),ModifySpellFlags(Melee,0),ModifySavingThrowDisadvantage(),ModifyUseCosts(Override,ActionPoint,0,0),ModifyUseCosts(Override,BonusActionPoint,0,0),ModifyUseCosts(Override,ReactionActionPoint,0,0),ModifyTooltipDescription())")
The only "boost" that I've found to persist across a save/load, are the "Add Resources" boosts, such as AddBoostsToPlayer("ActionResource(ActionPoint,1,0)"). Statuses also seem to persist across save/load, at least something like ApplyStatusToPlayer("DEBUG_MAX_STRENGTH", -1) and ApplyStatusToPlayer("DETECT_THOUGHTS", -1) have persisted across my saves/loads.

Regarding your 1-click-boost, don't you experience crash more often, when using that, than when using several "smaller" ones? I have a "Booster Shot" I used to do, that more or less did everything I wanted. Not as extreme as yours, but the more I added, the more the game tended to crash when I applied the boosts. Main difference to yours and mine (besides yours including many more than mine do), is that I create tables for the repeating boosts, so I can easily add/remove/change all in one line.

Code: Select all

if syntaxcheck then return end
Booster Shot.
Gives you all those vital vitamins and minerals that boost your defences and abilities.
Disappears on Load.

Vitamins to look at:
local abilityPoints     = 30         -- 30 is maximum.
local movementMeters    = 1000       -- The amount of movement.
local rollBonus         = 50         -- Bonus added to all dice rolls.
local resistanceLevel   = "Immune"   -- Resistant or Immune.
local damageRoll        = "12d12+20" -- 1d4, 1d4+3, etc.
local weaponEnchantment = "20"       -- Dagger +20.
local sightSpellRange   = 32
local damageTypeWeapon  = {
local damageType = {
local ability = {
local skill = {
rollType = {

boost = {
  string.format("DarkvisionRangeMin(%s);", sightSpellRange),
  string.format("SightRangeMinimum(%s);", sightSpellRange),
  string.format("UnlockSpellVariant(DistantSpellCheck(),ModifyTargetRadius(Override,%s),);", sightSpellRange),
  string.format("UnlockSpellVariant(DistantTouchSpellCheck(),ModifyTargetRadius(Override,%s),ModifySpellFlags(Melee,0),);", sightSpellRange),
  string.format("ActionResourceOverride(Movement,%s,0);", movementMeters),
  string.format("WeaponEnchantment(%s);", weaponEnchantment),
for i = 1, #rollType do
  table.insert(boost, string.format("RollBonus(%s,%s);", rollType[i], rollBonus))
  table.insert(boost, string.format("MinimumRollResult(%s,%s);", rollType[i], 20))
for i = 1, #damageTypeWeapon do
  table.insert(boost, string.format("CharacterUnarmedDamage(%s, %s);", damageRoll, damageTypeWeapon[i]))
  table.insert(boost, string.format("CharacterWeaponDamage(%s, %s);", damageRoll, damageTypeWeapon[i]))
for i = 1, #damageType do
  table.insert(boost, string.format("Resistance(%s, %s);", damageType[i], resistanceLevel))
for i = 1, #ability do
  table.insert(boost, string.format("AbilityOverrideMinimum(%s, %s);", ability[i], abilityPoints))
  table.insert(boost, string.format("ProficiencyBonus(SavingThrow, %s);", ability[i]))
--[[ For some reason, the following breaks the rest.
for i = 1, #skill do
  table.insert(boost, string.format("ProficiencyBonus(Skill, %s);", skill[i]))
  table.insert(boost, string.format("ExpertiseBonus(%s);", skill[i]))
  table.insert(boost, string.format("Advantage(Skill,%s)", skill[i]))
I have had the suspicion that the game would crash if the execution takes too long. Maybe the loops cause enough extra overhead that it will crash, as opposed to just have everything static.
Super Noob Question Time: Where do I input this delicious code bit and others like it in CE? Do I open the CT table in Notepad++ and just manually add it? Please and thank you.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by boombrakh »

dd3dd wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 5:21 am
boombrakh wrote:
Sat Oct 07, 2023 10:29 pm
So, I done fugged up. I activated the "Flaming Sphere Aura" under "Random Cheats" for Zanzers table. Now I can't turn it off. I've tried to re-add it, then remove it. Worked at first, but now I'm stuck. I've tried murdering my character, Long resting, short resting, and "RestoreParty". I simply can't get rid of it. Is it GG and start from scratch?

NPC's are fleeing, items are burning up, my new playthrough is very quickly coming to an abrupt end :D


LMAO! :lol: Thanks for making my day :lol:

Save file prior to the incident?
You'd think there was one, but no. Not anymore.. 😁

"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Zanzer »

So go to your passives and turn it off.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by knightjedi »

LazyNerd wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 4:52 am
Noway3 wrote:
Sat Oct 07, 2023 1:24 pm
freehongkong wrote:
Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:47 am
I am struggling to get the quest version of the Noblestalk (with orange text).

I reloaded an old save and picked up the quest version of the Noblestalk, and last item dropped UUID says:
Item: S_UND_MushroomHunter_Noblestalk_09561b3f-f556-4a01-b289-9b362bc0d43a
Template: PUZ_Underdark_Mushroom_Noblestalk_A_48c679c1-b713-4d2f-9bba-1c43ed654404

Only the template string 48c679c1-b713-4d2f-9bba-1c43ed654404 works with the item spawner but it only gives me a regular white text version each time which does not progress any quests. Spawning it on the ground didn't help either. I tried doing another quest item, a Umbral Gem, and its Template string successfully spawned a quest variant. So I have no clue what's going on.


Any solutions or ideas? Cheers!
My assumption is that some quest items are "unique" and the UUID is the one of an already spawned item, not the one from a template.
I have thus tried to "move" the item, instead of spawning it like a template.
I successfully moved it to the camp chest of a fresh character. I did get the wanted "orange" version.

Moving it to my feet didn't work. So, I moved it back to the camp chest and picked it up from there into my inventory.

Here the piece of CE code that worked for me:

Code: Select all

function SendToCampChest(m_entity, m_player)
  SetArgToString(0, m_entity)

player = GetHostCharacter()
item = "09561b3f-f556-4a01-b289-9b362bc0d43a" -- S_UND_MushroomHunter_Noblestalk
SendToCampChest(item, player)
Have Fun!
I'm curious, admittedly as a total noob lurker with CE, if this quest item is particularly hard to pin down, and if this is intentional by Larian?
I'm unable to spawn one via the sample item spawner script, or the CreateAtPlayer script, and the only thing this SendToCampChest function does for me is moves my one orange Noblestalk around, and without that one orange Noblestalk, nothing.
Are there other items this difficult to spawn and use?
MAG_TheClover_Scimitar uuid: 517231eb-e812-43ed-9ce3-482ba7ed31e6

this Scimitar ,cant spawn the right one .
can some help me please ?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Noway3 »

LazyNerd wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 4:52 am
Noway3 wrote:
Sat Oct 07, 2023 1:24 pm
freehongkong wrote:
Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:47 am
I am struggling to get the quest version of the Noblestalk (with orange text).

I reloaded an old save and picked up the quest version of the Noblestalk, and last item dropped UUID says:
Item: S_UND_MushroomHunter_Noblestalk_09561b3f-f556-4a01-b289-9b362bc0d43a
Template: PUZ_Underdark_Mushroom_Noblestalk_A_48c679c1-b713-4d2f-9bba-1c43ed654404

Only the template string 48c679c1-b713-4d2f-9bba-1c43ed654404 works with the item spawner but it only gives me a regular white text version each time which does not progress any quests. Spawning it on the ground didn't help either. I tried doing another quest item, a Umbral Gem, and its Template string successfully spawned a quest variant. So I have no clue what's going on.


Any solutions or ideas? Cheers!
My assumption is that some quest items are "unique" and the UUID is the one of an already spawned item, not the one from a template.
I have thus tried to "move" the item, instead of spawning it like a template.
I successfully moved it to the camp chest of a fresh character. I did get the wanted "orange" version.

Moving it to my feet didn't work. So, I moved it back to the camp chest and picked it up from there into my inventory.

Here the piece of CE code that worked for me:

Code: Select all

function SendToCampChest(m_entity, m_player)
  SetArgToString(0, m_entity)

player = GetHostCharacter()
item = "09561b3f-f556-4a01-b289-9b362bc0d43a" -- S_UND_MushroomHunter_Noblestalk
SendToCampChest(item, player)
Have Fun!
I'm curious, admittedly as a total noob lurker with CE, if this quest item is particularly hard to pin down, and if this is intentional by Larian?
I'm unable to spawn one via the sample item spawner script, or the CreateAtPlayer script, and the only thing this SendToCampChest function does for me is moves my one orange Noblestalk around, and without that one orange Noblestalk, nothing.
Are there other items this difficult to spawn and use?
Yes;, as I said, I am sure now that this is a unique item, in the sense that "there is only One": it cannot be just spawned and replicated. They can only be moved around (that is why "SendToCamp" works).

If you look at my worksheet inventorizing these items (Merged file here viewtopic.php?p=311868#p311868), you will see that it is a Global item (IsGlobal = True) which mean that there is only one that exist globally and it is a Story Item (isStory = True) which means that there are some story/quest conditions linked to it.

Other absolutely unique objects like these are: Moonlantern, Spider's Lyre, Githyanki Egg, The Necromancy of Thay, Ring of Evasion, Dark Amethyst, Shadow of Menzoberranzan, Sword of Justice, Scratch's Ball and more ...

Now.. You just made me wanting to find them all (the legit way) ... I am of the completionist kind ! :)
Last edited by Noway3 on Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by dezzter »

Noway3 wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 10:25 am
LazyNerd wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 4:52 am
Noway3 wrote:
Sat Oct 07, 2023 1:24 pm

My assumption is that some quest items are "unique" and the UUID is the one of an already spawned item, not the one from a template.
I have thus tried to "move" the item, instead of spawning it like a template.
I successfully moved it to the camp chest of a fresh character. I did get the wanted "orange" version.

Moving it to my feet didn't work. So, I moved it back to the camp chest and picked it up from there into my inventory.

Here the piece of CE code that worked for me:

Code: Select all

function SendToCampChest(m_entity, m_player)
  SetArgToString(0, m_entity)

player = GetHostCharacter()
item = "09561b3f-f556-4a01-b289-9b362bc0d43a" -- S_UND_MushroomHunter_Noblestalk
SendToCampChest(item, player)
Have Fun!
I'm curious, admittedly as a total noob lurker with CE, if this quest item is particularly hard to pin down, and if this is intentional by Larian?
I'm unable to spawn one via the sample item spawner script, or the CreateAtPlayer script, and the only thing this SendToCampChest function does for me is moves my one orange Noblestalk around, and without that one orange Noblestalk, nothing.
Are there other items this difficult to spawn and use?
Yes;, as I said, I am sure now that this is a unique item, in the sense that "there is only One": it cannot be just spawned and replicated. They can only be moved around (that is why "SendToCamp" works).

If you look at my worksheet inventorizing these items (Merged file here viewtopic.php?p=311868#p311868), you will see that it is a Global item (IsGlobal = True) which mean that there is only one that exist globally and it is a Story Item (isStory = True) which means that there are some story/quest conditions linked to it.

Other absolutely unique objects like these are: Moonlantern, Spider's Lyre, Githyanki Egg, The Necromancy of Thay, Ring of Evasion, Dark Amethyst, Shadow of Menzoberranzan, Sword of Justice, Scratch's Ball and more ...

Now.. You just made me wanting to find them all (the legit way) ... I am of the completionist kind ! :)
With the Noblestalk, after eating the legitimate one I was able to use the command to spawn 20 but it doesn't work again until I eat the stack, additionally all the ones I spawned worked for the other 2 quests. So you can spawn multiple as long as you spawn them all at once while others don't exist. Best method is probably doing your method you spawn them to player or if possible modifying yours to delete the item, then you can spawn a stack.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by ShadowxGG »

"Last item moved" doesn't work...

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by ElderMagi »

Not sure if this is the correct place to make note of this problem but I wanted to list it so the appropriate people are aware of it. When using the newest CT (v10) with the most up to date patch for the GOG version, (67888), at the point of the second time I take the party for long rest where Astarion makes his first attempt at night to drink your blood, the game crashes during the animation scene directly after the part where Astarion's vampire teeth are shown and the narrator is speaking of his sanguine hunger. This happened previously when I was using CT (v9) previous to the last major patch and went away with the use of the newest CT (v10) until I updated to the newest patch hotfix 2 where it has seemingly resumed. This last and current time after the game crashed a window popped up stating that there was an error with the scripts where an asset was being used by something else and I think it said something like AV001 or some number with a format like that (can't remember as I failed to write it down - :-/ sorry). The only way I could get past the crash was to run the game without CE running which was unlike the previous time where I could just quickly skip the animation scene and get by it. Not so this time. Just wanted to let you know so you're aware. I am not an expert so I am sorry I can't elaborate more on what the issue is. That said, THANK YOU for your work and time you put into making this awesome CT for all of us to enjoy! I really appreciate it!!!

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by adamg11 »

Does anyone have ct with npc spawn ? searching 365 sites is a bit beyond my patience

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by deLockloire »

Not sure what I do wrong, but whenever I set CE up nothing happens when I click on console commands. I did see the magic X in the tickbox beside it once, and a short list opened up, but then the register commands wouldn't open even then (it gave an error that I have to load a save game first, which I did). But the current situation seems to be a step back even from that. I tried every which way and order for opening CE, loading in the (latest) table and running/loading game. Nothing seems to help. What am I doing wrong? (of course, CE is 7.5, and I have the latest bg3 table, just to check the essentials).

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by BRazredge »

Israkari wrote:
Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:07 am
For future reference the item UUID for the 2 brain jars from prologue (for use in the Act 2 machine)
f938e0a4-fb50-4d69-8b40-18e9bba30a22 | S_TUT_Lab_ClericBrainJar | Dark Mind
2c5bca7e-8649-4217-9ebb-52b20a506e99 | S_TUT_Lab_AdventurerBrainJar | Slave Mind

EDIT: Here are the Item UUID for all the brain jars in act 2

349f0c6d-bde7-4d52-86bf-55b29bb96853 S_COL_BrainJar_Mem_ButcherDoors Butchered Mind
45eef9df-05be-4ece-9fef-6bcac39b176d S_COL_BrainJar_Mem_DeviceExplained Willing Mind
06f12e82-0a82-44c5-8df8-aa7e8f608898 S_COL_BrainJar_Mem_TrueSoul True Mind
f6d1e6f9-b08c-4111-abef-8faa37f0c3f1 S_COL_BrainJar_Mem_Raptured Ruptured Mind
1cbd9345-e851-4ce7-9fce-360a4c44fcaa S_COL_BrainJar_Mem_Foreshadowing Closed Mind
Hidden brain jar
193f87db-6a26-4f00-a289-63e247740176 S_COL_Vault_MemoryJar Waking Mind
How do I get these items to spawn? Apparently they aren't an "item" when I try to spawn.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by EvenLess »

dd3dd wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 5:34 am
EvenLess wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 2:44 pm
Babbymode wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 1:56 pm

I don't know how it could be permanent, I have never had a boost apply permanently between reloading, it needs a passive effect to stay working, otherwise the game discards it.

For those of you who just want to click 1 button and apply every bonus you could need, this is the script for you:

Code: Select all

if syntaxcheck then return end
AddBoostsToPlayer("ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(TidesOfChaos,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SneakAttack_Charge,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(DeflectMissiles_Charge,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(KiPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WarPriestActionPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(ChannelDivinity,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(ChannelOath,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(LayOnHandsCharge,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(FungalInfestationCharge,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(NaturalRecoveryPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WildShape,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SuperiorityDie,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(Rage,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WarlockSpellSlot,0,1);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WarlockSpellSlot,0,2);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WarlockSpellSlot,0,3);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WarlockSpellSlot,0,4);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(WarlockSpellSlot,0,5);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(ArcaneRecoveryPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SorceryPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SpellSlot,0,1);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SpellSlot,0,2);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SpellSlot,0,3);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SpellSlot,0,4);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SpellSlot,0,5);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(SpellSlot,0,6);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(ActionPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(BonusActionPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(ReactionActionPoint,0,0);ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(Movement,0,0);IF(IsWeaponAttack() or IsSpell()):DamageBonus(1d12+(Level/2));CriticalHitExtraDice(2);ReduceCriticalAttackThreshold(20);RollBonus(SkillCheck,20);RollBonus(RawAbility,20);RollBonus(SavingThrow,20);RollBonus(Attack,20);Initiative(20);SpellSaveDC(20);AC(20);CarryCapacityMultiplier(100);Ability(Strength,31);Ability(Dexterity,31);Ability(Constitution,31);Ability(Intelligence,31);Ability(Wisdom,31);Ability(Charisma,31);IncreaseMaxHP(200%);IncreaseMaxHP(50);UnlockSpellVariant(IsSpell(),ModifySpellRoll('not SavingThrow','SpellAutoResolveOnAlly'),ModifyStatusDuration(Override,-1),ModifySummonDuration(Override,-1),ModifySurfaceDuration(Override,-1),ModifyTargetRadius(AdditiveBase,10),ModifyAreaRadius(AdditiveBase,3),ModifyNumberOfTargets(AdditiveBase,2),ModifyMaximumTargets(AdditiveBase,2),ModifySpellFlags(Verbal,0),ModifySpellFlags(Stealth,1),ModifySpellFlags(Melee,0),ModifySavingThrowDisadvantage(),ModifyUseCosts(Override,ActionPoint,0,0),ModifyUseCosts(Override,BonusActionPoint,0,0),ModifyUseCosts(Override,ReactionActionPoint,0,0),ModifyTooltipDescription())")
The only "boost" that I've found to persist across a save/load, are the "Add Resources" boosts, such as AddBoostsToPlayer("ActionResource(ActionPoint,1,0)"). Statuses also seem to persist across save/load, at least something like ApplyStatusToPlayer("DEBUG_MAX_STRENGTH", -1) and ApplyStatusToPlayer("DETECT_THOUGHTS", -1) have persisted across my saves/loads.

Regarding your 1-click-boost, don't you experience crash more often, when using that, than when using several "smaller" ones? I have a "Booster Shot" I used to do, that more or less did everything I wanted. Not as extreme as yours, but the more I added, the more the game tended to crash when I applied the boosts. Main difference to yours and mine (besides yours including many more than mine do), is that I create tables for the repeating boosts, so I can easily add/remove/change all in one line.

Code: Select all

if syntaxcheck then return end
Booster Shot.
Gives you all those vital vitamins and minerals that boost your defences and abilities.
Disappears on Load.

Vitamins to look at:
local abilityPoints     = 30         -- 30 is maximum.
local movementMeters    = 1000       -- The amount of movement.
local rollBonus         = 50         -- Bonus added to all dice rolls.
local resistanceLevel   = "Immune"   -- Resistant or Immune.
local damageRoll        = "12d12+20" -- 1d4, 1d4+3, etc.
local weaponEnchantment = "20"       -- Dagger +20.
local sightSpellRange   = 32
local damageTypeWeapon  = {
local damageType = {
local ability = {
local skill = {
rollType = {

boost = {
  string.format("DarkvisionRangeMin(%s);", sightSpellRange),
  string.format("SightRangeMinimum(%s);", sightSpellRange),
  string.format("UnlockSpellVariant(DistantSpellCheck(),ModifyTargetRadius(Override,%s),);", sightSpellRange),
  string.format("UnlockSpellVariant(DistantTouchSpellCheck(),ModifyTargetRadius(Override,%s),ModifySpellFlags(Melee,0),);", sightSpellRange),
  string.format("ActionResourceOverride(Movement,%s,0);", movementMeters),
  string.format("WeaponEnchantment(%s);", weaponEnchantment),
for i = 1, #rollType do
  table.insert(boost, string.format("RollBonus(%s,%s);", rollType[i], rollBonus))
  table.insert(boost, string.format("MinimumRollResult(%s,%s);", rollType[i], 20))
for i = 1, #damageTypeWeapon do
  table.insert(boost, string.format("CharacterUnarmedDamage(%s, %s);", damageRoll, damageTypeWeapon[i]))
  table.insert(boost, string.format("CharacterWeaponDamage(%s, %s);", damageRoll, damageTypeWeapon[i]))
for i = 1, #damageType do
  table.insert(boost, string.format("Resistance(%s, %s);", damageType[i], resistanceLevel))
for i = 1, #ability do
  table.insert(boost, string.format("AbilityOverrideMinimum(%s, %s);", ability[i], abilityPoints))
  table.insert(boost, string.format("ProficiencyBonus(SavingThrow, %s);", ability[i]))
--[[ For some reason, the following breaks the rest.
for i = 1, #skill do
  table.insert(boost, string.format("ProficiencyBonus(Skill, %s);", skill[i]))
  table.insert(boost, string.format("ExpertiseBonus(%s);", skill[i]))
  table.insert(boost, string.format("Advantage(Skill,%s)", skill[i]))
I have had the suspicion that the game would crash if the execution takes too long. Maybe the loops cause enough extra overhead that it will crash, as opposed to just have everything static.
Super Noob Question Time: Where do I input this delicious code bit and others like it in CE? Do I open the CT table in Notepad++ and just manually add it? Please and thank you.
Copy one of the existing cheats from Zanzer's table (mark it then do CTRL+C and CTRL+V). When you have a copy of that cheat, simply double click the name (the Description column) to rename it. Double click <script> on the cheat to edit the script. Then replace the content with the code from above.

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