kaiiak wrote: ↑Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:28 pm
Gothfather wrote: ↑Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:00 pm
kaiiak wrote: ↑Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:46 pm
Anyone found a way to apply data "Boosts" or effect to passive.txt or characters.txt and ONLY to the player ?
it seems that everything applied to "_Hero" is effecting the entire party
I tried using :IF(Tagged('CUSTOM', context.Source)) in passive.txt with no luck
okay from what I can tell there is no uniqueness to the PC as all the systems the PC uses to create a character are used by any other characters. So any class you tweak to add the boosts will give those boosts to everyone with said class. If you tweak a background than anyone with that background also get the boosts. If you tweak the race... you get the idea.
There doesn't seem to be a unique system to the player to allow for that kind of player only tweaking. At least from what I can see rooting around in the games files. Maybe in the future someone will discover something I missed. But as I understand how the systems work currently, it can't be done.
Thanks ,
AFAIK the "Custom" tag is specific to the player. and even if it's not not . we can probably create multiple if conditions to make it specific to the player.
my problem is that I cant seem to get any If('tag') to work in passive.txt . I would really appreciate it if somewhere can provide an example of ANY if statement working within passive.txt context
From what I can see "Tags" are not scrip tags but just a string added to the character under Tags. And what I mean by that is, if you pick the background noble that doesn't give you the tag Noble and then anyone with the tag noble get A, B, & C, rather you pick noble get A, B, & C and then your character gets the tag noble. So the computer isn't looking for a tag applied to a character to give it abilities rather it adds the abilities then adds the tag. Does that make sense?
This is a snip from backgrounds.lsx for the noble
Code: Select all
<node id="Background">
<attribute id="Description" type="FixedString" value="Backgrounds_New_Stat_4_Description"/>
<attribute id="DisplayName" type="FixedString" value="Backgrounds_New_Stat_4_DisplayName"/>
<attribute id="Passives" type="LSString" value="Background_Noble"/>
<attribute id="UUID" type="guid" value="7e820dee-a8fc-43b2-8661-2b404454bade"/>
<node id="Tags">
<attribute id="Object" type="guid" value="56825486-9cfc-4ec2-87d1-c8065c41774b"/>
From what i can gather from this (Note i am not a coder and really am just a tweaker so I say nothing definitively as I could be WAY off here.) 7e820dee-a8fc-43b2-8661-2b404454bade Tells the computer what to do when you pick the noble background and 56825486-9cfc-4ec2-87d1-c8065c41774b tells the computer to add the tag noble. Again could be way off but this seems to be how the game does things. The "Noble" tag doesn't seem to be a trigger for abilities but I have seen a Class or Race tag used in dialogues.
From what I can gather a tag might be just a mechanic used in dialogue vs telling the computer that it needs to apply X to a character. The engine seems to use a different naming conventions to add abilities that are not unique like the examples above.
"SelectPassives(333fb1b0-9398-4ca8-953e-6c0f9a59bbed,20,WarlockInvocations) which means let the player select 20 warlock invocations from 333fb1b0-9398-4ca8-953e-6c0f9a59bbed. [i tweaked this bit of code to allow
20 innovations picks instead of 2 to show how the engine merges systems.] This line of code is used in the Progressions.lsx file for a warlock at 2nd level. This alphanumerical code convention is used for class, backgrounds, class features(all character creation features it seems), spells, skills and so on. And none seem to be unique to the PC. So any tweaks to these creates a universal tweak vs a PC specific tweak. I hope this is making sense. oh and these codes seem to be all over the place and finding the specific file they are in is a chore. And they can be in multiple locations forcing you to tweak multiple files like my post on how to add what skills your class can pick for proficiencies.
Again not saying what you want is impossible but rather saying I haven't found any system used to create a character that is unique that would allow that type of tweak to be restricted to just the PC.