I got functions2 to print but not functions for whatever reason. I see there are these 3 promising functions for myself with Minthara and the other person with Dammon. Though again I'm not sure how to call these functions in a table command.
00007FF742625E00 Resurrect(Character, ResurrectAnimationOverride, ResetXPReward)
00007FF7426137A0 IsDead(Character): Bool
00007FF742611FC0 GetDeathType(Character): DeathType
00007FF742625980 RemovePartyFollower(Follower, Leader)
00007FF7426254A0 RemoveAllPartyFollowers(Character)
00007FF742618630 RegisterAsCompanion(Character, Recruiter)
00007FF742628000 UnregisterAsCompanion(Character)
0000000000000001 Dying(Character)
0000000000000000 Died(Character)
0000000000000002 Resurrected(Character)
000000660000005D CharacterJoinedParty(Character)
000000660000005E CharacterLeftParty(Character)
00000000000000A0 ForceDismissCompanion(Companion)
000000000000006B DialogueCapabilityChanged(Character, IsEnabled) (Could be Useful)
000000000000006A InteractionCapabilityChanged(Character, IsEnabled)
0000000000000011 DownedChanged(Character, IsDowned)
00007FF742682D00 RemoveStatus(Target, Status, Cause)
00007FF742682AD0 RemoveHarmfulStatuses(Target)
00007FF742658110 GetStatusType(StatusID): StatusType
00007FF742658BB0 GetUUID(Target): UUID
00007FF74265EAA0 LeaveParty(UserId)
00007FF742646F90 AddToParty(Source, Target)
00007FF74265B570 IsActive(Object): Active
0066736C0000000D StatusAttempt(Object, Status, Causee, StoryActionID)
0066736C0000000E StatusAttemptFailed(Object, Status, Causee, StoryActionID)
000066730000000F StatusApplied(Object, Status, Causee, StoryActionID)
0000667300000010 StatusRemoved(Object, Status, Causee, ApplyStoryActionID)
I managed to modify the Spawn Minthara as Follower Script to remove her from my party after adding her via Debug_Add
Still locked out of dialogue and conversation.
Added via debug_add, removed all these tags using tag clear (I don't know if they had these tags because I don't have (GetTagState))
Code: Select all
--local uuid = "693d950b-2617-43ac-8e3c-2ff5fda7f956" --CANTSPEAK
--local uuid = "867f3a1e-1e4b-48c2-869e-343415231727" -- Perma Defeated
--local uuid = "b9e63705-637a-4d3b-87ef-a49324cf703f" -- Perma Defeated or Offstage
--local uuid = "43ef091a-1e8c-4906-a4fd-229506e6bb41" -- Enemy
--local uuid = "7095912e-fcb9-41dd-aec3-3cf7803e4b22" --Downed Disabled
--local uuid = "b8d357e9-afe5-487d-b6c0-1fbcc22d3a92" --Debug?
--local uuid = "22a75dbb-1588-407e-b559-5aa4e6d4e6a6"
--local uuid = "6115eeaa-0a4c-46b1-8a6d-2a83fbd65e07" --always hostile
local uuid = "9f26585a-4e60-4ea7-bb3f-ca718c0b36a6" --DrowComNoBuff
Then I used the HasDialog option in the table, which allowed the the speech bubble icon but no conversation could be added into.
I then used MakeNPC and UnregisterAsCompanion which successfully made them an NPC again but again they couldn't speak and sorta just stood there.
I tried setting Flags MintharaState_Torture which worked before? But doesn't do anything now.
It's possible that we have to set her dialogue since she is/was dead to her dialogue, but I've killed her before and used speak with dead and it works.
Weird Glitch if you debug_add then use this
Code: Select all
if syntaxcheck then return end
local uuid = "S_GOB_DrowCommander_25721313-0c15-4935-8176-9f134385451b"
local cmdCall = getAddress("cmdCall")
local cmdArgs = getAddress("cmdArgs")
local cmdStr1 = getAddress("cmdStr1")
local cmdStr2 = getAddress("cmdStr2")
local cmdStr3 = getAddress("cmdStr3")
executeCodeEx(0, nil, cmdCall)
local player = readPointer(cmdArgs + 0x08)
player = readString(player, 256, false)
local cmdStr2 = getAddress("cmdStr2")
writeString(cmdStr2, player)
writeBytes(cmdStr2 + #player, 0)
executeCodeEx(0, nil, cmdCall)
writePointer(cmdArgs + 0x08, cmdStr2)
writePointer(cmdArgs + 0x18, cmdStr1)
writeString(cmdStr1, uuid)
writeBytes(cmdStr1 + #uuid, 0)
executeCodeEx(0, nil, cmdCall)
writePointer(cmdArgs + 0x08, cmdStr2)
writeString(cmdStr2, uuid)
writeBytes(cmdStr2 + #uuid, 0)
executeCodeEx(0, nil, cmdCall)
writeInteger(cmdArgs + 0x08, 65537)
writePointer(cmdArgs + 0x18, cmdStr1)
writeString(cmdStr1, uuid)
writeBytes(cmdStr1 + #uuid, 0)
executeCodeEx(0, nil, cmdCall)
local result = executeCodeEx(0, nil, cmdCall)
print(result == 1 and "success" or "failure")
If you long rest, you can't leave the sleep animation. I'm probably neglecting to properly remove being a companion from her.
After doing this though she will *respond* to being clicked she says "Not right now I'm busy"