[HELP] Tables not working on Microsoft Store version.

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[HELP] Tables not working on Microsoft Store version.

Post by EvilLyn »

I'm trying to get couple different community made tables to work for the single-player game "Blazing Chrome" from Microsoft Store. I'm trying to get more lives in the game.

The problem is that when I select the process (00003480-Blazing Chrome) from the "Applications" tab, it turns into "00003480-ApplicationFrameHost.exe"

And when I try to find it from the "Processes" tab it's not there. I can only find "00003480-ApplicationFrameHost.exe" from there.

Either way the tables don't work when I select that/these processes. Speedhack doesn't work. etc.

What am I missing here? I don't do coding and only have the basic knowledge on how to use cheat engine.

I've also tried scanning the lives manually as I lose them with the said process, and usually around the third scan I cannot find anything matching anymore.

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