Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.14

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.11

Post by anon9 »

wepon1984 wrote:
Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:42 am
bachou wrote:
Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:38 am
my shop rank is currently 2 and Disgaea4pc.exe+A17137 value sit at 514, buying items don't change this value
Customer Rank EXP should be at Disgaea4pc.exe+8A8848
Wait, That is the address I have for HL. The address I have for Customer Rank EXP (Payment to Shop in my table) is Disgaea4pc.exe+8A8850.

Disgaea4pc.exe+A17137 should be Customer Rank itself, which should not be above 12.
Disgaea4pc.exe+A17138 should be Product Rank, which should not be above 12.
Disgaea4pc.exe+A17139 = Enemy Strength Level

To Bachou, check if Disgaea4pc+8A8848 (what I have listed as HL) is your HL address, if not, then something is different about our game versions and I guess you could try a different table to see if any work for you. Otherwise, if it is your HL address, try checking the byte size address of A17137, A17138.

(A17137-A17138 probably looks something like 02 02 in hex - 514 % 256 = 2 514 / 256 = 2. So 02 02.)

Check the values with the script on if you want, but also try turning off the script and looking at the Customer Rank EXP / HL Spent in Shops value. Buy a cheap item and see if the value is going up appropriately.
Check also if you are far above the required amount or if the value is negative (you'll need to calculate it out for that, I don't think CE shows signed values.)
You could try changing your Customer Rank Exp to be equal to your starting point for your current level (added a dropdown list)
You could try resetting your customer rank and HL Spent in Shops both to 0 and see if it works that way.

If that still doesn't work, I'll try to make a scanner script for it (I probably would have made one eventually anyways) and see if we can manage to use a scan to figure out what is going on. I'll also add a sort of sanity check to the multiplier script so that it will look sort of like below (you could try the below version if you want).

Code: Select all

{ Game   : Disgaea4pc.exe
  Author : anon-9

  This script attempts to multiply the rate of Shop Rank gain


aobscanmodule(fShopRankMultiplier,Disgaea4pc.exe,48 01 15 9E DD 54 00) // should be unique



  cmp [Disgaea4pc.exe+8A8850],#9999999999
  ja return
// Return without any changes if the Customer Rank Exp (Total HL used in shop purchases) is far above necessary value.
// This should help in preventing the number from becoming negative.
  imul rdx,[varShopRankMult]
  add [Disgaea4pc.exe+8A8850],rdx
  cmp byte ptr [Disgaea4pc.exe+A17137],#12
  jle return
// Return if the Customer Rank is 12 or less. Otherwise, make Customer Rank 0 in order to reset the customer rank so
// the game will be able to raise Customer Rank.
  mov byte ptr [Disgaea4pc.exe+A17137],#0
  mov byte ptr [Disgaea4pc.exe+A17138],#0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 2


  db 48 01 15 9E DD 54 00



"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AA82: 4C 0F AF C7                    -  imul r8,rdi
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AA86: 48 B8 0B D7 A3 70 3D 0A D7 A3  -  mov rax,A3D70A3D70A3D70B
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AA90: 49 F7 E8                       -  imul r8
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AA93: 49 03 D0                       -  add rdx,r8
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AA96: 48 C1 FA 06                    -  sar rdx,06
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AA9A: 48 8B C2                       -  mov rax,rdx
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AA9D: 48 C1 E8 3F                    -  shr rax,3F
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AAA1: 48 03 D0                       -  add rdx,rax
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AAA4: 48 85 D2                       -  test rdx,rdx
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AAA7: 49 0F 4E D5                    -  cmovle rdx,r13
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AAAB: 48 01 15 9E DD 54 00           -  add [Disgaea4pc.exe+8A8850],rdx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AAB2: 0F BF 15 1B C8 E3 01           -  movsx edx,word ptr [Disgaea4pc.exe+21972D4]
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AAB9: 0F BF 05 18 C8 E3 01           -  movsx eax,word ptr [Disgaea4pc.exe+21972D8]
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AAC0: 03 D0                          -  add edx,eax
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AAC2: B9 02 00 00 00                 -  mov ecx,00000002
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AAC7: E8 04 16 DD FF                 -  call Disgaea4pc.exe+12C0D0
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AACC: 44 0F BF 0D 3E C6 6B 00        -  movsx r9d,word ptr [Disgaea4pc.exe+A17112]
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AAD4: 44 0F BF 05 FC C7 E3 01        -  movsx r8d,word ptr [Disgaea4pc.exe+21972D8]
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AADC: 0F BF 15 F1 C7 E3 01           -  movsx edx,word ptr [Disgaea4pc.exe+21972D4]
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AAE3: 89 74 24 28                    -  mov [rsp+28],esi
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+35AAE7: 41 BF 07 00 00 00              -  mov r15d,00000007
Darkedone02 wrote:
Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:20 am
I can't open the scripts in the latest table update on the OP, get this error:

I have the xbox game pass version
That would be why I specified Steam. I don't know what the xbox game pass version uses. Try changing the Disgaea4pc.exe part to whatever the executable name is for you. It may or may not work though depending on how different the versions are. You can probably find the exe name either by look near the top of your cheat engine window (should look something like 00000FFA - Disgaea4pc.exe (ignore the part before the - )) or looking at the properties to figure out the exe (or looking in the game folder might work too). Just make sure you backup your saves first.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.11

Post by Asuma »

Would a Geo Bloc modifier be to hard to do?

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.11

Post by Impala »

I made this for myself but thought I would share

This edits the amount of exp that the exp potion from the item shop gives

When you use the exp potion, it will give you the amount you put in the box

You could just change exp using anon9's character editor, but I like doing it through the game

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Experience Potion Amount"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
//Disgaea4pc.exe+882A0 - 4C 8B 60 48 - mov r12,[rax+48]
aobscanmodule(exppotion,Disgaea4pc.exe,4C 8B 60 48 49 03 CC) // should be unique



  mov r12,[potionamount]
  add rcx,r12
  jmp return

  dd 63

  jmp newmem
  nop 2
  db 4C 8B 60 48 49 03 CC

// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "Disgaea4pc.exe"+882A0

"Disgaea4pc.exe"+88270: BB 01 00 00 00                 -  mov ebx,00000001
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+88275: 49 8B C6                       -  mov rax,r14
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+88278: E9 72 01 00 00                 -  jmp Disgaea4pc.exe+883EF
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+8827D: 66 44 3B C8                    -  cmp r9w,ax
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+88281: 7C 08                          -  jl Disgaea4pc.exe+8828B
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+88283: 40 32 F6                       -  xor sil,sil
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+88286: E9 DD 01 00 00                 -  jmp Disgaea4pc.exe+88468
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+8828B: 48 8B 4F 08                    -  mov rcx,[rdi+08]
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+8828F: 48 BA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01  -  mov rdx,0100000000000000
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+88299: 48 8B 05 18 E7 61 00           -  mov rax,[Disgaea4pc.exe+6A69B8]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+882A0: 4C 8B 60 48                    -  mov r12,[rax+48]
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+882A4: 49 03 CC                       -  add rcx,r12
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+882A7: 48 3B CA                       -  cmp rcx,rdx
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+882AA: 48 0F 4F CA                    -  cmovg rcx,rdx
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+882AE: 45 33 C0                       -  xor r8d,r8d
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+882B1: 48 89 4F 08                    -  mov [rdi+08],rcx
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+882B5: 33 D2                          -  xor edx,edx
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+882B7: 48 8B CF                       -  mov rcx,rdi
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+882BA: E8 71 0F 0D 00                 -  call Disgaea4pc.exe+159230
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+882BF: E8 EC BF F9 FF                 -  call Disgaea4pc.exe+242B0
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+882C4: 44 39 B0 84 00 00 00           -  cmp [rax+00000084],r14d
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+882CB: 74 64                          -  je Disgaea4pc.exe+88331
          <Description>"Amount of Exp"</Description>
          <LastState Value="10" RealAddress="7FF616FF1000"/>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.11

Post by anon9 »

Asuma wrote:
Sun Sep 13, 2020 1:48 pm
Would a Geo Bloc modifier be to hard to do?
If my expectations are correct, the hard part would be finding the address to change since I sort of already have the rest in my table as part of the character editor. The problem is I'd have to dump thousands of bytes of code for multiple data points and cross examine them with how my code works right now.

So far I've found what appears to be type grouping and some other values I'm not certain about. Actually, if I'm correct, it is possible that I might have gone a bit too high up in the level with the character editor, which is both good and bad.

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.11

Post by Valatros »

Any chance for an editor for *innocents*? The item editor seems to lack one. I found one at uh... well, it's the *second* innocent slot on the item im moused over. Single byte, when the item address base (from zachs item editor script) is 7FF7F8129F50, the second innocent slots *value*, not its type, is at 7FF7F8129F04, which is... -4C on the pointer, relative to the ItemEditor base? This works if I just manually put that in under the script, but I dunno how to properly add it to the script itself for other people to easily use. I'm also not sure how to go about finding the values for the innocent *id's* to change what they are. Oh and they're saved weirdly. *Un*tamed innocents are in memory exactly as shown, but *tamed* innocents are in there as half. So a yellow smiley 8 value broker is actually found as a 4. Enforcers seem to be an exception to this, probably because they're automatically tamed. Hope that helps anyone trying to refine it into a proper code.

Oh, I got the first 4 innocent slots relative to the itemeditor. It's -54, -4C, -44, -3C. I expect the next four are +8 on each as well, I just don't have an item to verify that yet.

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.11

Post by xros »

any chacnce fpr capture any enemy or playable baal code?

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.11

Post by The Black X »

Valatros wrote:
Sun Sep 13, 2020 8:39 pm
Any chance for an editor for *innocents*? The item editor seems to lack one. I found one at uh... well, it's the *second* innocent slot on the item im moused over. Single byte, when the item address base (from zachs item editor script) is 7FF7F8129F50, the second innocent slots *value*, not its type, is at 7FF7F8129F04, which is... -4C on the pointer, relative to the ItemEditor base? This works if I just manually put that in under the script, but I dunno how to properly add it to the script itself for other people to easily use. I'm also not sure how to go about finding the values for the innocent *id's* to change what they are. Oh and they're saved weirdly. *Un*tamed innocents are in memory exactly as shown, but *tamed* innocents are in there as half. So a yellow smiley 8 value broker is actually found as a 4. Enforcers seem to be an exception to this, probably because they're automatically tamed. Hope that helps anyone trying to refine it into a proper code.

Oh, I got the first 4 innocent slots relative to the itemeditor. It's -54, -4C, -44, -3C. I expect the next four are +8 on each as well, I just don't have an item to verify that yet.
I'm working on It check my post in Prev. Page.

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.11

Post by Impala »

Would be cool to see a cheat make legendary tree quests easier


Should just be a pointer to the number of times completed

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.11

Post by anon9 »

ImpalaPUA wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:20 pm
Would be cool to see a cheat make legendary tree quests easier


Should just be a pointer to the number of times completed
Yeah, that is actually one of the things I have in my queue, but that I'm waiting on because it will be easier for me to do later (I'm like 70% done with my first run of the game and then I'll rush the later runs, which shouldn't take long).

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.11

Post by Impala »

anon9 wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 6:37 pm
ImpalaPUA wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:20 pm
Would be cool to see a cheat make legendary tree quests easier


Should just be a pointer to the number of times completed
Yeah, that is actually one of the things I have in my queue, but that I'm waiting on because it will be easier for me to do later (I'm like 70% done with my first run of the game and then I'll rush the later runs, which shouldn't take long).
Ok found it

This is for healing Vulcanus for the lovers scene

Disgaea4pc.exe+8AAC38 == the amount of times you healed her

Disgaea4pc.exe+1E2A13 - 66 89 42 60 - mov [rdx+60],ax == the function controls all the tasks and write to whatever task you do

Disgaea4pc.exe+8AAC38+8 == This address is for Fenrich combo

Disgaea4pc.exe+8AAC38-18 == This address is for mentor, changing this will change who is in mentor box

Disgaea4pc.exe+8AAC38+E == This address is for second-cousin amount times in map together, set to 10 for scene

Disgaea4pc.exe+8AAC38+4 == This address for mentor amount of times used skill next to mentor

Disgaea4pc.exe+8AAC38+2 == This address for rival

Disgaea4pc.exe+8AAC38+A == This address for twins

you can throw in your table if you want

you can set to 10 and it will automatically work when you visit the campaign hq
Vulcanus - Default/Lovers: Heal Vulcanus 10 times.
Fenrich - Comrade: Team Attack 10 times.
Fuka - Mentor: Extra Gain from Fuka 10 times (i.e., stand next to her and cast a spell from her skillset; Target Lock most likely as she learns it naturally).
Desco - Stepsibling: Protect Desco 10 times.
Emizel - Rival: Start countering each other 10 times (awkwardly worded but, essentially, attack each other and initiate a counter; this needs to be done 10 times as countering multiple times doesn't speed this up. Who counters whom doesn't matter).
The rivals above is wrong, this is how you get rivals
To get rivals you need to have the leader and the other person both equip a fist weapon. Then you need to have them fight one another a number of times. I had them attack each other a few times in one map, then finished it and did the same map a second time, again having them attack each other a few times. Not sure what the exact number of attacks needed is, could also be based on the counters. I made sure neither died, and I didn't heal them either (I used very weak fists and very heavy armor in all slots). Not sure if it's possible to get this with monster classes as I havn't done any testing for that yet. Once established the leader will get boosts to all stats as long as the other person is out on the field. (I first tried this unarmed in hopes that it would work for monster classes, but I didn't have any luck until I equipped them both with fist weapons.)
Archenemies: Leader kills Archenemy 10 times. Its effect is Leader gains 50% stat boost when he/she kills Archenemy.

Comrades: Leader and Comrade team attack together ten times. Its effect is Leader has 99 percent team attack chance with Comrade.

Lovers: Leader heals Lover ten times. Its effect is Leader gets 10% HP regeneration when standing side-by-side with Lover.

Mentors: Leader uses Mentor's spells when standing side-by-side ten times. Its effect is Leader can use Mentor's spells anywhere on the map when both are deployed.

Rivals: Leader and Rival attack and counter each other unarmed or with a Fist-type weapon ten times. Its effect is Leader gains 20 percent stat boost when Rival is deployed.

Second Cousins: Leader and Second Cousin both participate in ten battles together. There is no special effect with this relationship.

Stepsiblings: Leader protects Stepsibling from special attacks ten times. Its effect is Leader can protect Stepsibling from anywhere on the map.

Twins: Leader and Twin wear the same equipment for ten entire battles. Its effect is Leader gains 20% to 60% stat boost for wearing the same armor as Twin.

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.14

Post by bachou »

Disgaea4pc.exe+8A8848 worked for me, just set them to something high then buy something at the shop the rank immediately go up

anyone knows how to find a succubus monster ? i have all the monsters registered only succubus is missing, i try spamming chara world on a lv 4000 character but she's isn't there

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.14

Post by The Black X »

Is anyone working on character values? if not i can do it and update the "Highlighted Character Finder" script. I already found basically everything. Lemme know if intrested.
i found max evility limit address

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.14

Post by anon9 »

Working on most of the stuff that have been requested or listed. Looks like there is more than one version going around though since HL for me is Customer Rank EXP for others. I can't do much for different versions since I don't have them.

If anyone wants me to link their table in the first post, let me know.

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.14

Post by The Black X »

Ok, leave the char editor to me. I'll upload here soon.

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Re: Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam) - Last Update 2020.09.14

Post by Impala »

This is a cheat to make legendary tree quests easy

Enable, do one of the missions, then go turn it in, no need to do it 10 times

Also, never tested it since I have them done but in theory it should work

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Easy Legendary Tree Quests"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
//Disgaea4pc.exe+1E2A13 - 66 89 42 60 - mov [rdx+60],ax
aobscanmodule(legendarytree,Disgaea4pc.exe,66 89 42 60 C3) // should be unique



  add ax,9
  mov [rdx+60],ax
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 66 89 42 60 C3


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A13

"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E29F3: 7D 22                    -  jnl Disgaea4pc.exe+1E2A17
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E29F5: 48 63 C2                 -  movsxd  rax,edx
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E29F8: 83 3C 81 00              -  cmp dword ptr [rcx+rax*4],00
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E29FC: 74 19                    -  je Disgaea4pc.exe+1E2A17
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E29FE: 48 8D 14 41              -  lea rdx,[rcx+rax*2]
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A02: B9 E7 03 00 00           -  mov ecx,000003E7
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A07: 0F B7 42 60              -  movzx eax,word ptr [rdx+60]
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A0B: 66 3B C1                 -  cmp ax,cx
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A0E: 73 07                    -  jae Disgaea4pc.exe+1E2A17
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A10: 66 FF C0                 -  inc ax
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A13: 66 89 42 60              -  mov [rdx+60],ax
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A17: C3                       -  ret 
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A18: CC                       -  int 3 
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A19: CC                       -  int 3 
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A1A: CC                       -  int 3 
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A1B: CC                       -  int 3 
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A1C: CC                       -  int 3 
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A1D: CC                       -  int 3 
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A1E: CC                       -  int 3 
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A1F: CC                       -  int 3 
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A20: 48 89 5C 24 08           -  mov [rsp+08],rbx
"Disgaea4pc.exe"+1E2A25: 48 89 6C 24 10           -  mov [rsp+10],rbp

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