z Baldur's Gate 3

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by TemptingIcarus »

SunBeam wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:21 am
TemptingIcarus wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 6:53 am
I got everything working. Thank you so much and the cape physics are pretty rad. I'll have to go through all the options with the table to see what can be edited. Right now what I am after is two things. Huge amounts of damage. (Think the hundreds of thousands) and Rare/Unique Weapons. (Think Rain Staff). I also want to see if there's a way we can modify weapons or add modifiers to a weapon roll. For example, a 1d4 Dart. Would we be able to modify it to do 10d10 damage and add like Lightning Element to it. I don't have the expertise or know-how to pull this off. So it'd be neat if someone knew what to look for to get this accomplished.

Also some of the perma-cheats changes don't stick. The adding lightning damage for example is only temporary. If anyone wishes to pursue what I've requested, let me know. I'll do what I can to help out. Thanks so much for the work on the table.
If you intend to use the above in multi-player, I really recommend laying off the "edit weapon stats" part, as there are sync checks. Imagine the uuid for said weapon points to a STOCK item, whose default stats won't be the ones you alter. At which point "incompatible clients" (found it somewhere in the string references) or even no notification, just disconnects, will hit your ass.. I'm assuming here if you're the host the others will be kicked out, whereas if all of you have identical edited stats, there won't be any drawbacks?..
I don't play these games for the multiplayer. I don't like playing games with people, as I assume most people are just fucking stupid and I can't be bothered to deal with their nonsense and BG3 is near and dear to my heart as I cranked hundreds of hours into Baldur's Gate 2 during my PS2 days. So for sure I'm running solo in BG3.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by faytlowell »

TemptingIcarus wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 9:24 pm
SunBeam wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:21 am
TemptingIcarus wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 6:53 am
I got everything working. Thank you so much and the cape physics are pretty rad. I'll have to go through all the options with the table to see what can be edited. Right now what I am after is two things. Huge amounts of damage. (Think the hundreds of thousands) and Rare/Unique Weapons. (Think Rain Staff). I also want to see if there's a way we can modify weapons or add modifiers to a weapon roll. For example, a 1d4 Dart. Would we be able to modify it to do 10d10 damage and add like Lightning Element to it. I don't have the expertise or know-how to pull this off. So it'd be neat if someone knew what to look for to get this accomplished.

Also some of the perma-cheats changes don't stick. The adding lightning damage for example is only temporary. If anyone wishes to pursue what I've requested, let me know. I'll do what I can to help out. Thanks so much for the work on the table.
If you intend to use the above in multi-player, I really recommend laying off the "edit weapon stats" part, as there are sync checks. Imagine the uuid for said weapon points to a STOCK item, whose default stats won't be the ones you alter. At which point "incompatible clients" (found it somewhere in the string references) or even no notification, just disconnects, will hit your ass.. I'm assuming here if you're the host the others will be kicked out, whereas if all of you have identical edited stats, there won't be any drawbacks?..
I don't play these games for the multiplayer. I don't like playing games with people, as I assume most people are just fucking stupid and I can't be bothered to deal with their nonsense and BG3 is near and dear to my heart as I cranked hundreds of hours into Baldur's Gate 2 during my PS2 days. So for sure I'm running solo in BG3.
I thought the Ps2 never got the two CRPG Baldurs Gate games that came before this one. They only got the dark alliance spin off series that plays like diablo AFAIK. I would have loved to play Shadows of Amn when i didnt have a PC. :P

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by TemptingIcarus »

faytlowell wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 9:32 pm
TemptingIcarus wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 9:24 pm
SunBeam wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:21 am

If you intend to use the above in multi-player, I really recommend laying off the "edit weapon stats" part, as there are sync checks. Imagine the uuid for said weapon points to a STOCK item, whose default stats won't be the ones you alter. At which point "incompatible clients" (found it somewhere in the string references) or even no notification, just disconnects, will hit your ass.. I'm assuming here if you're the host the others will be kicked out, whereas if all of you have identical edited stats, there won't be any drawbacks?..
I don't play these games for the multiplayer. I don't like playing games with people, as I assume most people are just fucking stupid and I can't be bothered to deal with their nonsense and BG3 is near and dear to my heart as I cranked hundreds of hours into Baldur's Gate 2 during my PS2 days. So for sure I'm running solo in BG3.
I thought the Ps2 never got the two CRPG Baldurs Gate games that came before this one. They only got the dark alliance spin off series that plays like diablo AFAIK. I would have loved to play Shadows of Amn when i didnt have a PC. :P
Yeah I played Dark Alliance on PS2. I grinded that game for hours. I loved it. The way horsemen died was great.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Urguwno »

Thanks so much for releasing this!

Other things I'd love to see...

- Unlimited duration spells. (or really really long)
- ESP. Show names on all lootable objects at all times. (e.g. Barrels, crates, chests, etc.)

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by djkunn »

SunBeam wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 4:50 pm
djkunn wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:37 pm

Enjoy the read. GOG forces you to reinstall the WHOLE game. Much like the Steam variant works (re-downloading whole game files all over again). I really suggest reading the content in that post, so you don't wander around clueless and posting shit you *think* is normal. In that topic you have the explanation. Go get cultivated, if you really care. Else, like I also said there, keep the opinions to yourself, since you're not affected.
I'm not posting shit, I said that may have been a problem with steam because I have no problem with Gog, I did update the game no problem from gog and only needed those +200mbs of free space to install the last update, not 180gb like you.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by SunBeam »

^ How about you stick to your platform and stop assuming? Am sick and tired of "opinionists"; especially when you don't fucking have this issue.. but feel the urge to give your opinion..

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by TheBoorsh »

Zmg9 wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:24 pm
neuronek wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:45 pm
Hmm I tried:

Still no go :( Other ideas ? :)
Add this to the Passive.txt file:

Code: Select all

new entry "R_Professional"
type "PassiveData"
data "DisplayName" "Passive_Background_FolkHero_DisplayName"
data "Boosts" "Tag(COMPREHEND_LANGUAGES);Tag(DETECTTHOUGHTS);Tag(PETPAL);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Athletics);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Acrobatics);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Stealth);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,SleightOfHand);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Arcana);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,History);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Investigation);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Nature);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Religion);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,AnimalHandling);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Insight);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Medicine);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Perception);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Survival);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Deception);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Intimidation);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Performance);ProficiencyBonus(Skill,Persuasion)"
And this is in the section:

Code: Select all

new entry" _Hero "
in the Character.txt file, and you will be happy.

Code: Select all

data "Passives" "AttackOfOpportunity;Backstab;DarknessRules;ShortResting;R_Professional"
data "Proficiency Group" "SimpleWeapons;MartialWeapons;MediumArmor;HeavyArmor;LightArmor;Shields"
By the way, this can also be done, use in the text above.

Code: Select all

Сan be added below, and then happiness will increase 50 times)

Code: Select all

data "DefaultBoosts" "ProficiencyBonusOverride(50)"
By the way, this is also highly recommended to try, I assure you will like it, removes all restrictions!

Code: Select all

ActionResource(SpellSlot,1,3);//maybe not, but just in case, let it be
Using with the condition .. I hope to find the player's mark, but for now I'm doing the opposite ..

Code: Select all

IF(not Tagged('ASTARION', context.Source)):CharacterWeaponDamage(100);
Last things are added to

Code: Select all

data "DefaultBoosts"
Thanks man. Solves many of my personal issues.
Does this work retroactive?
Any other cool stuff you can do in character.txt?
Увеличить бы как то скорость передвижения героев вне боя. Но сам не могу найти где это можно поменять. Если есть идеи, отпиши пожалуйста. Спасибо еще раз)

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by methos2523 »

i've been experimenting linking passives and a few other bits to rings instead of armour or character base...

rings work really well for spells, passives, feats and everything else from my experiments so far... including adding things like weapon / armour proficiency, and movement bonuses going as high as you want.

can add rings to the starting inventory easily enough, and it gives you the freedom to switch them out, or duplicate them for extra party members.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Halliday »

I almost finished the save editor (like the EEKeeper anno), I'll upload to the Nexus today.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by DaedalusBerlin »

Halliday wrote:
Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:30 am
I almost finished the save editor (like the EEKeeper anno), I'll upload to the Nexus today.
There is no BG3 Nexus yet, afaik :( Edit: Never mind, it gets created when you add a mod.

Thanks for your efforts anyhow. Thanks to everyone in here. Registered just to say hi and give my thanks to all the talented folks in here. :)

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Halliday »

DaedalusBerlin wrote:
Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:02 am
Halliday wrote:
Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:30 am
I almost finished the save editor (like the EEKeeper anno), I'll upload to the Nexus today.
There is no BG3 Nexus yet, afaik :( Edit: Never mind, it gets created when you add a mod.

Thanks for your efforts anyhow. Thanks to everyone in here. Registered just to say hi and give my thanks to all the talented folks in here. :)
Know, i 'll make one tomorrow/today (iam admin there) :arrow:

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Helios2216 »

I finally signed up after lurking for years just to let you guys know you can create your own spells. Of course it's EA so a lot will change from now to release. The new spell is simple so no crashing or issues yet, and I turned off data sharing.

In Public/Shared/Stats/Generated/Data you can add new entries to spell_etc to create custom spells. Below I copied ray of frost and created a new spell from its template in spell_projectile.txt. You then have to add the new entry name to a spell list found in Public/Shared/Stats/Generated/Lists/SpellLists.lsx, example: Projectile_EldritchBlast;Shout_BladeWard;Projectile_SpiderWeb. I didn't look up the uuid/guid for matching classes spells, intuitively it makes sense that the spell list correspond with specific array of spells/cantrips. Lastly, I understand this thread technically is for tables, I just wanted to [add] a bit of info for those who are using mods and tables in conjunction and willing to experiment.

EDIT: The guid's from spelllist.lsx correspond with the linked list nodes in progressions.lsx according to level. Basically, you can make your own class minus custom descriptions.

Aside: // are comments.

Code: Select all

new entry "Projectile_SpiderWeb" // you can give it any name but this will be used elsewhere
type "SpellData"
data "SpellType" "Projectile"
data "Level" "0" 
data "SpellSchool" "Evocation"
data "SpellProperties" "GROUND:SurfaceChange(Web);GROUND:CreateSurface(3,10,Web)" // !important if you want area of effect 
data "TargetRadius" "18"
data "SpellRoll" "Attack(AttackType.RangedSpellAttack)" //
data "SpellSuccess" "DealDamage(1d8,Force)"   // Fire, Acid, Cold most likely more
data "TargetConditions" "not Self() and not Dead()"
data "ProjectileCount" "1"
data "Template" "3eaf2c46-46a9-4b52-8e05-fae7dc4e548b"
data "Icon" "Spell_Conjuration_Web"
data "DisplayName" "Target_Web_DisplayName"  // No sure how to change || where the list of names
data "Description" "Target_Web_Description"
data "DescriptionParams" "DealDamage(1d8,Force);Distance(3)"
data "TooltipDamageList" "DealDamage(1d8,Force)"
data "TooltipAttackSave" "RangedSpellAttack"
data "PrepareEffect" "VFX_Spells_Prepare_Arcane_Intent_Control_CastFX_Textkey_01:Dummy_CastFX:VFX_Prepare_01:0:None::None::0:0::::;VFX_Spells_Prepare_Arcane_Intent_Control_CastFX_01:Dummy_CastFX::0:None::None::0:0::::;VFX_Spells_Prepare_Arcane_Intent_Control_EyeFX_01:Dummy_EyeFX_01,Dummy_EyeFX_02::0:None::None::0:0::::"
data "CastEffect" "VFX_Spells_Cast_Intent_Control_TargetAoE_CastFX_Textkey_01:Dummy_CastFX::0:None::None::0:0::::;VFX_Spells_Cast_Intent_Control_TargetAoE_CastFX_Textkey_02:Dummy_CastFX:Cast:0:None::None::0:0::::"
data "PositionEffect" "VFX_Spells_Cast_Intent_Control_TargetAoEWeb_Impact_Textkey_01::VFX_Somatic_01:0:None::None::0:0::::;VFX_Spells_Cast_Intent_Control_TargetAoEWeb_Impact_Textkey_02::Cast:0:None::None::0:0::::;VFX_Spells_Cast_Intent_Control_TargetAoE_Impact_PostProcess_Textkey_01::Cast:0:None::None::0:0::::"
data "CastTextEvent" "Cast"
data "CastSound" "Spell_Cast_Control_Web_L1to3"
data "VocalComponentSound" "Vocal_Component_SurfaceCreationWeb"
data "TargetSound" "Spell_Impact_Control_Web_L1to3"
data "CycleConditions" "Enemy() and not Dead()"
data "UseCosts" "ActionPoint:1"
data "SpellAnimationArcaneMagic" "554a18f7-952e-494a-b301-7702a85d4bc9(SPL_Arcane_Control_Combat_01_Prepare);;09ae2f11-f5b4-42f5-ae16-687a5b57d500(SPL_Somatic_Aoe_Combat_01_Cast);10caea0e-c949-4d91-8ab7-3b50019dd054(SPL_Somatic_Aoe_Combat_01_Recover);;"
data "SpellAnimationDivineMagic" "554a18f7-952e-494a-b301-7702a85d4bc9(SPL_Arcane_Control_Combat_01_Prepare);;09ae2f11-f5b4-42f5-ae16-687a5b57d500(SPL_Somatic_Aoe_Combat_01_Cast);10caea0e-c949-4d91-8ab7-3b50019dd054(SPL_Somatic_Aoe_Combat_01_Recover);;"
data "SpellAnimationNoneMagic" "554a18f7-952e-494a-b301-7702a85d4bc9(SPL_Arcane_Control_Combat_01_Prepare);;09ae2f11-f5b4-42f5-ae16-687a5b57d500(SPL_Somatic_Aoe_Combat_01_Cast);10caea0e-c949-4d91-8ab7-3b50019dd054(SPL_Somatic_Aoe_Combat_01_Recover);;"
data "VerbalIntent" "Damage"
data "SpellFlags" "IsSpell;HasHighGroundRangeExtension;HasVerbalComponent;HasSomaticComponent;RangeIgnoreVerticalThreshold;IsHarmful"
Last edited by Helios2216 on Fri Oct 16, 2020 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by SunBeam »

Halliday wrote:
Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:47 am
iam admin there
Sure you are..... pfft, people really need to understand illiteracy and spelling mistakes invalidate what you just said..

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by TheChaosBeing »

Does anyone have the item ID's for Mystra's Grace or the Shadow of Menzoberranzan?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by frivolousam »

Can Superior Darkvision permanently added to a non-drow character through console?

Also Pet Pal, Comprehend Langs and Detect Thoughts ain't permanent, they disappear upon loading game/or after some time, not sure but they don't stay on the character.
Last edited by frivolousam on Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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