Assassin's Creed Odyssey

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Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Post by AmateurCheater9001 »

I know there is already a table for this game already but it doesnt consist of what I was looking for. I am also trying to find the pointers and aob myself but I am having a terrible time in finding it.

So what I am trying to do is find or make my own cheat to Unlock All Crew fighters so that they ALL jump over to the other side of the boat to fight.

I thought it was just a matter of 00 hex to 01 that will lock or unlock them but theres like 400-500 more addresses and when I went through them all. I just couldnt get it to work. The game would either crash or the camera will mess up because the camera is pretty easy to mess around with.

While I am doing this on the side, if anybody could help me or make one, that will be so awesome. I just dont like seeing 40 guys on my ship and only 4 of them jump across to fight. I dont believe that they're just obstacles there for the game because if you were to kick an enemy onto your boat, ALL of your guys will beat the crap out of 1 guy. So I know it is possible.

Thanks for reading. If you got any ideas on how I should go from here please give me some advice. Or if you're up for the task I would like to thank you again.

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