Instead of going to the Applications tab, as usual, You have to go to your processes to the right of that and manually find and select a process called XXXXXXXX-Minecraft.Windows.exe, the eight X's represent randomly assorted numbers and letters, can be random.
Bolty813: you cannot use this on real. What I've found out is that you can save copy of world from real and edit values and then upload back again to real. I'm working with some youtubers I've followed on getting Item List IDs for Minecraft, will update if I get lukcy.
naviho98: I think they have a java version already, if you don't find it post here what version of Java and I'll see if I have it and post a new cht. table for Java.
People, this table will never work on Java version, even if you changed up everything. CE is very conflicted with Java and most tries to access a Java app using CE means a crash. This table is meant to be used with the Minecraft from the Windows Store, which uses C++.
I am using Minecraft windows 10 edition. When I had Minecraft v.1.16.40, the table worked perfectly. But my hard drive took a crap and when I re-installed everything I ended up with the latest Minecraft from the Windows store, which is v.1.16.10004.0 . Now the table does not work, you get question marks for all values. If you attempt to activate anything it crashes the game.
People, this table will never work on Java version, even if you changed up everything. CE is very conflicted with Java and most tries to access a Java app using CE means a crash. This table is meant to be used with the Minecraft from the Windows Store, which uses C++.
Just use the Wurst client for Java. It does everything these tables do and more. Including aimbots, xray vision and ESP.