Catharsis comrades ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ !
File "Character.txt" в "Shared.pak"
It was:
Code: Select all
new entry "HeroElfMale"
type "Character"
using "_Hero"
data "Weight" "50000"
data "Progressions" "eb9db11d-1091-49fa-9006-2f52bbb76f6a;5fd1dfd5-b5bd-4152-a04a-87fb3faba1e9"
Has become:
Code: Select all
new entry "HeroElfMale"
type "Character"
using "_Hero"
data "Weight" "50000"
data "DefaultBoosts" "IncreaseMaxHP(Level*100);RollBonus(MeleeWeaponAttack, 100);CharacterWeaponDamage(100);ActionResource(SpellSlot,9999,1);ActionResource(SpellSlot,9999,2);ActionResource(SpellSlot,9999,3);ActionResource(ActionPoint,999,0);ActionResource(BonusActionPoint,999,0);ActionResource(Movement,10000,0);Skill(Athletics, 50);Skill(Acrobatics, 50);Skill(SleightOfHand, 50);Skill(Stealth, 50);Skill(Arcana, 50);Skill(History, 50);Skill(Investigation, 50);Skill(Nature, 50);Skill(Religion, 50);Skill(AnimalHandling, 50);Skill(Insight, 50);Skill(Medicine, 50);Skill(Perception, 50);Skill(Survival, 50);Skill(Deception, 50);Skill(Intimidation, 50);Skill(Performance, 50);Skill(Persuasion, 50)"
data "AcidResistance" "Immune"
data "ColdResistance" "Immune"
data "FireResistance" "Immune"
data "LightningResistance" "Immune"
data "NecroticResistance" "Immune"
data "PoisonResistance" "Immune"
data "BludgeoningResistance" "Immune"
data "SlashingResistance" "Immune"
data "PiercingResistance" "Immune"
data "PsychicResistance" "Immune"
data "RadiantResistance" "Immune"
data "Proficiency Group" "SimpleWeapons;MartialWeapons;MediumArmor;HeavyArmor;LightArmor;Shields"
data "Progressions" "eb9db11d-1091-49fa-9006-2f52bbb76f6a;5fd1dfd5-b5bd-4152-a04a-87fb3faba1e9"
1 Elf-man, so as not to extend to partners (you can choose anyone, the main thing is that [ using "_Hero" ] ).
2 IncreaseMaxHP //increases health
3 RollBonus //increases hit chance ("Melee" - weapon!)
4 CharacterWeaponDamage //increases damage
5 ActionResource(SpellSlot, "number of spells", "№ Spell level") //increases the number of spells
6 ActionResource() //description below
------> ActionPoint /number of actions during the battle! (instead of 1)
------> BonusActionPoint //number of bonus actions during the battle! (instead of 1)
------> Movement //number of steps during the battle! (usually instead of 9)
------> //I think everything is clear here
7 Skill(History, 50) //increases the value of "History"
8 data "PersonalStatusImmunities" "PARALYZED" //immunity to paralysis (condition or marker, etc.)
9 data "FireResistance" "Immune" //damage immunity -> "Fire"
Unpacking and packing Shared.pak, program "GR2 Converter (LSLib v1.15.1)".
Everything in the program is intuitive.
ATTENTION! Shared.pak - make a copy so you won't regret it later when you screw it up!
Folders where to look
Baldurs Gate 3\Data\Shared.pak
[your unzipped folder]\Public\Shared\Stats\Generated\Data\Character.txt
p.s Thank you so much(Огромное спасибо!) Zanzer,
fireundubh fireundubh;
thunderysteak} creators LSLib.