z Baldur's Gate 3

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by TemptingIcarus »

Lyvewyrez wrote:
Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:28 am
TemptingIcarus wrote:
Wed Oct 14, 2020 6:29 am
Is there some kind of tutorial we need to use this tool or....? I'd rather not fuck up anything on the first go. So a mini-guide of some kind would be nice to have.
I'd like to know as well. My assumption is we extract to a folder, make the changes we need, then 'create package' to repack it and replace the existing (after having taken a back up!) to get it to work. AFAIK, it's not like there's an override folder to just dump the changes into. Going to give it a go myself shortly.
If you manage to figure it out, let me know please.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by OgtheTrog »

Went ahead and tested out some of these edits to Shared.pak.
The good:
Adjusting AP/BP DOES work! But with a caveat- while you can make 2+ attacks in one turn, you can't use any of the other standard actions/bonus actions twice. No double-jump.
Editing proficiencies after starting the game seems to apply them retroactively. Not AP, but proficiencies & abilities.
The bad:
Adding these proficiencies to _Hero adds them to all your party members too. It might be a good idea to put it further down the character/race chain, maybe in a special background even.
A lot of abilities don't work ideally too- for example, the 'shieldmaster' feat lacks an icon, and if you aren't in a character select screen when you pick something like 'martial adept' (which is supposed to come with spells/abilities), you can't pick the bonus spells that go with it. (though I haven't made it to a level-up screen yet, maybe you can swap them out?)
Also, at least when added to _Hero, none of these proficiencies or abilities show up on your character sheet (that is, in the race/tags/class sections), so the only indication that your character has them is from the roll bonuses (+x's).
Last, there are many passives listed in Passive.txt that lack anything besides a name and description, and most of these don't seem to work. Tried testing some and wound up with a bunch of blank abilities in the hotbar. I'm also of the impression that some abilities I thought were implemented don't work if added this way.

Also yes that's how you do it guys. Make sure you keep a backup!

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by peoples »

OgtheTrog wrote:
Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:42 am
Went ahead and tested out some of these edits to Shared.pak.
The good:
Adjusting AP/BP DOES work! But with a caveat- while you can make 2+ attacks in one turn, you can't use any of the other standard actions/bonus actions twice. No double-jump.
Editing proficiencies after starting the game seems to apply them retroactively. Not AP, but proficiencies & abilities.
The bad:
Adding these proficiencies to _Hero adds them to all your party members too. It might be a good idea to put it further down the character/race chain, maybe in a special background even.
A lot of abilities don't work ideally too- for example, the 'shieldmaster' feat lacks an icon, and if you aren't in a character select screen when you pick something like 'martial adept' (which is supposed to come with spells/abilities), you can't pick the bonus spells that go with it. (though I haven't made it to a level-up screen yet, maybe you can swap them out?)
Also, at least when added to _Hero, none of these proficiencies or abilities show up on your character sheet (that is, in the race/tags/class sections), so the only indication that your character has them is from the roll bonuses (+x's).
Last, there are many passives listed in Passive.txt that lack anything besides a name and description, and most of these don't seem to work. Tried testing some and wound up with a bunch of blank abilities in the hotbar. I'm also of the impression that some abilities I thought were implemented don't work if added this way.

Also yes that's how you do it guys. Make sure you keep a backup!
Seem proficiencies tend to not show up on the character sheet even when picked from list on 4th lvl-up.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by ilyagman89 »

guys, how to increase the amount of bark susur in the inventory?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by batf247 »

TemptingIcarus wrote:
Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:31 am
Lyvewyrez wrote:
Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:28 am
TemptingIcarus wrote:
Wed Oct 14, 2020 6:29 am
Is there some kind of tutorial we need to use this tool or....? I'd rather not fuck up anything on the first go. So a mini-guide of some kind would be nice to have.
I'd like to know as well. My assumption is we extract to a folder, make the changes we need, then 'create package' to repack it and replace the existing (after having taken a back up!) to get it to work. AFAIK, it's not like there's an override folder to just dump the changes into. Going to give it a go myself shortly.
If you manage to figure it out, let me know please.
OK so I will attempt to explain how I did it but, this was like 10 hrs ago so my memory is sort of fuzzy about it since I slept since then. I downloaded that tool that was in the link from github earlier to a folder I named it baldur's gate 3 edit stuff (obviously don't have to do that it just made it easier for me to know what was messed with and what wasn't) then I opened the converterapp and went to extract package path then went into where baldur's gate 3 saves info(for me it was my J drive) then clicked on "shared" word document in the data folder and set the destination path to the edit folder then I went into that folder and went into public folder then shared then stats then generated then data and then opened the data word document once in there I searched 30 until it found I believe it was called ability max score or something like that but there was only like 4 or 5 things so you should be able to find that out. I changed that to 100 and saved it then I brought the whole public folder into my original baldur's gate 3 area (my J drive) and sat it in the data folder and that worked for me. I do want to stat again I am not 100% that is exactly how it is suppose to work or if I did something in between but I am pretty confident that was how it was. Also I didn't test it out much once I changed it. I can say for sure it shows the stats are there I had like plus 40 for all saving throws and I got to where I needed to roll and I only had to roll a 1 but I only needed to roll a 1 for a lot of things when 30 was the max. I just wanted to make sure you all had the full story sorry for the long as paragraph

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by timechaos69 »

for those of those that dont know where to put the data.txt file..you jsut have to create that fileath


ex go to your baulders gate 3 folder\data..then right click create folder name it shared..go into that folder do same thing with stats...same thing with generated..same thing with data...then put the txt file in there..and it worked now my toons have 500 attribute score cap because thats what i set mine too instead of 100..wish i knew what affected spell damage, but i havnt tried anything since spell damage doesnt calc of int or anything.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by OgtheTrog »

So you didn't have to repack the Shared.pak?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by timechaos69 »

OgtheTrog wrote:
Wed Oct 14, 2020 11:13 am
So you didn't have to repack the Shared.pak?
nope. just put the data.txt file in that filepath

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by antema »

Here's my very small contribution.

I wanted my cleric to be able to speak to animals. I tried a few different edits in the progression files, but couldn't get anything to work. Then I found Status_BOOST.txt file, and from there searched for the Guidance cantrip (new entry "GUIDANCE") and made the following additions:

data "Boosts" "RollBonus(SkillCheck,1d4);Tag(PETPAL);IgnoreFallDamage()"

Now Guidance let's me talk to animals, and applies the feather fall effect.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Lyvewyrez »

so it seems to work like that. Some fun things I've found, you can set the amount of short rests you want to do in data.txt as well as give yourself as many wizard (maybe priest but not warlock) spell slots as you want using character.txt and giving yourself the bonus spells passives. Can always learn cleric spells at the moment anyway (and give yourself cleric passives), so pseudo-cleric is possible!

Would like to find arcane recovery charges if possible but who knows if there's an option for that.

Also, tons of passives and feat passives in the list! Every DnD base class so far has something (monk, druid, sorc, bard etc). Future is looking good!

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by 9r3 »

Tiffany wrote:
Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:55 pm
... edit: I encountered an interesting problem. With Sazza following the party it breaks the unlimited actions/spells script. If she dies it fixes it.
This appears to be true (with version 10 of the .CT) if any NPC is "following" the party, such as the myconid in the Underdark, as well as Sazza.
I have two saves, one before and one after, and everything works as expected before, but after, not so much. :D

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Halliday »

You can make or edit weapons and add + spells to them. Open the weapon.txt and example:

I edited to my ranger ....

new entry "WPN_Shortbow"
type "Weapon"
using "_BaseWeapon"
data "RootTemplate" "c5403c1d-f372-43e1-927a-9189e9e3545d"
data "Damage Type" "Piercing"
data "Damage" "1d6"
data "Damage Range" "1800"
data "WeaponRange" "1800"
data "ValueOverride" "20"
data "Weight" "900"
data "WeaponType" "Bow"
data "Slot" "Ranged Main Weapon"
data "Projectile" "ff93ba9c-124c-454e-ac8c-436c136bcef2"
data "Boosts" "UnlockSpell(Projectile_PinDown);"
data "Boosts" "UnlockSpell(Shout_SpeakWithAnimals)" - so now I have "pettalk" spell
data "Weapon Group" "SimpleRangedWeapon"
data "Weapon Properties" "Ammunition;Twohanded;Dippable"
data "Proficiency Group" "Shortbows;SimpleWeapons"

Edit, save it and drop in to your folder (\Data\Public\Shared\Stats\Generated\Data)

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Zmg9 »

Catharsis comrades ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ !
File "Character.txt" в "Shared.pak"
It was:

Code: Select all

new entry "HeroElfMale"
type "Character"
using "_Hero"
data "Weight" "50000"
data "Progressions" "eb9db11d-1091-49fa-9006-2f52bbb76f6a;5fd1dfd5-b5bd-4152-a04a-87fb3faba1e9"
Has become:

Code: Select all

new entry "HeroElfMale"
type "Character"
using "_Hero"
data "Weight" "50000"
data "DefaultBoosts" "IncreaseMaxHP(Level*100);RollBonus(MeleeWeaponAttack, 100);CharacterWeaponDamage(100);ActionResource(SpellSlot,9999,1);ActionResource(SpellSlot,9999,2);ActionResource(SpellSlot,9999,3);ActionResource(ActionPoint,999,0);ActionResource(BonusActionPoint,999,0);ActionResource(Movement,10000,0);Skill(Athletics, 50);Skill(Acrobatics, 50);Skill(SleightOfHand, 50);Skill(Stealth, 50);Skill(Arcana, 50);Skill(History, 50);Skill(Investigation, 50);Skill(Nature, 50);Skill(Religion, 50);Skill(AnimalHandling, 50);Skill(Insight, 50);Skill(Medicine, 50);Skill(Perception, 50);Skill(Survival, 50);Skill(Deception, 50);Skill(Intimidation, 50);Skill(Performance, 50);Skill(Persuasion, 50)"
data "AcidResistance" "Immune"
data "ColdResistance" "Immune"
data "FireResistance" "Immune"
data "LightningResistance" "Immune"
data "NecroticResistance" "Immune"
data "PoisonResistance" "Immune"
data "BludgeoningResistance" "Immune"
data "SlashingResistance" "Immune"
data "PiercingResistance" "Immune"
data "PsychicResistance" "Immune"
data "RadiantResistance" "Immune"
data "Proficiency Group" "SimpleWeapons;MartialWeapons;MediumArmor;HeavyArmor;LightArmor;Shields"
data "Progressions" "eb9db11d-1091-49fa-9006-2f52bbb76f6a;5fd1dfd5-b5bd-4152-a04a-87fb3faba1e9"
1 Elf-man, so as not to extend to partners (you can choose anyone, the main thing is that [ using "_Hero" ] ).
2 IncreaseMaxHP //increases health
3 RollBonus //increases hit chance ("Melee" - weapon!)
4 CharacterWeaponDamage //increases damage
5 ActionResource(SpellSlot, "number of spells", "№ Spell level") //increases the number of spells
6 ActionResource() //description below
------> ActionPoint /number of actions during the battle! (instead of 1)
------> BonusActionPoint //number of bonus actions during the battle! (instead of 1)
------> Movement //number of steps during the battle! (usually instead of 9)
------> //I think everything is clear here
7 Skill(History, 50) //increases the value of "History"
8 data "PersonalStatusImmunities" "PARALYZED" //immunity to paralysis (condition or marker, etc.)
9 data "FireResistance" "Immune" //damage immunity -> "Fire"
Unpacking and packing Shared.pak, program "GR2 Converter (LSLib v1.15.1)".
Everything in the program is intuitive.
ATTENTION! Shared.pak - make a copy so you won't regret it later when you screw it up!
Folders where to look
Baldurs Gate 3\Data\Shared.pak
[your unzipped folder]\Public\Shared\Stats\Generated\Data\Character.txt
p.s Thank you so much(Огромное спасибо!) Zanzer,
fireundubh fireundubh;
thunderysteak} creators LSLib.
Last edited by Zmg9 on Thu Oct 15, 2020 2:00 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by peoples »

Not sure if it's already common knowledge, but editing Data.txt input:
key "MaximumXPCap","38400"
opens lvl cap 10. No extra feats per lvl after 4th, only hitpoints.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by robomagon »

ActionResourceDefinitions.lsx is pretty neat. You can change a lot of resources to recharge every turn instead of on short or long rests. Like warlock spells.

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