Mafiabattle - Is this possible?

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Mafiabattle - Is this possible?

Post by HolyShit »

Hey Community,

im playing mafiabattle for about 3 years now. Do you think that there is a way to cheat this? Im not really into cheating with CE or something like that. I was trying around some things and after some days i got a warning from the programers :-D

I was able to add diamonds and money, but after some seconds it was set back to the real amount. I think this is some "server stuff" !?

Upgrading the buildings takes a lot of time if you reach higher level. It would be awesome to reduce the time or any other useful things.

Sorry for maybe asking dumb questions, but i don't know how to explain it better. Would love to get answers if there are any possibilities for a litte cheat


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Re: - Is this possible?

Post by The Mogician »

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