z Baldur's Gate 3

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Ckeylos »

Copied from Unpacking .PAK files of Baldur's Gate 3 Steam Guide
  • Download and unpack freshest release of ExportTool from [Link]
  • run ConverterApp.exe
  • at "Game" picklist select "Baldur's Gate 3 (64-bit)"
  • select tab "PAK / LSV Tools"
  • select game resources and manipulate what you want

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Last edited by Ckeylos on Fri Aug 04, 2023 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by CircuitLogic »

Could someone please ELI5 to me how to add scrolls "talk to dead" to my characters?

What I have done so far:
Chaged the UUID value in "Spawn Hand Crossbow +2" from the value it had to
"cd5365fe-990a-4855-b203-503203d8dd9e" (ALLOW_SPEAK_WITH_DEAD). But when I tried to execute the script nothing happened.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by BeefingtonsBay »

Ckeylos wrote:
Fri Aug 04, 2023 9:22 pm
Copied from Unpacking .PAK files of Baldur's Gate 3 Steam Guide
  • Download and unpack freshest release of ExportTool from [Link]
  • run ConverterApp.exe
  • at "Game" picklist select "Baldur's Gate 3 (64-bit)"
  • select tab "PAK / LSV Tools"
  • select game resources and manipulate what you want
Thank you! Turns out I wasn't a total idiot, just something about setup was wrong. So I moved the tool to a new folder and extracted the paks directly from the game folder instead of copying those files out, and it worked.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Gl33m1 »

Moomoofarmchairman wrote:
Fri Aug 04, 2023 7:44 pm
I tried saving to populate the attribute list, it does it but changing the value does nothing, then checking any menu changes the values in CE to stupid numbers like strength goes from 17 to 5068 and doesn't save. I then try the whole thing again but using the command box to use them to increase stats and it doesn't recognize the game I guess because there's either <script> or ?? and clicking any box does nothing.
Can anyone help figure out the ability stat points not saving when I change value? / or show how to simply increase stats to moderate but not godlike levels?
It works fine for me. FYI there is a cap of 30 on attributes. Going over 30 does absolutely nothing. When you save and the attributes get populated, you find the slot that has the name of the character. Once you're looking at it in cheat engine DO NOTHING IN THE GAME. There's a value offset, so if the cheat table says 0, that means it's an 8 in-game. Adjust these values as you want. Be aware that the stat assigned +1/+2 you did on character creation (or the default NPCs all have) are calculated AFTER the values in cheat engine. So if I put a +2 in charisma and increase it to 17 when I make my character, my charisma is still 15, but has a +2 bonus applied afterwards. So it'll show 17 on my character sheet, it's actually 15, but it'll display as 7 in the attribute panel in cheat engine.

To make all stats 30 (the max), set your 4 unmodified attributes to 22, set your +1 attribute to 21, and your +2 attribute to 30. Remember, the counting starts at 8, so if it says 0 that's 8, so 22 is 30. Now tab back into the game, quick save, wait until it fully finishes saving, quick load, and your stats should be updated permanently.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by martinrea »

Same question for proficiencies or skills - is it possible to remove tags like these?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by BeefingtonsBay »

Another question, anyone know of the item code for the Oathbreaker items? So far I haven't found them.
And also anyone got a list of spells?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by DaedalusLost »

So I noticed this question asked earlier without an answer, but is there a UUID for the Mindflayer Parasite Sample? I have searched through Data-Shared, and Data-Gustav but couldn't find something close

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by ShadoweCZ »

can you get additional backgrounds (for additional conversation choices) using the add spell method ?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Noumu »

BeefingtonsBay wrote:
Fri Aug 04, 2023 9:48 pm
Another question, anyone know of the item code for the Oathbreaker items? So far I haven't found them.
And also anyone got a list of spells?
new entry "MAG_Oathbreaker_Boots"
type "Armor"
using "_Foot_Magic_Metal"
data "RootTemplate" "71030d3c-c3c4-4ad6-80de-f9871bd6f11d"
data "Unique" "1"

new entry "MAG_Oathbreaker_Gloves"
type "Armor"
using "_Hand_Magic_Metal"
data "RootTemplate" "f66431d0-08a6-4b15-b8a4-7154fc1e5f47"
data "Unique" "1"

new entry "MAG_Oathbreaker_Helmet"
type "Armor"
using "_Head_Magic_Metal"
data "RootTemplate" "ae1dc399-3706-447e-8c79-f8a35c035ec4"
data "Unique" "1"

new entry "MAG_Oathbreaker_Platemail"
type "Armor"
using "ARM_Plate_Body_1"
data "RootTemplate" "c67137ac-4ece-4652-aaab-14615aa25b20"
data "Unique" "1"

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Zanzer »

Added Passive/Feat Cheats for Console Commands
Can also Add Tadpole in On-Demand Cheats

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Extricated »

Does anyone have the item codes for the Twitch items please?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by morloc689 »

Lemegeton wrote:
Fri Aug 04, 2023 4:29 pm
Please tell me what UUID does Mind Flayer Parasite Specimen have?
local uuid = "1ec327be-3b7f-4502-9586-860e057e09ae"
that will spawn a jar with one in it.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by EvenLess »

You can use the [Link].
  • 2023-11-06:
    1. Posted updated table, that includes a few fixes. It's using Zanzer's v13 table, which works with Patch #4.
    2. Removed all attachments from this post as they were all outdated. For various lists and datadumps, use Noway3's lists/dumps which are way more complete than the ones I've deleted from this post.
  • 2023-11-04:
    1. Posted updated (and still unfinished) cheat table, using HenryEx' Patch #4 fix.
[Link] References to Google Drive og Google Spreadsheets can be found in my shared Google Drive folder. It might be in the Archived folder or one of its sub-folders.

Semi-outdated guide to use BG3-Modders-Multitool
If you want to find more items yourself, I created a small guide in another post, but have added it here as well, to have all the tidbits gathered in one post. The guide is based on the [Link] (which CKeylos also pointed out.
  1. Download and extract the latest version of Norbyte's ExportTool [Link].
  2. Download and extract the latest version of ShinyHobo's BG3-Modders-Multitool [Link].
    I extracted the BG3-Modders-Multitool to the base directory of Norbyte's ExportTool, as the Multitool requires divine.exe from this.
  3. Open the multitool (bg3-modders-multitool.exe).
  4. Add the paths to divine.exe and bg3.exe by clicking the asterisk in the lower right hand corner after opening the Multitool.
  5. Unpack .pak Files and select at least Gustav.pak and Shared.pak. I recommend also unpacking English.pak as this contains the translations you see in-game.
    This step takes a while and takes up a around 30 GB of disk space.
  6. Index Files. This step also takes a while.
  7. Index Search to search for things. If you search for the in-game name, you should get results from English.loca. The line here contains a "handle" (ID). Use this handle to do a new search, and you will find the files that contain references to this handle. These files likely contains the UUID/MapKey.
  8. For more control/advanced use, use the ConverterApp.exe to batch convert all .lsf-files (binary) to .lsj-files (json) to make them more readable. Also use ConvertApp.exe to convert English.loca (binary) to xml.

Older and more or less irrelevant or outdated content
  • 2023-11-01:
    1. Posted about updated (yet still unfinished) cheat table and database.
  • 2023-10-13:
    1. Posted a new (unfinished) BG3Commander with Zanzer's v10 CT.
  • 2023-09-26:
    1. Posted link to updated database for BG3Commander.
  • 2023-09-24:
    1. Posted Zanzer's v10 table with my BG3Commander and autoloader code included.
  • 2023-09-14:
    1. Posted updated BG3Commander.
    2. Posted updated BG3Commander as well as Zanzer's v9 table with my autoloader included.
  • 2023-09-12:
    1. Posted Flags, Tags and Templates dumps.
    2. Posted updated database for my BG3Commander.
  • 2023-09-10:
    1. Posted BG3Commander. Post includes details and video clip.
    2. Posted updated BG3Commander.
    3. Posted workaround to "fix" blank BG3Commander. Basically just close the BG3Commander Window and open it again using the Restore and Show menu option.
  • 2023-08-20:
    1. Another list (.xlsx/Excel), available as a Google Drive download. It's even too large for Google Spreadsheets to import it.
      It contains ALL "GameObjects" found in ALL RootTemplates, with ALL attributes. 25139 rows, and more columns (attributes) I care to count (A to QT). A lot of these columns/attributes are probably irellevant, but it was easier to just extract all than try to figure out what to filter.
      The PowerShell script I wrote to do this, are inserted below. It took 30 minutes to complete on my system.

      Code: Select all

      $Stopwatch = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
      $UnpackedDataFolder = [System.IO.FileInfo]'C:\Games\BG3-Tools\BG3-Modders-Multitool\UnpackedData'
      $MyDocuments        = [System.IO.FileInfo][System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')
      $CheatTableFolder   = [System.IO.FileInfo]"$($MyDocuments.FullName)\My Cheat Tables\bg3"
      $LocalizationPath   = [System.IO.FileInfo]"$($UnpackedDataFolder.FullName)\English\Localization\English\english.xml"
      $CsvPath            = "$($CheatTableFolder)\all_templates.csv"
      $LocalizationData   = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlDocument
      $LocalizationData.PreserveWhitespace = $true
      $RootTemplateFolders = @(
      $RootTemplates = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Filter *.lsx -Path $RootTemplateFolders
      # Empty array to contain the objects.
      $Objects    = @()
      # Empty array to contain the attributes.
      $Attributes = @()
      foreach ($Template in $RootTemplates) {
          $Object = [ordered]@{}
          $XmlDocument = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlDocument
          $XmlDocument.PreserveWhitespace = $true
          $Nodes = $XmlDocument.SelectNodes("//node[@id='GameObjects']")
          if ($Nodes.Count -eq 0) { continue }
          $Nodes.attribute | ForEach-Object {
              $k = $_.id
              $v = $_.value
              if ($k -notin $Attributes) {
                  $Attributes += $k
              $Object.Add($k, $v)
              if ($_.type -eq 'TranslatedString') {
                  $k = "$($k)English"
                  $v = $_.handle
                  if ($k -notin $Attributes) {
                      $Attributes += $k
                  $Object.Add("$($k)English", $LocalizationData.SelectSingleNode("//content[@contentuid='$($v)']").'#text')
          $Objects += New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $Object
      # All data are gathered, but we need to create a new object, where every entry contains all the same attribute/property keys, otherwise exporting to Csv apparently doesn't work very well.
      # Empty array to contain the objects.
      $oArray = @()
      foreach ($o in $Objects) {
          # Create/reset the hashtable used to all the attributes/properties.
          # The ones explicitly listed, are so they are sorted first (i.e. the first columnds).
          $oTable = [ordered]@{
              Type = ''
              MapKey = ''
              ParentTemplateId = ''
              Name = ''
              DisplayNameEnglish = ''
          # Sort the collected attributes and add the rest to the hashtable.
          $Attributes | Sort-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object {
              if ($_ -notin $oTable.Keys) {
                  $oTable.Add($_, '')
          # Loop through all the attributes/properties.
          foreach ($k in $o.psobject.Properties.Name) {
              # Update the matching keys in the hashtable, with the collected value.
              $oTable."$($k)" = $o."$($k)"
          # Add the table to the array.
          $oArray += New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $oTable
      $oArray | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Force -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter ';' -Path $CsvPath
  • 2023-08-19:
    1. Created new items list, available as a Google Spreadsheet (too large to attach without compressing it).
      It contains ALL of type=item found in the RootTemplates, as well as various attributes for the items, that can be used for searching/filtering.
  • 2023-08-19:
    1. Added bg3_EvenLess_2023.08.19.CT.
      Minor fixes. Addes scrolls.
    2. Added bg3_EvenLess_Scrolls_20230819T0856582171.CT.
      Just the scrolls. For merging with other tables.
    3. Added bg3_scrolls.txt.
      CSV with the scrolls, with names.
  • 2023-08-18:
    1. Added bg3_EvenLess_2023.08.18.CT.
  • 2023-08-13:
    1. Added bg3_items_20230813T0228529556.txt. Removed bg3_items_20230812T2222384844.txt.
      Also viewable as a Google Spreadsheet.
  • 2023-08-12:
    1. Added bg3_EvenLess_armor_v2.CT.
      Based on a new PowerShell script (which I'm refining), that automatically indexes all the items in the armor.txt-files, attempts to find the equipment slot. Looks up the localized name and description and adds this for the name and extra details in the script comments, then generates the final Cheat Table.
    2. Added bg3_items_20230812T2222384844.txt.
      More details CSV with all armors in Armor.txt-files.
I have added a LOT of items to the Item Spawner. Primarily Legendary and Very Rare, and some Rare and Uncommon. I have sorted and color-coded them.
All this is in the attached bg3_items_spells.CT table, which is based Zanzer's bg3.CT v4.1.1.3624901 (2) table.

You can also use one of the attached tables that only contains the items (bg3_armor.CT, bg3_weapon.CT, and bg3_object.CT). They contain a LOT more items, but are not as pretty and sorted as the ones I manually added in the bg3_items_spells.CT table.
To use these you must load Zanzer's bg3.CT table first, then and Activate Console Commands, then Register Commands, before being able to use the Item Spawner.
Then from the already opened Cheat Engine, with Zanzer's bg3.CT loaded, open my bg3_armor.CT, or bg3_weapon.CT, or bg3_object.CT and merge it into Zanzer's bg3.CT.

These (incomplete) lists are based on all the items found in the armor.txt, weapon.txt, and armor.txt files, found in the following unpacked folders, and a list of those are added in the bg_items.txt (CSV) file:
  • Gustav\Public\Gustav\Stats\Generated\Data
  • Gustav\Public\GustavDev\Stats\Generated\Data
  • Shared\Public\Shared\Stats\Generated\Data
  • Shared\Public\SharedDev\Stats\Generated\Data
I've attached another, more complete and more searchable list, as bg3_items_v2.txt (CSV) file. This one contains all items found in the all the RootTemplates-files. This does include a lot of items that cannot be added to inventory, from the looks of it. It does not contain all files, I've discovered, but it is the most complete list so far.

The way I created the lists and the item Cheat Tables, was with a few PowerShell scripts I wrote.

The first script, which only inventories the before-mentioned .txt-files, is pretty fast to run. It creates both the CSV and the 3 item Cheat Tables. Remember to update paths to your locations.

Code: Select all

# Get the path for the My Documents folder.
$DocumentsFolder = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')

# The default location where Cheat Engine saves cheat tables.
$CheatTablesFolder = Join-Path -Path $DocumentsFolder -ChildPath 'My Cheat Tables'

$ItemsCsvFile = 'bg3_items.csv'
$ItemsCsvPath = Join-Path -Path $CheatTablesFolder -ChildPath $ItemsCsvFile
$ItemsCtFile = 'bg3_armor.CT'
$ItemsCtPath = Join-Path -Path $CheatTablesFolder -ChildPath $ItemsCtFile

# Base-path of the unpacked data/.pak-files.
$BasePath = 'C:\Games\BG3-Tools\UnpackedData'
# Get tools to extract with here:
# https://github.com/Norbyte/lslib/releases/latest
# https://github.com/ShinyHobo/BG3-Modders-Multitool/releases/latest

# Sub-paths to the armor, object, and weapon .txt-files.
$ArmorFiles = @(
$WeaponFiles = @(
$ObjectFiles = @(

# Combine to one.
#$Files = $ArmorFiles + $WeaponFiles + $ObjectFiles
$Files = $ArmorFiles + $WeaponFiles + $ObjectFiles

$RarityColor = @{
    'Uncommon'       = '00FF00'
    'Rare'           = 'FFFF00'
    'VeryRare'       = 'FF00FF'
    'Legendary'      = '4080FF'

$CheatTableHead = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CheatTable CheatEngineTableVersion="45">
            <Description>"Item Spawner"</Description>
            <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
$CheatTableFoot = @"
$CheatEntryTemplate = @"
                    <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
                    <AssemblerScript Async="1">[ENABLE]
if syntaxcheck then return end

local uuid = "@@ITEM_UUID@@"

local cmdCall = getAddress("cmdCall")
local cmdAddr = getAddress("cmdAddr")
local cmdArgs = getAddress("cmdArgs")
local cmdStr1 = getAddress("cmdStr1")
executeCodeEx(0, nil, cmdCall)

writePointer(cmdArgs + 0x18, readPointer(cmdArgs + 0x08))
writePointer(cmdArgs + 0x08, cmdStr1)
writeString(cmdStr1, uuid)
writeBytes(cmdStr1 + #uuid, 0)
writeQword(cmdArgs + 0x28, 0)
writeQword(cmdArgs + 0x38, 0)
writeQword(cmdArgs + 0x48, 0)
writeQword(cmdArgs + 0x58, 0)
executeCodeEx(0, nil, cmdCall)


# Regular Expression to check if the UUID looks right.
$RegexUUID = [regex]'^[a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}$'

# Create an empty array to store all the items.
$Items = ''

# Create an empty string variable to store the content of the files.
$Content = ''
# Loop through the files and read their contents into one big string.
foreach ($File in $Files) {
    # Combine base-path and sub-path to the full path.
    $FullPath = Join-Path -Path $BasePath -ChildPath $File
    $Content += Get-Content -Raw -Path $FullPath
# Split the content string into an array of lines.
$Line = $Content -split '\n'

# Create an empty array to store the item objects in.
$Items = @()
# Ensure the Item variable is empty for the first iteration.
Clear-Variable -Name Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Loop through all the lines.
for ($l = 0; $l -lt $Line.Count; $l++) {
    # Check if the current line is the start of a new item entry.
    if ($Line[$l] -match '^new entry "(?<Name>\w+)"') {
        # Store the items "name" in a new variable, so it does not get overwritten by following mathes.
        $ItemName = $Matches.Name
        # Check if we already have an item object, and if that item object contains a valid UUID.
        if ($Item -and $Item.UUID -match $RegexUUID) {
            # Store the previous item object in the array.
            $Items += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $Item
        # Create a fresh hashtable and populate it with the default values.
        $Item = [ordered]@{
            Name   = $ItemName
            UUID   = $null
            Type   = 'TYPE_UNKNOWN'
            Rarity = 'RARITY_UNKNOWN'
    else {
        # Not a new item entry, so look for the current item entrys data.
        # Check if the current line is the item type.
        if ($Line[$l] -match 'type "(?<Type>\w+)"') {
            # Update the hashtable with the found value.
            $Item.Type = $Matches.Type
        # Check if the current line is the item rarity.
        if ($Line[$l] -match '^data "Rarity" "(?<Rarity>\w+)"') {
            # Update the hashtable with the found value.
            $Item.Rarity = $Matches.Rarity
        # Check if the current line is the item UUID.
        if ($Line[$l] -match '^data "RootTemplate" "(?<UUID>[a-f0-9-]+)"') {
            # Update the hashtable with the found value.
            $Item.UUID = $Matches.UUID

# Export the items to a the items CSV-file. Using semi-colon (;) as delimiter, simply because the CSV file will automatically be shown in colums, in spreadsheet programs.
$Items | Sort-Object -Property Name | Export-Csv -Force -NoTypeInformation -Encoding Default -Delimiter ';' -Path $ItemsCsvPath

# Build the Cheat Table.
foreach ($t in ($Items | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Type -Unique)) {
    $CtFile = "bg3_$($t.ToLower()).CT"
    $CtPath = Join-Path -Path $CheatTablesFolder -ChildPath $CtFile
    $CheatID = 1
    $CheatTableHead.Replace('@@CE_ID@@', $CheatID) | Out-File -Force -Encoding default -FilePath $CtPath
    foreach ($i in ($Items | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq $t} | Sort-Object -Property Name)) {
        $CheatEntryTemplate.Replace('@@CE_ID@@', $CheatID).Replace('@@ITEM_NAME@@', $i.Name).Replace('@@RARITY_COLOR@@', $RarityColor."$($i.Rarity)").Replace('@@ITEM_UUID@@', $i.UUID) | Out-File -Append -Encoding default -FilePath $CtPath
    $CheatTableFoot | Out-File -Append -Encoding default -FilePath $CtPath
The second script was an attempt to find ALL items, as it looked like all items were stored in the RootTemplates-files. I also wanted the localized names, so the script will also find that and add to the list. This script is VERY SLOW. First run (which generated the attached bg3_items_v2.txt-file) took more than 14 hours to complete (14 hours, 5 minutes, 2 seconds and 404 milliseconds to be exact).
It requires all the binary .lsf-files to be converted .lsj JSON-files. Easily done using the ConverterApp.exe that is included in Norbyte's ExportTool.

Code: Select all

$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
$Stopwatch = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch

$DocumentsFolder = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')
$CheatTablesFolder = Join-Path -Path $DocumentsFolder -ChildPath 'My Cheat Tables'
$CsvFile = 'bg3_allitems.csv'
$CsvPath = Join-Path -Path $CheatTablesFolder -ChildPath $CsvFile

$BasePath = 'C:\Games\BG3-Tools\UnpackedData'

$LocalizationPath = "$($BasePath)\English\Localization\English\english.xml"

$RootTemplates = @(

$LocalizationData = [xml](Get-Content -Encoding Default -Path $LocalizationPath)

$RegexUUID = [regex]'^[a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}$'

function Get-TemplateData {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Write-Verbose -Message "Fn: Get-TemplateData -Id '$($Id)'"
    $Template = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath "$($Id).lsj"
    $Success = $false
    if (Test-Path -Path $Template) {
        $Success = $true
        try {
            $Data = Get-Content -Raw -Encoding Default -Path $Template | ConvertFrom-Json
        catch {
            $Success = $false
    if ($Success) {
        return $Data.save.regions.Templates.GameObjects[0]

$Items = @()
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $RootTemplates -Filter *.lsj
Write-Output '"UUID";"Name";"Stats";"DisplayName";"Description"' | Out-File -Force -Encoding default -FilePath $CsvPath
foreach ($f in $Files) {
    $TemplatePath = $f.Directory.FullName
    $TemplateId   = $f.BaseName
    $Item = [ordered]@{
        UUID        = $f.BaseName
        Name        = $null
        Stats       = $null
        DisplayName = $null
        Description = $null
    Write-Verbose -Message "L1: Read '$($f.BaseName)'."
    do {
        $Data = Get-TemplateData -Path $TemplatePath -Id $TemplateId
        if ('Name' -notin $Data.psobject.Properties.Name) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "L2: Name missing for '$($f.BaseName)'."
        foreach ($p in $Data.psobject.Properties.Name) {
            switch ($p) {
                'Name' {
                    if ($null -eq $Item.Name) {
                        Write-Verbose -Message "L3: Adding Name '$($Data.Name.value)'."
                        $Item.Name = $Data.Name.value
                'Stats' {
                    if ($null -eq $Item.Stats) {
                        Write-Verbose -Message "L3: Adding Stats '$($Data.Stats.value)'."
                        $Item.Stats = $Data.Stats.value
                'DisplayName' {
                    if ($null -eq $Item.DisplayName) {
                        $LocalizedName = ($LocalizationData.contentList.content | Where-Object {
                            $_.contentuid -eq $Data.DisplayName.handle
                        Write-Verbose -Message "L3: Adding DisplayName '$($LocalizedName)'."
                        $Item.DisplayName = $LocalizedName
                'Description' {
                    if ($null -eq $Item.Description) {
                        $LocalizedName = ($LocalizationData.contentList.content | Where-Object {
                            $_.contentuid -eq $Data.Description.handle
                        Write-Verbose -Message "L3: Adding Description '$($LocalizedName)'."
                        $Item.Description = $LocalizedName
        $TemplateId = $Data.ParentTemplateId.value
    } while ($Data.psobject.Properties.Name -contains 'ParentTemplateId' -and $Data.ParentTemplateId.value -match $RegexUUID)
    Write-Verbose -Message "L1: Done '$($f.BaseName)'."
    if ($null -eq $Item.DisplayName) {
        Write-Verbose -Message "L1: DisplayName missing for '$($f.BaseName)'."
    $ItemObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $Item
    $ItemObject | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' | Select-Object -Skip 1 | Out-File -Append -Encoding default -FilePath $CsvPath
    #$Items += $ItemObject

#$Items | Export-Csv -Force -NoTypeInformation -Encoding Default -Delimiter ';' -Path $CsvPath


Zanzer deserves all the credit for the Cheat Tables.
Last edited by EvenLess on Mon Nov 06, 2023 9:24 pm, edited 28 times in total.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by maniacal1 »

So whenever I try to adjust abilities, when I save to populate the list comes back with random party members that aren't in my party and sometimes just random numbers in general with no name.

I've done this before in my first game, had little issues with it, but I cannot get it to work now.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by acecel »

Thanks for the table update and thanks for the items spawner list update too ;)

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