Nice! I was in the middle of playing with UUU to make some simple teleport script and messing around with grass and player size.
I'll check it and test if it works. By the way, how did you get the strings specifically? By pure luck searching the names or what?
Well there were a few documented on the net (ToggleInfiniteAmmo, ToggleInfiniteCharge) so with a hex editor, I opened Destroy All Humans\DH\Binaries\Win64\DH-Win64-Shipping.exe, searched for one of the two I mentioned and when it took me to where it was in the binary, I saw several other strings around it like I mentioned in my last post, tried them out, and sure enough!
There are likely more that require parameters. For those, might just have to trial and error them.
Nice! I also found some other commands like `adddna <value>` and `nukeenemies` too, but since they need to be called and it's not a boolean flag of course, i didn't include since idk how to
How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Nice! I also found some other commands like `adddna <value>` and `nukeenemies` too, but since they need to be called and it's not a boolean flag of course, i didn't include since idk how to
Yeah, best make sure it doesn't turn the game into "Destroy Everything!" before you put it in.
Well there were a few documented on the net (ToggleInfiniteAmmo, ToggleInfiniteCharge) so with a hex editor
I agree with Zanzer. People really need to start testing more than talking or showing impressions of what they already know and consider sufficient. All those 'Toggle' functions use CVars. The CVars are then used in various functions handling the effects. ToggleInfiniteAmmo flips g_InfiniteAmmo to 0 or 1. Same goes for the rest. No rocket science behind it, no discovery of Americas. But sure, for some, it might seem like that at this point in time. Be glad the developers left the CVars' effects in and enjoy the game. Other games weren't that lucky.
question. is it possible to lock the notoriety level to a certain value?
like, lock it at the police or military level? sometimes i wanna firefight only with military or police and not have to worry about majestic
I agree with Zanzer. People really need to start testing more than talking or showing impressions of what they already know and consider sufficient. All those 'Toggle' functions use CVars. The CVars are then used in various functions handling the effects. ToggleInfiniteAmmo flips g_InfiniteAmmo to 0 or 1. Same goes for the rest. No rocket science behind it, no discovery of Americas. But sure, for some, it might seem like that at this point in time. Be glad the developers left the CVars' effects in and enjoy the game. Other games weren't that lucky.
True. Since discovering UUU, I took a look at Spyro and Trials of Mana. Found only one in Spyro, but Trials had nothing aside from `EnableCheats`
EnableCheats is not required. Whoever suggested that should really check how the game was compiled. It's not mandatory that developers go through all that basic hassle. Simply put, you can or not condition console commands through it, but it's not a must. As far as CVars go (console variables), they are not conditioned by EnableCheats.
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.AddDNA
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.CallUFO
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.DecrementBFGMouseSensitivity
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.DisableMusic
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.FlyMode
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.GenerateCrashDump
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.GetSettings
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.IncrementBFGMouseSensitivity
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.IncrementInputPack
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.IsHUDVisible
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.KillPlayer
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.LockAll
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.LockAllAbilities
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.LockAllWeapons
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.LockUnlockAbilityCortexScan
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.LockUnlockAbilityExtractBrain
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.LockUnlockAbilityHolobob
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.LockUnlockAbilityHypnotize
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.LockUnlockAbilityPsycokinesis
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.LockUnlockWeaponAnalProbe
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.LockUnlockWeaponDisintegratorRay
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.LockUnlockWeaponIonDetonator
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.LockUnlockWeaponZap
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.NukeEnemies
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.NukeEnemiesInRange
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ReceiveInitCheatManager
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ReceiveInitCheatManager
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.RespawnPlayer
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SetBFGMouseSensitivity
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SetCurrentLanguage
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SetFuronigamiUnlocked
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SetGameIni
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SetPrePurchaseDLCUnlocked
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ShowGameMenu
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SpawnCivilian
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SpawnCow
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SpawnDisintegratorAmmo
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SpawnEnemyCop
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SpawnEnemyFarmer
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SpawnEnemyMajestic
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SpawnEnemyPowersuit
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SpawnEnemySoldier
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SpawnIonDetonatorAmmo
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SpawnQuantumDeconstructor
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.SpawnSonicBoomAmmo
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleCrossHairHUDHidden
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleFreezeWorld
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleHUD
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleImmortality
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleInfiniteAmmo
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleInfiniteCharge
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleInfiniteConcentration
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleInformativeHUDHidden
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleInvertYAimingAxis
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleInvisibility
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleInvulnerability
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleLockOnTag
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleMenu
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleSaucer
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleSubtitles
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.ToggleWorldHelpersHUDHidden
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.UnlockAlAbilities
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.UnlockAll
Function BFGCore.BFGCheatManager.UnlockAllWeapons
Function BFGCore.BFGPlayerController.GetCheatManager
Function Engine.CheatManager.BugIt
Function Engine.CheatManager.BugItGo
Function Engine.CheatManager.BugItStringCreator
Function Engine.CheatManager.ChangeSize
Function Engine.CheatManager.CheatScript
Function Engine.CheatManager.DamageTarget
Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweep
Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweepCapture
Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweepChannel
Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweepClear
Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweepComplex
Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweepPawn
Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweepSize
Function Engine.CheatManager.DestroyAll
Function Engine.CheatManager.DestroyAllPawnsExceptTarget
Function Engine.CheatManager.DestroyPawns
Function Engine.CheatManager.DestroyServerStatReplicator
Function Engine.CheatManager.DestroyTarget
Function Engine.CheatManager.DisableDebugCamera
Function Engine.CheatManager.DumpChatState
Function Engine.CheatManager.DumpOnlineSessionState
Function Engine.CheatManager.DumpPartyState
Function Engine.CheatManager.DumpVoiceMutingState
Function Engine.CheatManager.EnableDebugCamera
Function Engine.CheatManager.FlushLog
Function Engine.CheatManager.Fly
Function Engine.CheatManager.FreezeFrame
Function Engine.CheatManager.Ghost
Function Engine.CheatManager.God
Function Engine.CheatManager.InvertMouse
Function Engine.CheatManager.LogLoc
Function Engine.CheatManager.OnlyLoadLevel
Function Engine.CheatManager.PlayersOnly
Function Engine.CheatManager.ReceiveEndPlay
Function Engine.CheatManager.ReceiveInitCheatManager
Function Engine.CheatManager.ReceiveInitCheatManager
Function Engine.CheatManager.ServerToggleAILogging
Function Engine.CheatManager.SetMouseSensitivityToDefault
Function Engine.CheatManager.SetWorldOrigin
Function Engine.CheatManager.Slomo
Function Engine.CheatManager.SpawnServerStatReplicator
Function Engine.CheatManager.StreamLevelIn
Function Engine.CheatManager.StreamLevelOut
Function Engine.CheatManager.Summon
Function Engine.CheatManager.Teleport
Function Engine.CheatManager.TestCollisionDistance
Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleAILogging
Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleDebugCamera
Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleServerStatReplicatorClientOverwrite
Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleServerStatReplicatorUpdateStatNet
Function Engine.CheatManager.UpdateSafeArea
Function Engine.CheatManager.ViewActor
Function Engine.CheatManager.ViewClass
Function Engine.CheatManager.ViewPlayer
Function Engine.CheatManager.ViewSelf
Function Engine.CheatManager.Walk
infinite health crypto/saucer causes building health not to go down. Causing you to be unable to destroy certain buildings in objectives.
Can you specify which mission that does that?
I've finished the game, and as far as I've remembered, it only affects some bosses.
I could try to check that out.
In the mean time, feel free to use the internal Invulnerability option instead
Hey there I was wondering for the duck and cover mission if it is possible to set the timer to 45 secs due to nuke going off and mission failing
same with mr.crypto goes to capitol city the 2nd part of that mission will also mission fail you if you can just leave the timer alone on that mission same with lone gunman 2nd part and televisions of doom 2nd part.
the rest can be set to 0, would appreciate it.
would reduce most of the autoscrollers in the game, reason asking is because speedrunning a game with 20+ mins of autoscrollers doesn't really encourage growth for the community lol, if no can do no worries was just wondering.
Hey there I was wondering for the duck and cover mission if it is possible to set the timer to 45 secs due to nuke going off and mission failing
same with mr.crypto goes to capitol city the 2nd part of that mission will also mission fail you if you can just leave the timer alone on that mission same with lone gunman 2nd part and televisions of doom 2nd part.
the rest can be set to 0, would appreciate it.
would reduce most of the autoscrollers in the game, reason asking is because speedrunning a game with 20+ mins of autoscrollers doesn't really encourage growth for the community lol, if no can do no worries was just wondering.
Huh. I always use the 1 Hour Timer most of the time when it requires you to complete the mission before it ends, and the Zero Timer for certain missions that require you to defend certain NPCs or buildings (like towers etc) and I never had problems with mission failing so far. I might try to set a pointer so you can change the timer value yourself.
Autoscrollers in the game? What do you mean by that?