Might be useful for your table, although you'll have to remake it with the Steam version AOB/opcodes.
Allows you to instantly Find Treasure/Recruit/get HL from captured enemies without having to interrogate them.
This opcode just reads the enemies SP that you can see in the negotiation menu and writes a value of 0 to it.
Code: Select all
aobscanmodule(easyInterrogations,Disgaea4gp.exe,48 8B 83 80 0D 00 00 45)
mov [rbx+00000D80],#0
mov rax,[rbx+00000D80]
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 2
db 48 8B 83 80 0D 00 00
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "Disgaea4gp.exe"+11265E
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+11262D: B9 3A 00 00 00 - mov ecx,0000003A
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+112632: 44 89 74 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],r14d
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+112637: 44 8D 41 DA - lea r8d,[rcx-26]
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+11263B: E8 30 13 08 00 - call Disgaea4gp.exe+193970
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+112640: 48 8B 83 90 0D 00 00 - mov rax,[rbx+00000D90]
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+112647: 41 B9 68 00 00 00 - mov r9d,00000068
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+11264D: 4C 89 64 24 30 - mov [rsp+30],r12
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+112652: 8B D7 - mov edx,edi
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+112654: 48 89 44 24 28 - mov [rsp+28],rax
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+112659: B9 98 01 00 00 - mov ecx,00000198
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+11265E: 48 8B 83 80 0D 00 00 - mov rax,[rbx+00000D80]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+112665: 45 8D 41 AC - lea r8d,[r9-54]
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+112669: 48 89 44 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],rax
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+11266E: E8 3D 1E 08 00 - call Disgaea4gp.exe+1944B0
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+112673: 48 8B 83 80 0D 00 00 - mov rax,[rbx+00000D80]
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+11267A: 8D 57 0B - lea edx,[rdi+0B]
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+11267D: C7 44 24 28 07 00 00 00 - mov [rsp+28],00000007
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+112685: 4D 8B CD - mov r9,r13
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+112688: B9 8E 01 00 00 - mov ecx,0000018E
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+11268D: 48 89 44 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],rax
"Disgaea4gp.exe"+112692: 41 B8 14 00 00 00 - mov r8d,00000014