Made a table for One Step From Eden which was the first Unity game I went in-depth with. Since the game is designed for modding support and isn't obfuscated, it was fairly straightforward to make the table, especially for mapping out values due to JIT. I initially made the 64-bit table and changed things from that to make the 32-bit table.
Pseudo Unlock Skins: Gives access to the different skins for characters without affecting the save file.
Pseudo Unlock Characters: Gives access to all unlockable characters without affecting the save file.
Pseudo Unlock Variations: Gives access to the different variations for characters without affecting the save file.
Pseudo Unlock All Items: Gives access to all unlockable Spells and Artifacts without affecting the save file.
Access All Hell Passes: Gives access to all Hell Passes.
No Artifact Limit: Removes the limit of Artifacts obtainable through shop and end of battles.
Infinite Mana: Keeps Mana filled even when Spells are used (Only in 64-bit table).
Never Consume Spells: Spells that are normally and upgraded to be consumed stay in deck each battle.
Never Deplete Artifacts: Artifacts that are only activated or usable once work all the time.
Open Deck Anytime: You can open the Deck menu anytime during a Run.
Players Are Invincible: All entities of the class "Player" will be invulnerable.
Instant Shuffle: Shuffling will finish instantly for both automatic and manual shuffle.
Console Always Accessible: Without setting the "Console" value to True, the console can always be accessed.
Developer Tools Always Accessible: Without setting the "Developer Tools" value to True, the dev keys can be used.
S Hook: Places a hook on the "Update" method of the "S" class for the base pointer of all editable values. Forces a conditional jump to not jump so it runs code optimal for a hook.
The "Developer Tools" value allows you to use specific keys to access menus, toggle and cycle UI to be hidden, and force redrawing rewards. The keys I've tested are here:
Dev Keys
Shift + H = UI_HUD
Shift + W = UI_Deck
Shift + U = UI_Field
Shift + R = Debug Layover
Shift + T = AutoPlay
Shift + C = Cheat Ctrl
Shift + P or Shift + \ = Pause
Shift + F = RedrawLoot
Shift + G = RedrawLevelUp
Shift + [ or Shift + ] = Single Frame Step
Tested and made with Cheat Engine 7.1 on game version 1.4
Also made a decrypter and encrypter for the game's save file. Just extract both files inside to the same location as the game's executable so it can reference it's libraries and you can then just drag and drop the save files on it:
How do you use the save decrypter tool? After you convert it to xml, how to convert it to the original format? The game doesn't seem to recognize it after changing the format to xml and renaming it back. While I'm at it, would it be possible to make the unlocks permanent or change the profile level?
After you convert it to xml, how to convert it to the original format?
While I'm at it, would it be possible to make the unlocks permanent or change the profile level?
You should just be able to drag the xml file onto the tool and it'll put it back into the original format. The data in the save file is just about identical to the values I've mapped out in my table and the ones I assume you're looking for are the "UnlockLevel", "StoredCharIDUnlocks", and "StoredSkinIDUnlocks". Pretty sure there are more. The IDs are the identifying names of the unlockables. "UnlockLevel", however, is just a number that currently goes up to 44 and is checked right before starting a new run to determine which Spells and Artifacts should be accessible.
I'm sure a List or Enum of all the Identifiable names are somewhere, but I haven't looked deep enough and my save data is filled with all sorts of Modded data.
Now that I took a glance at some of it, you may just need to find each save data key and set it's bool value to "true". I haven't tested anything about that so I can't confirm anything. Here's what the game's code looks like so just looking for these names in the save file and setting their value to true is my guess: