z Baldur's Gate 3

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Pupsic-3D »

Good party.... :D


How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by BRegisNotarius »

readyxaxa wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:52 pm
So sorry, guys. idk if it was called out here but is there a console command to actually add force damage to Eldritch Blast? Please, like AddSpelldamage or smth
idk how to put code here since im a newbie, but just open the script that adds lightning damage to weapons, and change the UUID to this: local uuid = "IF(IsSpell()):DamageBonus(1d12+6,Force)".- put whatever number you want in there, you can even tell the script to multiply the result of the dices like 1d12*50 and stuff. If you want it separate from that script, press ctrl+alt+A and autoassemble will open. Copy paste all the code with the UUID changed and then select the option called "assign to cheat table", and change the name of the script after that

If you want the damagebonus to go, save and reload, your damage will be normal again.

If you want it to be permanent, in the feats cheats, you can add the agonizing blast feat with the console named "Add eldritch blast buffs" and later on select the invocation when you level up. The game will count the 2 feats and add double your charisma modifier. It's not a custom ammount but it's something. Later on you can get a robe that adds again your charisma modifier to cantrips overall, and stacks with agonizing blast buff, so triple charisma modifier.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by WolvenBolt »

I hate to ask anything here unless it's a last resort as It's probably been asked a hundred pages ago, I'm trying to add a second Phalar Aluve longsword and can't seem to spawn it for my life. I've tried several codes, I've looked through the weapon text files for UUID's and they don't work when I swap the UUID out in the item spawner for the hand crossbow. Can someone give me the correct code for it? I got the sword out of the stone using the blood method and gave it to Karlach as she's a Bardbarian and I want the sword for my own character too.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by diamoangel »

heattther wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:04 pm
I think I figured out a way to reset your number of Action Points if you, like me, used the console command in Character Resource Cheats, Action Resources, Action Point to add some. I didn't realize the change would be permanent (oops) and I prefer to play with the normal ruleset outside specific instances and since there are no features I've found that recalculates your number of action points (thanks for noticing that was why it's permanent, Petajoule)
Petajoule wrote:
Mon Aug 07, 2023 6:38 pm
the change persists through saves, respecs, everything. After some trial and error and a bunch of saving and loading, here's what worked for me:

Right click the script for adding an Action Point, select Change Script, and on line 5 should be the following text:

local boost = "ActionResource(ActionPoint,1,0)"

For whatever reason, if you change the 1 to a -1 (it seemed to work with 0 as well), then execute the script, it will actually remove all action points. So change the line to the following:

local boost = "ActionResource(ActionPoint,-1,0)"

Then, select OK, go to BG3 and double check you've selected the right character (save before all this, of course), execute the Action Point script by checking and un-checking it, then see if your character has no Action Points. If so, then go back and Change Script on the Action Point script again, revert the -1 to a 1, select OK, execute the script again and it will add an Action Point so you only have 1. That should do it!

If this messes up your game, please say so I don't want to be giving bad advice and I don't know what I'm doing so I may be!
It seems to only be permanent if you don't naturally have that resource from levelling up and choosing the related class/subclass etc (or no modifiers for that resource, if it's a base resource like action/bonus actions). For example, if you aren't a sorcerer (that has unlocked sorcery points), any sorcerypoints you add will be kept across save/loads. If you were a sorcerer that naturally had however many sorcery points (depending on sorc level), regardless of how many points you add, this is reset on load.

This is demonstrated with the passive "FastHands", if you set your bonus Action points to a higher amount, you will be able to keep that amount over save/loads. If you have "FastHands", which increases your bonus action points by 1, every time you load your save with that passive, you will have your bonus actions reset back to the default + passive value, regardless of how many points you manually added.

This is consistent with the original add Actionpoints/add SpellSlot scripts from earlier tables, I haven't tested the new ones (if there were any changes made to them).

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Evil_Crab »

I was not able to confirm it yet because I'm still in Act 1, but after some digging through the game files I think that if you're playing as the Dark Urge and
you want to keep Alfira alive
you can
"resurrect" her in the following acts
by clearing the 99e83ea4-4b03-2e22-0fb0-8cbbcd68e665 flag before Act 2

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by CastleKeeper »

Is there any way to remove tags and flags?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by heattther »

diamoangel wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:20 pm
It seems to only be permanent if you don't naturally have that resource from levelling up and choosing the related class/subclass etc...
It seems like the current script works the same way, it's exactly as you describe in my experience with the current tables. I tried using a few spell effects / potions that modify action points (i.e. Haste) but those would not reset the base action points. I didn't think to try Action Surge for whatever reason, so that may but it doesn't seem likely. It's interesting, I wonder why it works that way, makes me wish I understood anything about programming.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by weird032 »

WolvenBolt wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:15 pm
I hate to ask anything here unless it's a last resort as It's probably been asked a hundred pages ago, I'm trying to add a second Phalar Aluve longsword and can't seem to spawn it for my life. I've tried several codes, I've looked through the weapon text files for UUID's and they don't work when I swap the UUID out in the item spawner for the hand crossbow. Can someone give me the correct code for it? I got the sword out of the stone using the blood method and gave it to Karlach as she's a Bardbarian and I want the sword for my own character too.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by weird032 »

weird032 wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:43 pm
WolvenBolt wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:15 pm
I hate to ask anything here unless it's a last resort as It's probably been asked a hundred pages ago, I'm trying to add a second Phalar Aluve longsword and can't seem to spawn it for my life. I've tried several codes, I've looked through the weapon text files for UUID's and they don't work when I swap the UUID out in the item spawner for the hand crossbow. Can someone give me the correct code for it? I got the sword out of the stone using the blood method and gave it to Karlach as she's a Bardbarian and I want the sword for my own character too.

also the code change look at your inventory

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by fearless123456 »

Test: Win Conversation/Pickpocket Rolls (except critical fails)

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Win convo/steal"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : Baldur's Gate 3 (3440x1440) - (DX11) - (6 + 6 WT)
  Date   : 2023-08-11
  Author : fear

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(convocheck,bg3.exe,8B 44 81 3C 89 44 24 68) // should be unique



  mov eax,[rcx+rax*4+3C]
  mov eax,#69
  mov [rsp+68],eax
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3


  db 8B 44 81 3C 89 44 24 68


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: bg3_dx11.exe+21D4234

bg3_dx11.exe+21D4209: 40 88 7C 24 28           - mov [rsp+28],dil
bg3_dx11.exe+21D420E: 4D 8B C7                 - mov r8,r15
bg3_dx11.exe+21D4211: 49 8B D4                 - mov rdx,r12
bg3_dx11.exe+21D4214: 88 44 24 20              - mov [rsp+20],al
bg3_dx11.exe+21D4218: 49 8B CE                 - mov rcx,r14
bg3_dx11.exe+21D421B: E8 E0 A7 FF FF           - call bg3_dx11.exe+21CEA00
bg3_dx11.exe+21D4220: 48 8B 4D 80              - mov rcx,[rbp-80]
bg3_dx11.exe+21D4224: 48 8B 9D F8 00 00 00     - mov rbx,[rbp+000000F8]
bg3_dx11.exe+21D422B: EB 0B                    - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+21D4238
bg3_dx11.exe+21D422D: 0F B6 85 C0 00 00 00     - movzx eax,byte ptr [rbp+000000C0]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
bg3_dx11.exe+21D4234: 8B 44 81 3C              - mov eax,[rcx+rax*4+3C]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
bg3_dx11.exe+21D4238: 89 44 24 68              - mov [rsp+68],eax
bg3_dx11.exe+21D423C: 85 C0                    - test eax,eax
bg3_dx11.exe+21D423E: 0F 84 A8 02 00 00        - je bg3_dx11.exe+21D44EC
bg3_dx11.exe+21D4244: 48 85 DB                 - test rbx,rbx
bg3_dx11.exe+21D4247: 0F 84 9F 02 00 00        - je bg3_dx11.exe+21D44EC
bg3_dx11.exe+21D424D: 40 0F B6 C7              - movzx eax,dil
bg3_dx11.exe+21D4251: 0F 29 B4 24 40 01 00 00  - movaps [rsp+00000140],xmm6
bg3_dx11.exe+21D4259: 66 0F 6E 44 81 04        - movd xmm0,[rcx+rax*4+04]
bg3_dx11.exe+21D425F: 0F 5B C0                 - cvtdq2ps xmm0,xmm0
bg3_dx11.exe+21D4262: F3 0F 5C 05 1E F9 6C 02  - subss xmm0,[bg3_dx11.exe+48A3B88]

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by CastleKeeper »

Evil_Crab wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:29 pm
I was not able to confirm it yet because I'm still in Act 1, but after some digging through the game files I think that if you're playing as the Dark Urge and
you want to keep Alfira alive
you can
"resurrect" her in the following acts
by clearing the 99e83ea4-4b03-2e22-0fb0-8cbbcd68e665 flag before Act 2
How can i clear a tag?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Spirelord »

Spirelord wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:39 pm
Has the table been updated for the newest hotfix? I keep attempting to edit Ability Points and the game either crashes or the save profile isn't changed at all.

I have been diligently following the instructions to save a game, wait for the cheat engine to populate, edit the ability points values, then re-save the game and load it to check if it worked. (As per 0xa08ab242's detailed post)

I have issues at every step of this process and it makes it very convoluted and impossible to operate.

More than half the time, after saving a game to populate the cheat engine, I just get random garbage strings of letters and numbers for all the values. Maybe 1/10 times, the cheat engine populates correctly. Then, I edit the values to what I want.

More than half the time after editing the values to what I want, I re-save the game and load it, only to discover that nothing changed at all. The other half of the time, the game crashes and I have to restart this all over again.

It's been 4 hours of me attempting this one change, on two separate savegames, and nothing works. The game either crashes when I try to load the re-save, or the cheat engine doesn't alter any values.

I used this exact process yesterday on a 3rd save and it worked perfectly fine. Is the issue today due to the hotfix Larian put out? If so, will this table get updated or does it require an update? Because right now it either doesn't work or crashes at each attempt and this has only occurred today.
Any help on this at all? It's been 2 hours later and I still cannot get this to work. The list never populates correctly 8/10 times. When it does populate correctly, changing the values and saving the game does nothing. The savegame that is supposed to have been altered is not altered. Half the time the game just crashes when checking this also (by loading the altered savegame), and loading the save after the crash doesn't show any changes either.

I'm not sure what to do. Is there another way to use this tool to edit ability points? Is there a way to do it via the console command cheat, changing hex values directly, or something else?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by cinnabun1500 »

cinnabun1500 wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:54 am
has anyone figured out a way to flag a romance? upping approval, sadly, ain't all that's required
was wondering as i delve more into this to try and solve this; is my best course of action to unpack the .pak and then go through the files looking for whatever flag it is and then using the script to add it?

i've dipped into my save to look for a flag but can't seem to find anything referencing companion approval or flags within the save files

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by knightjedi »

knightjedi wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:49 pm
hey guys?
DId sameone know how to add all Resistance permanent?
or how to add the immunity from AdamantineGolem?
I want to make my character Invulnerability
and uuid for True Resurrection scroll ?
I may see it somewhere but i cant find it

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Sakuryu45 »

So I know I'm kinda posting about the same thing off random other people. But what I'd like to know is if anyone knows how to turn the flag/event tag on for Minthara's trial?

I saw I can force spawn her in as an npc or follower, but ideally I'd like to see her at Moonrise and recruit her legit even though her tent overlaps with Halsins.

I'd love to figure this out, but I'm having trouble sorting through thr pages on here for UUIDs for event flags or how to properly trip them.

If someone can gimme a hand finding the correct IDs or helping me test forcing the flag I have saves I can throw at this just outside of moonrise.

I wouldn't mind also testing other event flags if needed. I just really prefer having Minthara as a fully functional companion over Halsin.

I looked in the UUID table on page one and I found this flag

"518d0172-b91c-2bb4-4e47-a5ca06a50cba", --360e8b56-3608-33c5-fa82-

Along with alot of "MaybeRecruit" tags for everyone including Helia. So I'm assuming that's not what I'm looking for?

Edit again:
I also found this which sounds like it could be referencing the drow being captured? Which would be Minthara. Then I found a block of text relating to her called gob_drowcommander

"4698ce2f-b133-cc1c-29a2-7c8d115fa552", --6169d3fa-e65c-22bd-df4a-6db1502d3f18_GOB_DrowCommander_AskedAboutWeapon
"060a396e-faed-5d81-d11c-d950aa8641ed", --6169d3fa-e65c-22bd-df4a-6db1502d3f18_GOB_DrowCommander_CommandingGoblins
"3a75baae-215c-7204-1138-e0e78dd4a869", --6169d3fa-e65c-22bd-df4a-6db1502d3f18_GOB_DrowCommander_FirstInclusion
"f7fb58c1-b142-e74e-a579-5b34b38da56c", --6169d3fa-e65c-22bd-df4a-6db1502d3f18_GOB_DrowCommander_MentionedMoonrise
"d5a8fa2b-1525-2d7d-553b-99e398b4677d", --6169d3fa-e65c-22bd-df4a-6db1502d3f18_GOB_DrowCommander_OrderedToJoinHunt
Last edited by Sakuryu45 on Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:14 am, edited 3 times in total.

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