On my way out so I may need to update this when I get back. The weapons root template changes the look of the weapon to the best of my knowledge. You can unpack the root template which is in a folder called root template and find the matching id with all other information. You can leave the using info the same.
In regards to weight I don't think it affects physics but it is used with some function to check if you can lift or throw an object, since everything is an object as usual in programming. What I did was look for rocks and heavy objects and compared their value to characters objects. Sorry, can't finish thought, I'm being nagged to leave.
Edit: Example, I tested it to make sure what I was saying is accurate enough.
My unique staff of rain, its root template used to be 28b38ae1-8d66-4d8e-a4f0-5d4c6c342c59 from original rain staff. I changed it e6b027a7-40bb-445e-b199-38b08d2b4832. The staff now looks like a warhammer for new games only, nothing changed on older saved games.
Code: Select all
new entry "UNI_StaffOfRain_Test"
type "Weapon"
using "WPN_Quarterstaff"
data "RootTemplate" "e6b027a7-40bb-445e-b199-38b08d2b4832"
data "ValueOverride" "100"
data "Rarity" "Uncommon"
data "Boosts" "UnlockSpell(Target_Topple);UnlockSpell(Target_CreateWater_StaffOfRain);UnlockSpell(Shout_UND_FeatherFall_Tower_Boots);UnlockSpell(Shout_Invisibility_Cheat);UnlockSpell(Target_Guidance);UnlockSpell(Projectile_SacredFlame)"
// used this root template for testing
new entry "WPN_Warhammer_2"
type "Weapon"
using "WPN_Warhammer"
data "RootTemplate" "e6b027a7-40bb-445e-b199-38b08d2b4832" // this
data "ValueOverride" "1500"
data "Rarity" "VeryRare"
data "DefaultBoosts" "WeaponEnchantment(2)"
I tested the weight to the best of my abilities, I'm still now sure if there is a hook for physics but definitely something to prevent or allow throwing heavier weighted objects.