The Rule of Land: Pioneers
Re: The Rule of Land: Pioneers
Could someone post a table download of this game? I don't fully understand how to cheat the game.
Re: The Rule of Land: Pioneers
<f1:h>背包等级,可以大于10级(Backpack Level, can be greater than level 10, give it a try)
arop0xx 肉类(meat)
arok0xx 烤肉(Kao rou : roast meat)
aroj0xx 煎肉(Jian rou : fried meat)
aroz0xx 煮肉(Zhu rou : boiled meat)
hrop0xx 材料(Materials)
hgop0xx 优质材料(Good materials)
hbop0xx 劣质材料(Bad material)
eg. 满装备满驯服马(a fully equipped & tamed horse)
<c9:f>睡眠,最大10000(sleeping, max 10000)
<c9:g>已消耗的水分,修改为零时最大(Water consumed, modified to zero for max value)
<c9:e>已消耗的体力,修改为零时值最大(Stamina used, modified to zero for max value)
<f1:h>背包等级,可以大于10级(Backpack Level, can be greater than level 10, give it a try)
Code: Select all
1 bfgs
2 nbnh
3 eshg
4 zxcg
5 whds
6 vasn
7 msen
8 jhfr
9 wska
0 kkhf
Code: Select all
1 sqwa
2 ppog
3 biop
4 assa
5 mfba
6 xshg
7 oxcv
8 ycdt
9 dbda
0 aasd
Code: Select all
1 kzxc
2 ivxt
3 ungw
4 tvgt
5 lqer
6 icac
7 artu
8 paxm
9 ymka
0 lvcx
arop0xx 肉类(meat)
arok0xx 烤肉(Kao rou : roast meat)
aroj0xx 煎肉(Jian rou : fried meat)
aroz0xx 煮肉(Zhu rou : boiled meat)
hrop0xx 材料(Materials)
hgop0xx 优质材料(Good materials)
hbop0xx 劣质材料(Bad material)
Code: Select all
1 cvbn
3 dsch
4 gdss
5 qsch
8 ahjk
9 uqhu
0 pzzg
Code: Select all
<c1 a="QunShili6132989578848239434" b="horse005" c="posi3" d="cvbnpzzgpzzgy" e="mghshyuthyuti" f="fpozbhopbhopq" g="igop007" h="igop006" i="igop008" j="igop008" k="igop008" l="igop008" />
Code: Select all
1 xgdc
2 cwls
3 gcry
4 obcy
5 xucw
6 kdgl
7 xled
8 hala
9 zlaf
0 zeql
Code: Select all
1 uwel
2 uvca
3 vplw
4 txvo
5 mslr
6 lfpe
7 ueak
8 zaqw
9 zxad
0 xipd
Code: Select all
1 dwcy
2 nqps
3 xetv
4 gveh
5 caal
6 xupe
7 fasl
8 ucxr
9 xdss
0 celz
Re: The Rule of Land: Pioneers
Could someone post a table download of this game? I don't fully understand how to cheat the game.
Re: The Rule of Land: Pioneers
Plz post table for this!
- Expert Cheater
- Posts: 51
- Joined: Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:50 pm
- Reputation: 25
Re: The Rule of Land: Pioneers
Most of the post here related to editing the saves that is located on [USER]\AppData\LocalLow\HorgeeGames\Rule of Land
This code should be added on your save and would give you most of the items that would allow you to survive for several days.
This code should be added on your save and would give you most of the items that would allow you to survive for several days.
Code: Select all
<f7 a="erop016" b="dbdadbdadbdan"/><f7 a="egop006" b="dbdadbdadbdae"/><f7 a="hrop014" b="dbdadbdadbdah"/><f7 a="igop009" b="dbdadbdadbdaj"/><f7 a="grop001" b="dbdadbdadbdab"/><f7 a="egop007" b="dbdadbdadbdav"/><f7 a="egop014" b="dbdadbdadbdah"/><f7 a="egop009" b="dbdadbdadbdau"/><f7 a="hrop021" b="dbdadbdadbdan"/><f7 a="hrop016" b="dbdadbdadbday"/><f7 a="hgop002" b="dbdadbdadbdag"/><f7 a="jrop002" b="dbdadbdadbdaj"/><f7 a="hgop005" b="dbdadbdadbdag"/><f7 a="hgop019" b="dbdadbdadbdat"/><f7 a="arop006" b="dbdadbdadbdae"/><f7 a="jrop005" b="dbdadbdadbdas"/><f7 a="egop010" b="dbdadbdadbdaw"/><f7 a="jrop007" b="dbdadbdadbdaa"/><f7 a="arop019" b="dbdadbdadbdag"/><f7 a="arop022" b="dbdadbdadbdau"/><f7 a="jrop006" b="dbdadbdadbdax"/><f7 a="hgop013" b="dbdadbdadbdat"/><f7 a="cgop006" b="dbdadbdadbdaz"/><f7 a="arop014" b="dbdadbdadbdao"/><f7 a="hrop024" b="dbdadbdadbdak"/><f7 a="hrop023" b="dbdadbdadbdas"/><f7 a="hrop017" b="dbdadbdadbdai"/><f7 a="bgop008" b="dbdadbdadbdab"/><f7 a="hbop019" b="dbdadbdadbdax"/><f7 a="hbop007" b="dbdadbdadbdab"/><f7 a="hrop018" b="dbdadbdadbdap"/><f7 a="cgop007" b="dbdadbdadbdap"/><f7 a="cgoa002" b="dbdadbdadbdam"/><f7 a="hrop027" b="dbdadbdadbdae"/><f7 a="arok001" b="dbdadbdadbdal"/><f7 a="cgoz002" b="dbdadbdadbdaw"/><f7 a="hgop015" b="dbdadbdadbdaf"/><f7 a="jrop004" b="dbdadbdadbdax"/><f7 a="arop004" b="dbdadbdadbdao"/><f7 a="egop002" b="dbdadbdadbdad"/><f7 a="egop001" b="dbdadbdadbdai"/><f7 a="egop004" b="dbdadbdadbday"/><f7 a="igop002" b="dbdadbdadbdaa"/><f7 a="jrop001" b="dbdadbdadbdai"/><f7 a="bgop005" b="dbdadbdadbdam"/><f7 a="frop003" b="dbdadbdadbdap"/><f7 a="dgop001" b="dbdadbdadbdat"/><f7 a="jrop003" b="dbdadbdadbdas"/><f7 a="arop001" b="dbdadbdadbdas"/><f7 a="hgop003" b="dbdadbdadbdab"/><f7 a="hgop011" b="dbdadbdadbdap"/><f7 a="arop027" b="dbdadbdadbdao"/><f7 a="drop008" b="dbdadbdadbdad"/><f7 a="grop002" b="dbdadbdadbdal"/><f7 a="cgoz007" b="dbdadbdadbdaq"/><f7 a="cgop004" b="dbdadbdadbdat"/><f7 a="bgop007" b="dbdadbdadbdam"/><f7 a="cboa002" b="dbdadbdadbdal"/><f7 a="aroj004" b="dbdadbdadbdaq"/><f7 a="igop003" b="dbdadbdadbdad"/><f7 a="dgop002" b="dbdadbdadbdal"/><f7 a="arop039" b="dbdadbdadbdai"/><f7 a="grop005" b="dbdadbdadbdaj"/><f7 a="arop018" b="dbdadbdadbdap"/><f7 a="drop004" b="dbdadbdadbdan"/><f7 a="bgop003" b="dbdadbdadbdap"/><f7 a="bgop004" b="dbdadbdadbdav"/><f7 a="kroa001133344716941865299" b="dbdaw"/><f7 a="hbop012" b="dbdadbdadbdad"/><f7 a="cgop002" b="dbdadbdadbdal"/><f7 a="cbop005" b="dbdadbdadbdax"/><f7 a="egop008" b="dbdadbdadbdaj"/><f7 a="cgop008" b="dbdadbdadbdab"/><f7 a="hbop010" b="dbdadbdadbdac"/><f7 a="arop038" b="dbdadbdadbdae"/><f7 a="grop006" b="dbdadbdadbdal"/><f7 a="frop001" b="dbdadbdadbday"/><f7 a="hgop012" b="dbdadbdadbdak"/><f7 a="arop031" b="dbdadbdadbdat"/><f7 a="jrop008" b="dbdadbdadbdah"/><f7 a="bgop006" b="dbdadbdadbdae"/><f7 a="egop005" b="dbdadbdadbdav"/><f7 a="drop010" b="dbdadbdadbdav"/><f7 a="drop007" b="dbdadbdadbdag"/><f7 a="arop011" b="dbdadbdadbdax"/><f7 a="grop004" b="dbdadbdadbdas"/><f7 a="hgop007" b="dbdadbdadbdap"/><f7 a="frop004" b="dbdadbdadbdas"/><f7 a="bgop010" b="dbdadbdadbdaa"/><f7 a="drop003" b="dbdadbdadbdae"/><f7 a="frop002" b="dbdadbdadbdau"/><f7 a="drop018" b="dbdadbdadbdao"/><f7 a="cgoz004" b="dbdadbdadbdao"/><f7 a="bgop002" b="dbdadbdadbdak"/><f7 a="drop005" b="dbdadbdadbday"/><f7 a="bgop009" b="dbdadbdadbdac"/><f7 a="grop003" b="dbdadbdadbdap"/><f7 a="bgop001" b="dbdadbdadbdaa"/><f7 a="cgop001" b="dbdadbdadbdak"/><f7 a="bbop001" b="dbdadbdadbdap"/><f7 a="cgop005" b="dbdadbdadbdae"/><f7 a="aroz027" b="dbdadbdadbdak"/><f7 a="igop001" b="dbdadbdadbdac"/><f7 a="hgop008" b="dbdadbdadbdaa"/><f7 a="dgoj001" b="dbdadbdadbdat"/><f7 a="arok031" b="dbdadbdadbdag"/><f7 a="egop013" b="dbdadbdadbdak"/>
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