Hey guys, Thank you all so much for your hard work. I'm still learning cheat engine and making trainers with C++ and Lua, but here is my contribution so far. Some of these things may already have been put in Sun's or other people's tables, but I hope not. If they are, feel free to let me know and I'll take them down.
Glide Hack - Jump off a high place and glide. I also have a fly hack if anyone would prefer that as well. With it, you don't lose height, but instead gain it when sitting still and maintain constant height when moving
Code: Select all
aobscanmodule(FlyHack,HorizonZeroDawn.exe,C5 FA 11 A3 40 01 00 00) // should be unique
mov [rbx+00000140],(float)0.0
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 3
db C5 FA 11 A3 40 01 00 00
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DBB
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148D87: C5 CA 5D E2 - vminss xmm4,xmm6,xmm2
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148D8B: C5 FA 10 45 6F - vmovss xmm0,[rbp+6F]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148D90: C5 FA 59 0D 98 4D 94 00 - vmulss xmm1,xmm0,[HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1A8DB30]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148D98: C5 F8 28 B4 24 B0 00 00 00 - vmovaps xmm6,[rsp+000000B0]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DA1: C5 C2 59 D7 - vmulss xmm2,xmm7,xmm7
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DA5: C5 EA 59 D9 - vmulss xmm3,xmm2,xmm1
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DA9: C5 DA 59 D7 - vmulss xmm2,xmm4,xmm7
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DAD: C5 E2 58 C2 - vaddss xmm0,xmm3,xmm2
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DB1: C5 FA 58 4E 08 - vaddss xmm1,xmm0,[rsi+08]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DB6: C5 FA 11 4E 08 - vmovss [rsi+08],xmm1
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DBB: C5 FA 11 A3 40 01 00 00 - vmovss [rbx+00000140],xmm4
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DC3: EB 47 - jmp HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1148E0C
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DC5: 45 84 FF - test r15l,r15l
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DC8: 74 38 - je HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1148E02
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DCA: 48 8D 8F 80 01 00 00 - lea rcx,[rdi+00000180]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DD1: E8 1A C2 70 FF - call HorizonZeroDawn.exe+854FF0
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DD6: 80 B8 28 06 00 00 00 - cmp byte ptr [rax+00000628],00
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DDD: 74 23 - je HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1148E02
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DDF: 48 8B 8F E8 06 00 00 - mov rcx,[rdi+000006E8]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DE6: 48 8D 55 97 - lea rdx,[rbp-69]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+1148DEA: C5 F8 28 D7 - vmovaps xmm2,xmm7
Infinite skill points (Using addition method)
Code: Select all
aobscanmodule(infskills,HorizonZeroDawn.exe,41 29 45 68 48 8B D7) // should be unique
add [r13+68],eax
mov rdx,rdi
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 2
db 41 29 45 68 48 8B D7
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C18C
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C168: 48 8B CB - mov rcx,rbx
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C16B: 0F B6 F0 - movzx esi,al
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C16E: FF 15 DC 47 62 00 - call qword ptr [HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1A40950]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C174: 40 84 F6 - test sil,sil
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C177: 74 42 - je HorizonZeroDawn.exe+141C1BB
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C179: 49 83 C6 08 - add r14,08
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C17D: 4D 3B F4 - cmp r14,r12
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C180: 0F 85 6A FF FF FF - jne HorizonZeroDawn.exe+141C0F0
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C186: 8B 47 30 - mov eax,[rdi+30]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C189: 45 33 C0 - xor r8d,r8d
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C18C: 41 29 45 68 - sub [r13+68],eax
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C190: 48 8B D7 - mov rdx,rdi
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C193: 49 8B CD - mov rcx,r13
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C196: E8 B5 86 FF FF - call HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1414850
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C19B: 48 8B CF - mov rcx,rdi
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C19E: B3 01 - mov bl,01
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C1A0: E8 CB 21 ED FE - call HorizonZeroDawn.exe+2EE370
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C1A5: 4C 8B 64 24 50 - mov r12,[rsp+50]
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C1AA: 0F B6 C3 - movzx eax,bl
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C1AD: E9 D9 FE FF FF - jmp HorizonZeroDawn.exe+141C08B
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C1B2: 48 8B CB - mov rcx,rbx
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+141C1B5: FF 15 95 47 62 00 - call qword ptr [HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1A40950]
Anyone is free to use this and modify for bigger and better things! Once again, you guys are all great and I appreciate your hard work!