Here is my very first attempt to create a trainer/cheat engine for Epic Version
It is not 100% perfect but I think it is good enough to do some shenanigans
F1 Disable health reductions (also for NPC's....)
F2 Freezes bright yellow stamina value (does not prevent from hunger)
F3 Freezes dark yellow stamina value (does not prevent from hunger)
F4 Block item remove (crafting | cooking | shoting arrows)* USE WITH CAUTION!
F5 Blocks items durability decrease
*F4 Not all items are craftable especially some of the boats parts. However this is (from what I have found) the only working way to duplicate item. To do so just try to build a boat part (anything that you can disassemble) when this cheat is active. for me the bamboo traps worked best. then disassemble.
AGAIN USE WITH CAUTION!!!! MAKE OFTEN AND LOT OF SAVES BACKUPS (AppData\LocalLow\5 Lives Studios\Windbound\Saves)
Hope this will help someone.
PS Please keep in mind that this is really the first time that I've build the CT. If you have an idea how to improved feel free