Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by jgoemat »

fireundubh wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:38 am
Some interesting functions:


There's probably a switch somewhere that you can flip to let you fast travel to any campfire. I'm hoping to find a way to unlock all fast travel points. Looking... looking...
Those look awesome, how do you find those and can you find the code locations?

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by fireundubh »

jgoemat wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:51 am
Those look awesome, how do you find those and can you find the code locations?
140000000 is the HorizonZeroDawn.exe image base, so...

Code: Select all


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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by cfemen »

jgoemat wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:47 am
Here's a stealth cheat. Probably will need to be changed after an update since the AOB needs to go into the next function to be unique:
you can do several things to get stable AOBs.

1) a simple region scanner:
(activate Enable then walk around in the game and you can activate Stealth )

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : HorizonZeroDawn.exe
  Date   : 2020-08-09
  Author : cfe

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(aobCheckVis,HorizonZeroDawn.exe,41 8B D2 48 8B 05 ** ** ** ** 48 8B 48 60 8B 81 F8 00 00 00 FF C8 83 F8 01) // should be unique






  push rax
  mov rax,[rsp+40]
  mov [pIsVisible],rax
  pop rax
  mov edx,r10d
  jmp return
dq 0
  jmp newmem
  nop 5


  db 41 8B D2

          <Description>"Stealth "</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : HorizonZeroDawn.exe
  Date   : 2020-08-10
  Author : cfe

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanregion(aobIsVisible,[pIsVisible]-70,[pIsVisible],48 89 5C 24 08) // should be unique

  db 31 C0 C3



  db 48 89 5C


2) you can look into the function that calculates the visibility and xor the result:

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(aobCalcVisFlag,HorizonZeroDawn.exe,41 8B 98 30 02 00 00) // should be unique

  db 80 F3 C9



  db 80 E3 01

but your script is not player only, it checks several Entities.
do a breakpoint at HorizonZeroDawn.exe+12EB8A8 and you see the Soldier Entities on RCX.
or a breakpoint on aobCalcVisFlag and you see the Soldier Entities on R8.

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by SunBeam »

[LocalPlayer+0x70] is the "Soldier" entity you need to filter out. That's your player.

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by cfemen »

SunBeam wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 6:42 am
[LocalPlayer+0x70] is the "Soldier" entity you need to filter out. That's your player.
i know :) i just wanted to help jgoemat with the Stealth script AOBs and show him why its not player only, he should now have enough infos to make a perfect stealth script :)

...does someone else have this strange graphic bug? it usually happens after opening the world map...


looked why this happens and found ot that the game writes a way to high brightness value:

made this fix maybe someone also has this problem:

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(aobSetD3DBright,HorizonZeroDawn.exe,C5 FA 11 59 40 C5 FA 10 42 44 C5 FA 5C 49 44 C5 F2 59 D7 C5 EA 58 59 44 C5 FA 11 59 44 C5 FA 10 42 48 C5 FA 5C 49 48 C5 F2 59 D7 C5 EA 58 59 48 C5 FA 11 59 48 C5 FA 10 42 4C C5 FA 5C 49 4C C5 FA 10 04 24) // should be unique



  subss xmm3,[fSubBright]
  vmovss [rcx+40],xmm3
  jmp return
dd (float)4
  jmp newmem


  db C5 FA 11 59 40

result after fix:



more busy with fixing stuff than playing/cheating :(

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by shoni89 »

While this may be a little too far fetched... do you think it could be possible to swap characters and play as other NPCs or even machines? I'd love to be able to play as Talanah or a Thunderjaw XD

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by jgoemat »

No time to clean this up, but here's a simple teleport script. Using the PlayerXYZ struct from SunBeam's table and snooping around code near fireundubh's find of the WorldMap functions.

Enable 'INJECT_PlayerXYZ' to find the structure with player coordinates you can modify. Then enable 'INJECT_SetMapMarker' to hook that function. Finally set the final entry 'bTeleportWhenSettingMarker' to 1. When you set a map marker it will change the player's X and Y to that position and Z to a high value.

Unfortunately the map marker doesn't seem to know the height, and if it's too low you fall through the world and go back to where you were (or last save?), so ENABLE GOD MODE SOMEHOW so the fall doesn't kill you.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : HorizonZeroDawn.exe
  Date   : 2020-08-10
  Author : jason (Thanks SunBeam!)

  This accesses the pointer to PlayerXYZ (found using SunBeam's awesome analysis)

  This pointer (loaded into rax here) has player location that can be modified
  at +70, +74, +78

  rsi is therefore PhysicsCharacterMoveProxy


aobscanmodule(INJECT_PlayerXYZ,HorizonZeroDawn.exe,48 8B 86 E0 00 00 00 48 8D 8E) // should be unique




  mov rax,[rsi+000000E0]
  mov [pPlayerXYZ],rax
  jmp return

align 10
  dq 0

  jmp newmem
  nop 2


  db 48 8B 86 E0 00 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+671883

"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+67185A: 57                             -  push rdi
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+67185B: 48 83 EC 20                    -  sub rsp,20
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+67185F: 48 8B F1                       -  mov rsi,rcx
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+671862: 48 8B FA                       -  mov rdi,rdx
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+671865: 48 81 C1 00 01 00 00           -  add rcx,00000100
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+67186C: FF 15 56 70 3D 01              -  call qword ptr [HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1A488C8]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+671872: 84 C0                          -  test al,al
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+671874: 75 0D                          -  jne HorizonZeroDawn.exe+671883
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+671876: 48 8D 8E 00 01 00 00           -  lea rcx,[rsi+00000100]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+67187D: FF 15 55 70 3D 01              -  call qword ptr [HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1A488D8]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+671883: 48 8B 86 E0 00 00 00           -  mov rax,[rsi+000000E0]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+67188A: 48 8D 8E 00 01 00 00           -  lea rcx,[rsi+00000100]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+671891: 48 85 C0                       -  test rax,rax
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+671894: 74 14                          -  je HorizonZeroDawn.exe+6718AA
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+671896: C5 FB 10 80 A0 00 00 00        -  vmovsd xmm0,[rax+000000A0]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+67189E: C4 E3 79 21 80 A8 00 00 00 20  -  unknown avx 0F3A 21 xmm0,xmm0,[rax+000000A8],20
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+6718A8: EB 04                          -  jmp HorizonZeroDawn.exe+6718AE
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+6718AA: C5 F8 57 C0                    -  vxorps xmm0,xmm0,xmm0
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+6718AE: C5 F8 11 07                    -  vmovups [rdi],xmm0
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+6718B2: FF 15 30 70 3D 01              -  call qword ptr [HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1A488E8]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+6718B8: 48 8B 5C 24 30                 -  mov rbx,[rsp+30]
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="7FF6758F0020"/>
              <LastState Value="-45.26934814" RealAddress="218CEC6DDA0"/>
              <LastState Value="-572.49646" RealAddress="218CEC6DDA4"/>
              <LastState Value="213.5658875" RealAddress="218CEC6DDA8"/>
          <LastState Activated="1"/>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : HorizonZeroDawn.exe
  Date   : 2020-08-10
  Author : jason

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(INJECT_SetMapMarker,HorizonZeroDawn.exe,8F C8 00 00 00 C5 FA 10 50 08) // should be unique





  mov [pWorldMap],rdi
  mov [pWorldMap+8],rcx
  mov ecx,[rax]
  mov [pWorldMap+28],ecx
  mov ecx,[rax+4]
  mov [pWorldMap+2C],ecx
  mov ecx,[rax+8]
  mov [pWorldMap+30],ecx

  // now we need to find the static pointer
  // the address is relative to the next instruction, which is HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DA1
  // that is return-48
  // offset is 32 bits at [return-4c]
  // NOT going to worry about that for now, just do it manually
  mov rcx,HorizonZeroDawn.exe+71271A0
  mov [pWorldMap+10],rcx
  mov rcx,[rcx]
  mov [pWorldMap+18],rcx
  mov rcx,[rcx+940]
  mov [pWorldMap+20],rcx

  // now for teleport cheat
  cmp byte ptr [bTeleportWhenSettingMarker],1
  jne @f
  mov byte ptr [bTeleportWhenSettingMarker],0
  push rbx
  push rdx

  mov rbx,[pPlayerXYZ]
  mov edx,[rax]
  mov [rbx+70],edx // x
  mov edx,[rax+4]
  mov [rbx+74],edx // y
  mov edx,(float)300.0 // high value for z so you don't fall through the world (I hope)
  mov [rbx+78],edx // z

  pop rdx
  pop rbx

  mov rcx,[rdi+000000C8] // previous instructino because we mess with rcx
  vmovss xmm2,[rax+08]   // original code
  jmp return

align 10
  dq 0 // should be pWorldMap, rcx when proc called, saved in rdi
  dq 0 // some sort of map pointer?  at [rdi+c8], used as argument to function after I think loading xmm0-xmm2 with a location
  dq 0 // static pointer, should be HorizonZeroDawn.exe+71271A0
  dq 0 // value at HorizonZeroDawn.exe+71271A0
  dq 0 // rbx (value at [rax+940]), i.e. [[HorizonZeroDawn.exe+71271A0]+940]
  dd 0 0 0 // the location data accessed in these instructions
  dd 0 // set to 1 to enable transport when setting map marker

  jmp newmem



  db C5 FA 10 50 08




// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DE2

"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DAB: 48 85 DB              -  test rbx,rbx
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DAE: 0F 84 AD 00 00 00     -  je HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E61
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DB4: 48 8B 89 C8 00 00 00  -  mov rcx,[rcx+000000C8]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DBB: 48 85 C9              -  test rcx,rcx
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DBE: 0F 84 9D 00 00 00     -  je HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E61
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DC4: 80 B9 75 03 00 00 00  -  cmp byte ptr [rcx+00000375],00
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DCB: 0F 85 90 00 00 00     -  jne HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E61
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DD1: 48 8D 54 24 20        -  lea rdx,[rsp+20]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DD6: E8 A5 E5 F7 FF        -  call HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1216380
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DDB: 48 8B 8F C8 00 00 00  -  mov rcx,[rdi+000000C8]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DE2: C5 FA 10 50 08        -  vmovss xmm2,[rax+08]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DE7: C5 FA 10 48 04        -  vmovss xmm1,[rax+04]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DEC: C5 FA 10 00           -  vmovss xmm0,[rax]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DF0: C5 EA 5A D2           -  vcvtss2sd xmm2,xmm2,xmm2
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DF4: C5 F2 5A C9           -  vcvtss2sd xmm1,xmm1,xmm1
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DF8: C5 FA 5A C0           -  vcvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0,xmm0
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297DFC: C5 FB 11 44 24 30     -  vmovsd [rsp+30],xmm0
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297E02: C5 FB 11 4C 24 38     -  vmovsd [rsp+38],xmm1
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297E08: C5 FB 11 54 24 40     -  vmovsd [rsp+40],xmm2
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297E0E: E8 4D E5 F7 FF        -  call HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1216360
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1297E13: 48 8B 5B 28           -  mov rbx,[rbx+28]

Full routine:
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297D90 - 48 89 5C 24 08        - mov [rsp+08],rbx
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297D95 - 57                    - push rdi
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297D96 - 48 83 EC 50           - sub rsp,50
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297D9A - 48 8B 05 FFF3E805     - mov rax,[HorizonZeroDawn.exe+71271A0]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DA1 - 48 8B F9              - mov rdi,rcx
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DA4 - 48 8B 98 40090000     - mov rbx,[rax+00000940]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DAB - 48 85 DB              - test rbx,rbx
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DAE - 0F84 AD000000         - je HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E61
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DB4 - 48 8B 89 C8000000     - mov rcx,[rcx+000000C8]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DBB - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DBE - 0F84 9D000000         - je HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E61
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DC4 - 80 B9 75030000 00     - cmp byte ptr [rcx+00000375],00
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DCB - 0F85 90000000         - jne HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E61
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DD1 - 48 8D 54 24 20        - lea rdx,[rsp+20]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DD6 - E8 A5E5F7FF           - call HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1216380
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DDB - 48 8B 8F C8000000     - mov rcx,[rdi+000000C8]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DE2 - C5FA1050 08           - vmovss xmm2,[rax+08]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DE7 - C5FA1048 04           - vmovss xmm1,[rax+04]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DEC - C5FA1000              - vmovss xmm0,[rax]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DF0 - C5EA5AD2              - vcvtss2sd xmm2,xmm2,xmm2
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DF4 - C5F25AC9              - vcvtss2sd xmm1,xmm1,xmm1
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DF8 - C5FA5AC0              - vcvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0,xmm0
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297DFC - C5FB1144 24 30        - vmovsd [rsp+30],xmm0
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E02 - C5FB114C 24 38        - vmovsd [rsp+38],xmm1
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E08 - C5FB1154 24 40        - vmovsd [rsp+40],xmm2
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E0E - E8 4DE5F7FF           - call HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1216360
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E13 - 48 8B 5B 28           - mov rbx,[rbx+28]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E17 - 48 8B CB              - mov rcx,rbx
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E1A - 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E1D - 74 13                 - je HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E32
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E1F - 48 8B D0              - mov rdx,rax
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E22 - E8 D9352300           - call HorizonZeroDawn.exe+14CB400
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E27 - 48 8B 5C 24 60        - mov rbx,[rsp+60]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E2C - 48 83 C4 50           - add rsp,50
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E30 - 5F                    - pop rdi
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E31 - C3                    - ret
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E32 - 48 8B 87 C8000000     - mov rax,[rdi+000000C8]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E39 - 48 8D 54 24 30        - lea rdx,[rsp+30]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E3E - 48 8B B8 00060000     - mov rdi,[rax+00000600]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E45 - 4C 8B C7              - mov r8,rdi
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E48 - E8 D3572200           - call HorizonZeroDawn.exe+14BD620
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E4D - 84 C0                 - test al,al
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E4F - 74 10                 - je HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E61
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E51 - 4C 8B C7              - mov r8,rdi
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E54 - 48 8D 54 24 30        - lea rdx,[rsp+30]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E59 - 48 8B CB              - mov rcx,rbx
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E5C - E8 BF312300           - call HorizonZeroDawn.exe+14CB020
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E61 - 48 8B 5C 24 60        - mov rbx,[rsp+60]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E66 - 48 83 C4 50           - add rsp,50
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E6A - 5F                    - pop rdi
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1297E6B - C3                    - ret

              <LastState Value="0000021865F74260" RealAddress="7FF6758E00A0"/>
              <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"pWorldMap+8 (some ptr)"</Description>
              <LastState Value="0000021867A8D680" RealAddress="7FF6758E00A8"/>
              <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"pWorldMap+10 (static ptr address)"</Description>
              <LastState Value="00007FF67CA271A0" RealAddress="7FF6758E00B0"/>
              <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"pWorldMap+18 (static ptr value)"</Description>
              <LastState Value="00000212C586EC00" RealAddress="7FF6758E00B8"/>
              <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"pWorldMap+20 ([[static]+940])"</Description>
              <LastState Value="00000217DA3E52F0" RealAddress="7FF6758E00C0"/>
              <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Marker X?"</Description>
              <LastState Value="2971.700684" RealAddress="7FF6758E00C8"/>
              <Description>"Marker Y?"</Description>
              <LastState Value="-1828.267822" RealAddress="7FF6758E00CC"/>
              <Description>"Marker Z?"</Description>
              <LastState Value="184.7215729" RealAddress="7FF6758E00D0"/>
              <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="7FF6758E00D4"/>
I was hoping it would be easy to hook and call those functions, but RCX going into this seems to be an instance of MapTag, not WorldMap. If I had the function that performs fast travel... Also the map marker doesn't have the correct Z location that I can see, but it is possible because the map structure has the correct Z location for the center of the screen for some reason....

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by axellslade »

Hi guys, Any way to change a specific item quantity? I need to change the Power Cell quantity back to 2, I wound up with 99 of them after activating some script from here and that 99 quantity fucks up the quest.

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by SunBeam »

jgoemat wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 7:57 am
When you set a map marker it will change the player's X and Y to that position and Z to a high value.
Unfortunately the map marker doesn't seem to know the height [...]
I suggest you poke around that map marker. From other engines I know if a Z can be calculated, an additional object will be created right before or after those flat X | Y offsets. See what happens when you click several times on the map to create markers. Some offset in the Map struct should change pointer address; which would be your marker ptr. I'll check your script in a bit; maybe I can figure this one out :)

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by ReDe3m3r »

SunBeam wrote:
Fri Aug 07, 2020 3:44 pm
Does it contain something to stop the timer in the hunting challenges?

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by axellslade »

ReDe3m3r wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:18 am

Does it contain something to stop the timer in the hunting challenges?
If you cared to go back one page you would see that there is and SunBeam even explained where it is.

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by fireundubh »

jgoemat wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 7:57 am
I was hoping it would be easy to hook and call those functions, but RCX going into this seems to be an instance of MapTag, not WorldMap. If I had the function that performs fast travel... Also the map marker doesn't have the correct Z location that I can see, but it is possible because the map structure has the correct Z location for the center of the screen for some reason....
Maybe this will help?

141E51638 vftable
14289B4B0 (qword) pointer (I think!)
14289B4B0+28 (dword) pos suspect (default value: -4616189618054758400)
14289B4B0+44 (dword) pos suspect (default value: 1065353216)
14289B4B0+48 (dword) pos suspect (default value: 1065353216)

Code: Select all

(pseudo)struct FastTravelSystem
  qword 0x0 = vftable
  dword 0x8 = 0
  qword 0xC = 0
  qword 0x14 = 0
  qword 0x20 = 0, or set by ctor?
  dword 0x28 = 0, or -4616189618054758400
  qword 0x30 = 0
  qword 0x38 = 0
  dword 0x40 = 3
  dword 0x44 = 1065353216
  qword 0x48 = 1065353216
  qword 0x50 = 0
  qword 0x58 = 0
  qword 0x60 = 0
  qword 0x68 = 0
  qword 0x70 = 0

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by Ragnaross »

Can you add Weapon, Armor Coil option edit?
It will be perfect!
Thank you.

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by sonycman »

CountdownTimer don't work.
The "Timer" option can't be selected and shows only "??", as in your screenshot.
While in game timer shows on the screen and ticked.

PS: restarted the game and now it working! Strange...
Last edited by sonycman on Mon Aug 10, 2020 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Horizon Zero Dawn [Engine:Decima]

Post by quang.billy.79 »

I just want to know can i get some Legendary weapon/armor/outfit by using this cheat table? If i can how to do that?

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