Hello everyone! Can somebody pls help me? But first let me just say thank you for your work DrummerIX! Really appreciate this!
But I am having a little problem now,at first I downloaded the 2.0 version yesterday and it was working perfectly fine. But when I downloaded the 4.00 version that's where the problem comes in. I can't click the box for enable,so I can't use the cheat table. When I checked with the auto assemble, it says that the array of byte could not be found. Tried fixing it but I can't,so it resulted to me deleting the game and then installing it again. But still can't check the enable box. PLEASE HELP! LOL
(Btw I'm using the updated version of CE which is 7.1)
Thank you guys! And also thank you again DrummerIX!
Keep safe everyone!
How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Last edited by KDP on Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
So, I don't know which cheat kinda messed my game up but I think it's the item multiplier. I got an item from Brandon in a heart event, and unfortunately it ended up multiplying and I can't delete the item now. I can only move it to my cabinet, but once I do that, it basically fills up all the spots in the cabinet.
I had that happen to me in a different situation with a different cheat
If you use drummers highlight item script, highlight it and change it to strawberries or anything at the top of the list, you can then ship it and it will be out of your inventory
You can also set the amount to 0 using the same cheat by drummer, but I had more success with changing it to strawberries and shipping them
You really saved me! I was about to start a new game because I was scared it couldn't be fixed but then you came through, thanks!
When I tried to enable the Friendship Multiplier, it would have:
Not all code is injectable.
(Lua error in the script at line 2:[string "local
..."]:2: attempt to call a nil value (global 'lua_aobscan'))
Please add 10 heart animal love, and max skill nature please :')
you just talk to them enable pointer>Friendship Level of Last Person You Spoke With (Max 255)
only works up to a maximum of 5 hearts, can't automatically unlock the 10 hearts feature of my cow :'(
Because the cow is supposed to have a baby first, only then can you unlock 10 hearts. [Link]
It even says "Unlike other Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons games, the maximum heart level that can obtain with purchased livestock is 5 hearts . Players can only reach 10♡ through patience and breeding, meaning they cannot receive higher rated products without putting in some effort."