Heads up! Equipping a cloak by getting one through the spawn item tool crashes the game in when going into cutscenes. Tested on the nautiloid cradle at the beginning of the game
ok I made work something resembling a monk flurry (ie 2 immediate unarmed attacks).
How to proceed to add that to a rogue:
1) open Shared\Public\Shared\Stats\Generated\Data\spell_target.txt
look for Target_Flurry in the file. in the block of code, remove data "WeaponTypes" "Melee" line. it will remove the requirement to have a melee weapon in hand. save file
2) open Shared\Public\Shared\Lists\spellists.lsx
look for sneak in the file. add Target_Flurry to the line as:
new entry "CHA_CompassSpear"
using "WPN_Spear"
data "RootTemplate" "7fdf8022-629a-4b34-b0c0-3295bfb2903d"
new entry "DEN_Apprentice_DaggerOfShar"
using "WPN_Dagger"
data "RootTemplate" "bd2b35bf-375d-4a34-99a0-104e8157e305"
new entry "DEN_HalsinBlade"
using "WPN_Glaive_1"
data "RootTemplate" "0de9e072-7048-4d07-8bbe-79e0591674c2"
new entry "DEN_TunnelStaff"
using "WPN_Quarterstaff"
data "RootTemplate" "4893bf4e-97e1-48e0-ada8-6bbf115ad68b"
new entry "FOR_TrueSoul_Spear"
using "WPN_Spear"
data "RootTemplate" "a2f4c951-7db4-4d60-9888-f2ad50af7110"
new entry "FOR_Village_Blacksmith_FineSword"
using "WPN_Shortsword"
data "RootTemplate" "65b41886-823d-416b-b53e-c332a3aad530"
new entry "FOR_IncompleteMasterwork_SussurGreatsword"
using "WPN_Greatsword"
data "RootTemplate" "44dedec0-df82-4ed3-b9ca-147bd830e312"
new entry "FOR_IncompleteMasterwork_SussurDagger"
using "WPN_Dagger"
data "RootTemplate" "8733edb7-f04e-4b6d-ad48-7d49fb782bef"
new entry "FOR_IncompleteMasterwork_SussurSickle"
using "WPN_Sickle"
data "RootTemplate" "6b95bb45-41c3-4954-ac2f-ef1aa169b0b6"
new entry "FOR_WebStaff"
using "WPN_Quarterstaff"
data "RootTemplate" "baa8bd91-09ec-4c92-a0e1-4a5a9d4ea8ed"
new entry "GOB_DrowCommander_Mace"
using "WPN_Mace"
data "RootTemplate" "4b0131e0-875a-4f3c-8b41-dbf653857d00"
new entry "GOB_GoblinKing_Warhammer"
using "WPN_Warhammer"
data "RootTemplate" "37a29c63-3fcd-43bd-8021-c363dcc852bc"
new entry "GOB_PainPriest_Dagger"
using "WPN_Dagger"
data "RootTemplate" "11aa209f-6e42-40bd-a12c-aa33445c21ea"
new entry "GOB_PainPriest_Scourge"
using "WPN_Mace"
data "RootTemplate" "b1dc33ba-c595-4036-9683-26635f297e44"
new entry "GOB_PainPriest_Handaxe"
using "WPN_Handaxe"
data "RootTemplate" "5c996c03-99e9-40c1-8acf-d761550d26f5"
new entry "GOB_Torturer_Spear"
using "WPN_Spear"
data "RootTemplate" "1fea9dfa-96a6-43c5-bce8-34452baa073e"
new entry "GOB_Pens_Dagger"
using "WPN_Dagger"
data "RootTemplate" "529fe100-de0b-4a34-a669-4861ee4538a2"
new entry "Quest_HAG_HagLair_Staff"
using "WPN_Quarterstaff"
data "RootTemplate" "544e81be-cc28-4fdf-aea7-9a31940af4d0"
new entry "HAG_SwampedHero_OldFancyGreatsword"
using "WPN_Greatsword"
data "RootTemplate" "0bf738cf-c0b7-471c-b66e-91578a6f657f"
new entry "PLA_ConflictedFlind_Flail_Broken"
using "WPN_Mace"
data "RootTemplate" "8a527abd-a2ff-4267-a067-d26bdf6742ee"
new entry "PLA_WPN_SwordOfJustice"
using "WPN_Greatsword_1"
data "RootTemplate" "455383a5-1211-4500-85f9-b71fad3fbf15"
new entry "UND_SocietyOfBrillinace_ResonanceStaff"
using "WPN_Quarterstaff"
data "RootTemplate" "62da3651-f2e4-4371-b5f2-fd06dd705030"
new entry "UND_Duergar_ShortswordOfFirstBlood"
using "WPN_Shortsword"
data "RootTemplate" "1e172d76-3433-4ee7-ae1a-9e7d8ae0f12b"
new entry "UND_DuergarRaft_PestKillerAxe"
using "WPN_Greataxe"
data "RootTemplate" "6e05319b-d8c4-4dbc-b0f4-cea561810fa6"
new entry "UND_DuergarRaft_GruesomeHammer"
using "WPN_Warhammer"
data "RootTemplate" "4d1f9bce-1884-47d0-a420-69417f397139"
new entry "UNI_SickleOfBOOOAL"
using "WPN_Sickle"
data "RootTemplate" "a07f2e91-e084-4fe5-9dbb-ef7de76a3c0a"
new entry "UND_StrengthChair_Leg"
using "WPN_Club"
data "RootTemplate" "768010ce-dcfe-43bb-8398-2d681d4fa6eb"
new entry "UND_Tower_StaffBlessMystra"
using "WPN_Quarterstaff"
data "RootTemplate" "da0ba39a-366d-456b-8dbd-1c5790ca40bf"
new entry "UND_DuergarBlacksmithHammer"
using "WPN_LightHammer_1"
data "RootTemplate" "20e6fc7e-a9d1-403b-a725-e3fe781521bb"
new entry "UNI_SuperheavyWeapon"
using "WPN_Greataxe"
data "RootTemplate" "b3ed22d9-dd32-46c3-928a-e7253a843dfc"
new entry "UNI_DoomAxe"
using "WPN_Greataxe"
data "RootTemplate" "2f481fef-1877-4eac-820d-dc3210ff0b36"
new entry "UNI_RepeatStaff"
using "WPN_Quarterstaff"
data "RootTemplate" "48b4f49b-2937-4664-ac87-7db2c64d09c9"
new entry "UNI_BurnerHandaxe"
using "WPN_Handaxe"
data "RootTemplate" "4f67b6cb-ccc4-497e-b5d3-2804726e8706"
new entry "UNI_BloodGreataxe"
using "WPN_Greataxe"
data "RootTemplate" "e1e090ec-ab8c-4db4-a0c3-8b7ab24bb181"
Does anyone have a more complete list of weapon codes, i.e. this awesome list from methos2523 doesn't seem to include bows or crossbows (maybe others too). If there's a way to scroll through them with the table, I haven't figured it out yet, sorry.
Edit: Also, how do we find out about the upvote limits? There are so many people helping, I want to thank them. But maybe we are limited per day or hour, the number we can give?
Here's a cleaner version of my fake flurry of blows, that doesnt modify how target_flurry ability works.
Modify target_flurryofblows section in spell_target.txt like this, then reference Target_FlurryOfBlows in spelllists.lsx on the class you want.
new entry "Target_FlurryOfBlows"
type "SpellData"
data "SpellType" "Target"
data "AIFlags" "CanNotUse"
data "SpellProperties" "GROUND:DealDamage(MainMeleeWeapon, MainMeleeWeaponDamageType); GROUND:ExecuteWeaponFunctors(MainHand); GROUND:DealDamage(OffhandMeleeWeapon, OffhandMeleeWeaponDamageType); GROUND:ExecuteWeaponFunctors(OffHand)"
data "TargetRadius" "MeleeMainWeaponRange"
data "SpellRoll" "Attack(AttackType.MeleeWeaponAttack)"
data "SpellSuccess" "DealDamage(1d10+UnarmedMeleeAbilityModifier, Bludgeoning);DealDamage(1d10+UnarmedMeleeAbilityModifier, Bludgeoning);"
data "TargetConditions" "not Self() and not Dead()"
data "Icon" "Action_Flurry"
data "DisplayName" "Target_FlurryOfBlows_DisplayName"
data "Description" "Target_FlurryOfBlows_Description"
data "PrepareEffect" "VFX_Actions_Prepare_WeaponAttack_Target_Flurry_Root_01,Detach:Dummy_Root::0:None::None::0:0::::"
data "CastEffect" "VFX_Actions_Cast_WeaponAttack_Target_Flurry_Slashing_CastFX_Textkey_01:Dummy_CastFX:CastSlash:0:None::None::0:0::::;VFX_Actions_Cast_WeaponAttack_Target_Flurry_Piercing_CastFX_Textkey_01:Dummy_CastFX:CastPierce:0:None::None::0:0::::;VFX_Actions_Cast_WeaponAttack_Target_Flurry_Weapon_01:Dummy_FX_01::0:None::None::0:0::::;VFX_Actions_Cast_WeaponAttack_Target_Flurry_Weapon_02:Dummy_Root::0:None::None::0:0::::"
data "TargetEffect" "VFX_Actions_Cast_WeaponAttack_Target_Flurryr_Impact_01,Detach:Dummy_BodyFX:Cast:0:None::None::0:0::::;VFX_Actions_Cast_WeaponAttack_Impact_Overlay_01:Dummy_BodyFX:Cast:0:None::None::0:0::::"
data "CastTextEvent" "Cast"
data "CastSound" "Action_Cast_Flurry"
data "UseCosts" "ActionPoint:1"
data "SpellAnimationArcaneMagic" "8b8bb757-21ce-4e02-a2f3-97d55cf2f90b(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Prepare);6606c30b-be1c-4f17-ae6b-1a591c80b18c(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Antic);f4ac302b-1569-404f-bd52-1fe443e265df(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Attack):722df2d7-7898-4b0b-b930-5a850b55ccf0(CMBT_Melee_LHand_Combat_01_Attack);a693a7c3-e7e7-4edb-98dd-db5fd700663f(CMBT_Melee_LHand_Combat_01_Recover);7bb52cd4-0b1c-4926-9165-fa92b75876a3(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Loop);2b81c18b-9698-4262-a623-932c2bb1296d(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Dash)"
data "SpellAnimationDivineMagic" "8b8bb757-21ce-4e02-a2f3-97d55cf2f90b(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Prepare);6606c30b-be1c-4f17-ae6b-1a591c80b18c(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Antic);f4ac302b-1569-404f-bd52-1fe443e265df(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Attack):722df2d7-7898-4b0b-b930-5a850b55ccf0(CMBT_Melee_LHand_Combat_01_Attack);a693a7c3-e7e7-4edb-98dd-db5fd700663f(CMBT_Melee_LHand_Combat_01_Recover);7bb52cd4-0b1c-4926-9165-fa92b75876a3(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Loop);2b81c18b-9698-4262-a623-932c2bb1296d(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Dash)"
data "SpellAnimationNoneMagic" "8b8bb757-21ce-4e02-a2f3-97d55cf2f90b(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Prepare);6606c30b-be1c-4f17-ae6b-1a591c80b18c(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Antic);f4ac302b-1569-404f-bd52-1fe443e265df(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Attack):722df2d7-7898-4b0b-b930-5a850b55ccf0(CMBT_Melee_LHand_Combat_01_Attack);a693a7c3-e7e7-4edb-98dd-db5fd700663f(CMBT_Melee_LHand_Combat_01_Recover);7bb52cd4-0b1c-4926-9165-fa92b75876a3(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Loop);2b81c18b-9698-4262-a623-932c2bb1296d(CMBT_Melee_RHand_Combat_01_Dash)"
data "SpellFlags" "IsMelee;IsHarmful"
I put 1d10+unarmedmodified damage twice (one for each fist). feel free to change that.
My most requested feature is picking skills on character creation. Usually 2/2 or 3/3. But not all the skills are unlocked then. At level 4 you can pick a feat and the "skilled" feat you'll have a choice of 3 skills 3/3. I would love the ability to pick all of them at lvl 4. Is it possible someone can locate that pointer and add it to the trainer?
i need cheat full Skills With Proficiency and Skills Without Proficiency help me thank
This can be done and it can be limited to just the Player Character but only at character creation. To make it limited you have to tweak a file giving your character the githyanki skill racial ability. You can give this ability to any race and you can increase the number of skill picks. It also seems that because every character in the game so far has already been created they have already made their level 1 skill picks.
Has anyone managed to figure out how to increase the limit on abilities such as Eldritch Invocations during level up?
Yes tested this yesterday when found the warlock progression table (I grabbed the line of code to show how Larian assigned abilities through this coding vs through "tags" to characters.) Anyway i gave my warlock 7 invocations at 2nd lvl. It was more to test which one worked and didn't work than to have 7 invocations. Still have to test the devil sight but next big combat.
The nice thing is all three of you want something that can be tweaked in the Progressions.lxs file. On page 23 I show you where to place the file in your game files. because it is a loose file if overrides the .pak file without rewriting game files and it you screw up the tweak just delete the loose file and poof back to factory resets for the game.
If you guys need help tweaking the file I can walk you through how. On page 23 i have a sample file that gives half-elf characters 2 skill picks as stated in the 5e PHB.
Last edited by Gothfather on Sun Oct 18, 2020 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hey all, I changed up the Pet Pal, Comprehend Languages, and Detect Thoughts to use the SetTag() command instead.
These are now permanent. You can also add any of the other tags to your characters. I included Hermit and Urchin.
You all can assemble the list of UUIDs for the other tags out there in the ./Shared/Tags folder.
Also added the command to Toggle Fog of War.
From my understanding of how the character creation systems work any character with Hermit or urchin background PC or NPC will now have these abilities correct? Could giving these abilities to NPCs break the game if they used them but the game hasn't scripted a result for them?
new entry "CHA_CompassSpear"
using "WPN_Spear"
data "RootTemplate" "7fdf8022-629a-4b34-b0c0-3295bfb2903d"
new entry "DEN_Apprentice_DaggerOfShar"
using "WPN_Dagger"
data "RootTemplate" "bd2b35bf-375d-4a34-99a0-104e8157e305"
new entry "DEN_HalsinBlade"
using "WPN_Glaive_1"
data "RootTemplate" "0de9e072-7048-4d07-8bbe-79e0591674c2"
new entry "DEN_TunnelStaff"
using "WPN_Quarterstaff"
data "RootTemplate" "4893bf4e-97e1-48e0-ada8-6bbf115ad68b"
new entry "FOR_TrueSoul_Spear"
using "WPN_Spear"
data "RootTemplate" "a2f4c951-7db4-4d60-9888-f2ad50af7110"
new entry "FOR_Village_Blacksmith_FineSword"
using "WPN_Shortsword"
data "RootTemplate" "65b41886-823d-416b-b53e-c332a3aad530"
new entry "FOR_IncompleteMasterwork_SussurGreatsword"
using "WPN_Greatsword"
data "RootTemplate" "44dedec0-df82-4ed3-b9ca-147bd830e312"
new entry "FOR_IncompleteMasterwork_SussurDagger"
using "WPN_Dagger"
data "RootTemplate" "8733edb7-f04e-4b6d-ad48-7d49fb782bef"
new entry "FOR_IncompleteMasterwork_SussurSickle"
using "WPN_Sickle"
data "RootTemplate" "6b95bb45-41c3-4954-ac2f-ef1aa169b0b6"
new entry "FOR_WebStaff"
using "WPN_Quarterstaff"
data "RootTemplate" "baa8bd91-09ec-4c92-a0e1-4a5a9d4ea8ed"
new entry "GOB_DrowCommander_Mace"
using "WPN_Mace"
data "RootTemplate" "4b0131e0-875a-4f3c-8b41-dbf653857d00"
new entry "GOB_GoblinKing_Warhammer"
using "WPN_Warhammer"
data "RootTemplate" "37a29c63-3fcd-43bd-8021-c363dcc852bc"
new entry "GOB_PainPriest_Dagger"
using "WPN_Dagger"
data "RootTemplate" "11aa209f-6e42-40bd-a12c-aa33445c21ea"
new entry "GOB_PainPriest_Scourge"
using "WPN_Mace"
data "RootTemplate" "b1dc33ba-c595-4036-9683-26635f297e44"
new entry "GOB_PainPriest_Handaxe"
using "WPN_Handaxe"
data "RootTemplate" "5c996c03-99e9-40c1-8acf-d761550d26f5"
new entry "GOB_Torturer_Spear"
using "WPN_Spear"
data "RootTemplate" "1fea9dfa-96a6-43c5-bce8-34452baa073e"
new entry "GOB_Pens_Dagger"
using "WPN_Dagger"
data "RootTemplate" "529fe100-de0b-4a34-a669-4861ee4538a2"
new entry "Quest_HAG_HagLair_Staff"
using "WPN_Quarterstaff"
data "RootTemplate" "544e81be-cc28-4fdf-aea7-9a31940af4d0"
new entry "HAG_SwampedHero_OldFancyGreatsword"
using "WPN_Greatsword"
data "RootTemplate" "0bf738cf-c0b7-471c-b66e-91578a6f657f"
new entry "PLA_ConflictedFlind_Flail_Broken"
using "WPN_Mace"
data "RootTemplate" "8a527abd-a2ff-4267-a067-d26bdf6742ee"
new entry "PLA_WPN_SwordOfJustice"
using "WPN_Greatsword_1"
data "RootTemplate" "455383a5-1211-4500-85f9-b71fad3fbf15"
new entry "UND_SocietyOfBrillinace_ResonanceStaff"
using "WPN_Quarterstaff"
data "RootTemplate" "62da3651-f2e4-4371-b5f2-fd06dd705030"
new entry "UND_Duergar_ShortswordOfFirstBlood"
using "WPN_Shortsword"
data "RootTemplate" "1e172d76-3433-4ee7-ae1a-9e7d8ae0f12b"
new entry "UND_DuergarRaft_PestKillerAxe"
using "WPN_Greataxe"
data "RootTemplate" "6e05319b-d8c4-4dbc-b0f4-cea561810fa6"
new entry "UND_DuergarRaft_GruesomeHammer"
using "WPN_Warhammer"
data "RootTemplate" "4d1f9bce-1884-47d0-a420-69417f397139"
new entry "UNI_SickleOfBOOOAL"
using "WPN_Sickle"
data "RootTemplate" "a07f2e91-e084-4fe5-9dbb-ef7de76a3c0a"
new entry "UND_StrengthChair_Leg"
using "WPN_Club"
data "RootTemplate" "768010ce-dcfe-43bb-8398-2d681d4fa6eb"
new entry "UND_Tower_StaffBlessMystra"
using "WPN_Quarterstaff"
data "RootTemplate" "da0ba39a-366d-456b-8dbd-1c5790ca40bf"
new entry "UND_DuergarBlacksmithHammer"
using "WPN_LightHammer_1"
data "RootTemplate" "20e6fc7e-a9d1-403b-a725-e3fe781521bb"
new entry "UNI_SuperheavyWeapon"
using "WPN_Greataxe"
data "RootTemplate" "b3ed22d9-dd32-46c3-928a-e7253a843dfc"
new entry "UNI_DoomAxe"
using "WPN_Greataxe"
data "RootTemplate" "2f481fef-1877-4eac-820d-dc3210ff0b36"
new entry "UNI_RepeatStaff"
using "WPN_Quarterstaff"
data "RootTemplate" "48b4f49b-2937-4664-ac87-7db2c64d09c9"
new entry "UNI_BurnerHandaxe"
using "WPN_Handaxe"
data "RootTemplate" "4f67b6cb-ccc4-497e-b5d3-2804726e8706"
new entry "UNI_BloodGreataxe"
using "WPN_Greataxe"
data "RootTemplate" "e1e090ec-ab8c-4db4-a0c3-8b7ab24bb181"
Does anyone have a more complete list of weapon codes, i.e. this awesome list from methos2523 doesn't seem to include bows or crossbows (maybe others too). If there's a way to scroll through them with the table, I haven't figured it out yet, sorry.
Edit: Also, how do we find out about the upvote limits? There are so many people helping, I want to thank them. But maybe we are limited per day or hour, the number we can give?
Tiffany page 17 has a good list for magical and non magical items but it isn't complete but good foundation of normal +1 or +2 items.
I followed the instructions to add the updated data.txt from page 12, but my character only shows 30 max ability, +10 bonus for stats. As well, I cannot get past level 4. I changed the max xp to 38400 which I thought would let me level up to 10. What am I doing wrong?