What is the use of...
--CanBoostAp without 1st clear (able to use 5ap option without 1st clear)
--CanUseMultiConsumptionAp (no limit for 5ap use, some missions got a 1x use per day) ???
Thank you
maybe your name come after Sternritter's name. You must come to this thread just for this game, I presume?
just a surprise..
--CanBoostAp without 1st clear : this BBS must cleared stage one time to use "instant clear 5 times" checkbox,
This cheat bypass that. just enable "instant clear 5 times" when you first see any stage. try it.
--CanUseMultiConsumptionAp : some stage does not allow to x5 run like above. like Transcendence Trial can only clear 1 time/day then disappeared.
This cheat bypass that. It's enable THAT checkbox that not allow in normal means.
Great table but the pointer for combo count stopped working after the new update. Could somebody fix it, for the 50 hit combo requirements in story mode.
Great table but the pointer for combo count stopped working after the new update. Could somebody fix it, for the 50 hit combo requirements in story mode.
So I've mostly used modded APKs for Bleach like platin or blackmods but those are gone and I found this. The x5 runs on single time quests like solo IT or the large scrolls ACTUALLY works and so far, I haven't been banned on my alt. I was wondering what the chances of actually being banned from this are? Specifically just for x5 runs since it would speed up farming so much on my main but I don't wanna be dumb
Hey. Your CT is so amazing sir and it has helped me a lot. Can I ask you to add a fake timer on the single-player quests like senkaimon and other solo quests. For instance if I clear the room in 12 seconds using speed option the timer will register it as 1 minute or above.
Hey. Your CT is so amazing sir and it has helped me a lot. Can I ask you to add a fake timer on the single-player quests like senkaimon and other solo quests. For instance if I clear the room in 12 seconds using speed option the timer will register it as 1 minute or above.
--QuestRecords (should help to keep the account as clean as possible)
"doubleclick QuestRecords script to set custom values"
-my default values are
#100 //comboMax
#2000 //damageMaxToEnemey with single hits
#0 //damagePlayerTotal
#0 //damagePlayerTotalFromBoss
#25000 //damageEnemyTotal total damage deal
#10 //countNormalAttack
#5 //countSpAttack
#1 //countExAttack
(float)100 //questBattleClearedTime 1float = 1sec
(float)100 //countAutoTime