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~~~ THERES 2 PARTS TO THIS PROCESS TO MAKE IT WORK ~~~ creating svg file, and adding custom slider
~~~ PART 1: SVG IMAGE ~~~
1. Make an image, size doesn't matter much (i use MSpaint like a pleb). Simplest way is to give it black background then enter text with white color
2. Convert image to SVG
3. Create "svg" folder inside "data" folder of mod
4. Rename "svg image" to this format "icons_slidersname.svg", then put it in "svg" folder (SEE PART 2 FOR SLIDERS)
1. Create a file named "sliders.csv" in "Modname\data\simulation\"
2a. Simplest way is to just name the custom slider with lower case mod name, here's example line for the file:
2b (OPTIONAL). If you want custom slider scales look at examples in "GameInstallFolder\data\simulation\sliders.csv"
3. Whichever name you gave to custom slider, you have to update "policies.csv" with that, for example:
4. Rename svg image to match custom slider name, for example (icons_ prefix is required, it tells the game what type it is):
5. If everything was done right then you should see the image on policies in-game
6. For adding icons to stuff other than policies you gonna use similar method, just look at how the game does it