Usage info:
Scripts with "To Activate: XXX" can only be activated (put an "X" into the box) after doing action XXX.
Scripts with "To Update: XXX" will only update their effect after doing action XXX.
Addresses with "XXX?" will enable the script effect XXX when 1 is put into the Value.
In general:
A. Do action YYY.
B. Activate (put an X) the "Initialization (Activate This First, To Activate: YYY)" script.
C. Activate (put an X) the "Base Address Scan (To Activate: YYY, To Update: ZZZ)" script.
D. Enable (put a 1) the desired effect. Example: "Set Health to Max?" address.
E. Do action ZZZ.
V1000 - 2020-08-22
1. Tested game version V1.0.0.5e 64-bit. May work on other versions.
2. GameManager.
"Gold, Bless Set to Massive?" sets Gold, Bless to massive.
"Consumables Stack Size & Quantity Set to Massive?" sets Consumable Stack Size & Quantity to massive.
"Weapons Stack Size & Quantity Set to Massive?" sets Weapons Stack Size & Quantity to massive.
"Off-Hand Stack Size & Quantity Set to Massive?" sets Off-Hand Stack Size & Quantity to massive.
"Clothes Stack Size & Quantity Set to Massive?" sets Clothes Stack Size & Quantity to massive.
"Accessories Stack Size & Accessories Set to Massive?" sets Accessories Stack Size & Quantity to massive.
"Materials Stack Size & Quantity Set to Massive?" sets Materials Stack Size & Quantity to massive.
"Quest Items Set to Massive?" sets Quest Items to massive.
"HP, MP, AP, Armor, Condition Set to Max?" sets HP, MP, AP, Armor, Condition to max.
"Party Level Set to 2?" sets Party Level to 2.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- "GameManager Stats -> IM -> rarityChances". Loot rarity chances.
3. BattleUI.
"Ultimate Set to Massive?" sets Ultimate to massive.
"HP Set to Max?" sets HP to max.
"MP Set to Max?" sets MP to max.
"AP Set to Max?" sets AP to max.
"Armor Set to Max?" sets Armor to max.
"Stats Set to Massive?" sets Stats to massive.
4. InteractiveStuff.
"Interaction Success Set to Massive?" sets Interaction Success to massive.
"Stamina Set to Max?" sets Stamina to max.
"Reveal Map Areas After Save & Reload Set to Massive? sets Reveal Map Areas to massive. Save and reload to update map.
"Visited Map Areas After Save & Reload Set to Massive?" sets Visited Map Areas to massive. Save and reload to update map.
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1