RedKaezar wrote: ↑Tue Aug 11, 2020 2:11 am
Is the Fast Fire similar to Drazerak's Instant Charge function?
Try it. I swear I don't get you people. It takes less time for you to try it than open your browser, find this topic, write shit and reply. Seriously now.
Renagede77 wrote: ↑Tue Aug 11, 2020 2:11 am
Is there a way to enable/unlock
New Game+ with this?
That way we don't have to beat it on a regular playthrough first.
Code: Select all
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+115A951 - 48 8D 05 C8340200 - lea rax,[HorizonZeroDawn.exe+117DE20] { (2030406472) }
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+115A958 - C7 44 24 28 03000000 - mov [rsp+28],00000003 { 3 }
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+115A960 - 4C 8B CB - mov r9,rbx
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+115A963 - 48 89 44 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],rax
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+115A968 - 4C 8D 05 C913C900 - lea r8,[HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1DEBD38] { ("GameModule_sExportedIsNewGamePlus") }
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+115A96F - 48 8B CE - mov rcx,rsi
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+115A972 - 48 8D 15 E713C900 - lea rdx,[HorizonZeroDawn.exe+1DEBD60] { ("IsNewGamePlus") }
Code: Select all
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+117DE20 - 48 8B 05 7993FA05 - mov rax,[HorizonZeroDawn.exe+71271A0] { (0) }
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+117DE27 - 0FB6 80 780A0000 - movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+00000A78]
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+117DE2E - C3 - ret
Now.. "HorizonZeroDawn.exe+71271A0" will be NULL till you go into game world from main menu (click CONTINUE). Once in, you will see that now "HorizonZeroDawn.exe+71271A0" contains a valid pointer. The GameModule one. Exit to main menu. You will see 0 is written to "HorizonZeroDawn.exe+71271A0". So let's set a breakpoint on write at "HorizonZeroDawn.exe+71271A0".
The idea is to find out where the game initializes the GameModule and where it checks if the new IsNewGamePlus or not
So the GameModule pointer is written to "HorizonZeroDawn.exe+71271A0" here:
Code: Select all
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+116DBFB - B9 38000000 - mov ecx,00000038 { 56 }
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+116DC00 - 4C 89 A4 24 F8000000 - mov [rsp+000000F8],r12
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+116DC08 - 4C 89 35 9195FB05 - mov [HorizonZeroDawn.exe+71271A0],r14 { (16B8879B780) }
What we need to do next is set a breakpoint at the prologue of the function "HorizonZeroDawn.exe+116DC08" is a part of and see how the game initializes the GameModule pointer and WHERE it checks if it's a NG+ or not.
Before I went on with that, I just wanted to see if 0xA78 offset is checked while game loads. And it does:
Code: Select all
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC040 - 48 89 5C 24 08 - mov [rsp+08],rbx
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC045 - 57 - push rdi
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC046 - 48 83 EC 20 - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC04A - 0FB6 D9 - movzx ebx,cl
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC04D - 40 32 FF - xor dil,dil
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC050 - E8 ABFA5BFF - call HorizonZeroDawn.exe+7ABB00
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC055 - 84 C0 - test al,al
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC057 - 40 0FB6 FF - movzx edi,dil
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC05B - B9 80000000 - mov ecx,00000080 { 128 }
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC060 - 0F45 F9 - cmovne edi,ecx
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC063 - 84 DB - test bl,bl
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC065 - 74 54 - je HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC0BB
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC067 - 48 8B 0D 32B1F305 - mov rcx,[HorizonZeroDawn.exe+71271A0] { (16B8879B780) }
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC06E - 48 85 C9 - test rcx,rcx
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC071 - 74 48 - je HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC0BB
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+11EC073 - E8 A82BF8FF - call HorizonZeroDawn.exe+116EC20 <--
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+116EC20 - 0FB6 81 780A0000 - movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+00000A78] <--
HorizonZeroDawn.exe+116EC27 - C3 - ret
Changing the byte to 1 as the game loads, this happens:
Hope you see in top-right the "New Game+" string
So there's no need to set a breakpoint at the prologue of the function "HorizonZeroDawn.exe+116DC08" is a part of, because this works already.
Now.. once you are in-game, press E at a bonfire and exit to main menu. Your game now will turn into an NG+. Click CONTINUE to load the game and you will see "New Game+" at top right when loading. All I did was to activate NG+ for your savegame. I won't respond to questions like "but are the features of NG+ really enabled?" - simply put, I don't know or care. What I can tell you is
I can't change the Difficulty setting in Settings/General menu, which something they tell you at main menu:
As far as activating NEW GAME+ at main menu, I dunno. Could probably do it, but what's the point when you can turn your save-game into an NG+ anyway?..
1) Go to main menu.
2) Copy and paste this in your CE main window:
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Description>"Activate "New Game+" for current save-game"</Description>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
<AssemblerScript>{ Game : HorizonZeroDawn.exe
Date : 2020-08-11
Author : SunBeam
Flips 0x1 byte in GameModule for IsNewGamePlus
define(bytes,0F B6 81 78 0A 00 00)
mov byte ptr [rcx+00000A78],1 // flip it here
movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+00000A78]
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 2
db bytes
// movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+00000A78]
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC20
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC16: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC17: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC18: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC19: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC1A: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC1B: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC1C: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC1D: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC1E: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC1F: CC - int 3
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC20: 0F B6 81 78 0A 00 00 - movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+00000A78]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC27: C3 - ret
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC28: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC29: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC2A: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC2B: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC2C: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC2D: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC2E: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC2F: CC - int 3
"HorizonZeroDawn.exe"+116EC30: 40 53 - push rbx
3) Activate script.
4) Click CONTINUE.
5) Quicksave at bonfire.
6) You can now disable script.
7) Go to main menu and click CONTINUE to see that flag got saved.
8) Done.
You can see 1st and 2nd quicksaves show NG+. 3rd one, which was my manual save last night, doesn't
So it works.
Let me check with a Merchant:
So yeah, it's there. Seems to be working fine for me
Keep in mind to date NO trainer/table out there has this option. Now, I've been receiving some information as to some certain individual(s) bitching over the existing fearlessrevolution, CEV and WM trainers out there having copied CH shit. If you suddenly come up with a NG+ option in your trainers after reading this, don't be a cunt about it and credit where due [who:SunBeam;when:11-Aug-20 7:51 am]