theHunter: Call of The Wild

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theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by ctl3d32 »

Tables for game version 1863225, 1867324, 1928209, 1939208 and 2546982.

What it has:

a) weapon mod: no sway, no recoil, gravity disabled for bullets & arrows
b) improved option to highlight animals (works like wallhack): living animals are green, dead ones are magenta, spotted (tagged) animal highlight style is preserved as default, high weight animals are highlighted in red (default is 0.95 (95%) of max weight, but can be changed by the user in the table).
c) one hit kill
d) added some tagged (spotted) animal information.
e) added zero backpack current weight
f) added internal game time
g) added sneak data ( heartbeat, visibility, etc...), although it seems to make no difference.
h) respawned animals will have max weight. That means that male animals will give you diamond.
i) Disable Animal AI

Update 1
[New] Disable Animal AI
[Fix] Removed gravity compensation for arrows.

Update 2
[New] respawned animals will have max weight script is back

Update 3
[New] Table updated for game version 1867324

Update 4
[New] Table updated for game version 1928209
[New] Cheat Engine 7.2 is required.
[New] Added an option to highlight in red: male, female or both.
[New] Added an option to toggle Animal AI on and off.
[New] Added an option to toggle highlight, but it is not working as intended. It won't reflect changes in the game if it is not forced, like when trying to tag the animal.
[New] Due to some changes in the game code, the option "Respawned animals will have max weight" is not working like before and needs verification.

Update 5
[New] Table updated for game version 1939208
[Fix] Minor fix that prevented tagged animal to glow
[Fix] "Respawned animals will have max weight" is working again

Update 6
[Fix] Highlight can now be disabled. It takes around 20 seconds to take effect
[Fix] Improved "Disable Animal AI" option

PS 1: increasing trophy rating grants Diamond.

PS 2: Do not buy the "TAG perk" for it will make the highlight animal script not work properly.

Update 7
[New] Updated table to ver:2546982 | Network Version: 40 | 0.2.00
- Some options have not been updated, yet.

Update 8
[New] Added a few options to highlight
[New] Added player movement speed multiplier (4x)
- Some options have not been updated, yet.

Update 9
[New] Added one hit kill
- Some options have not been updated, yet.

Update 10
[New] Added current backpack weight modifier
[New] Added internal game time
[New] Added scent eliminator timer
[Fix] Weapon mod
- Some options have not been updated, yet.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Table for game version 2546982 [Table Update: 10]
(44.62 KiB) Downloaded 11687 times
Table for game version 2546982 [Table Update: 9]
(32.84 KiB) Downloaded 1702 times
Table for game version 2546982 [Table Update: 8]
(30.16 KiB) Downloaded 770 times
Table for game version 2546982 [Table Update: 7]
(24.27 KiB) Downloaded 796 times
Table for game version 1939208 [Table Update: 6]
(51.96 KiB) Downloaded 12259 times
Table for game version 1939208
(52.5 KiB) Downloaded 2492 times
Table for game version 1928209
(50.1 KiB) Downloaded 859 times
Table for game version 1867324
(50.99 KiB) Downloaded 808 times
Table for game version 1863225
(50.06 KiB) Downloaded 1424 times
Last edited by ctl3d32 on Sun Jul 02, 2023 12:22 am, edited 18 times in total.

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by cnbird »

speed+jump ?

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by semmycoolz »

Add money..Please? Thx mate...

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by Philii »

semmycoolz wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 5:55 am
Add money..Please? Thx mate...
money, exp, weapon score are plain 4 bytes.

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by ctl3d32 »

Trainer Update!

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by KTooTa »

Hey ctl3d32,
very good table you made, but I was wondering where can I find option for diamond spawns ? I mean after killing animals, can't find it in the table. Also thank you for updates ;)

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by yamisakura »

plz updates

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by ctl3d32 »

Table updated!

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by KTooTa »

ctl3d32 wrote:
Sun Jul 12, 2020 2:27 am
Table updated!
Thank you for the update!
Diamond spawn seems to be working, but only on some of the animals. Some animals spawn with max weight and max (+-) trophy rating, some only with max weight but without (0) or with very low (trivial) trophy rating, so it makes them either silvers or no trophy at all. Nevertheless, the table is pretty good, other options seems to be working fine. Keep up the good work!

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by r3con220 »

Just wanted to stop in and thank you for the work everyone has done. I recently picked the game up and immediately started digging around in the files. I'm far from a modder, but I started teaching myself because I feel this game has a ridiculous amount of untapped potential. I started using this CT the other day to get a better understanding of the spawns/respawns and when/where diamonds spawn etc. I've managed to use DECA to reskin a couple rifles, and I've since used CE to create what I consider the "perfect" save file. This evening I was testing out the Keen Eye skill (Tier 4 Ambush Skill) to see how many Need Zones I could find in a single area. Unfortunately I have to log to desktop, then reload the game every time I want to reset the 30 minute cooldown. I found the 4 byte address for the cooldown, but unfortunately changing the value to 0 does nothing. It just reset and continues to count down. I'm curious if anyone would be able and/or willing to figure out how to reset the cooldown without leaving the game every time. Ultimately I want to add the Found_POI and Animal_Population files to my save file, that way I have all the need zones on a fresh save. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again for everything and keep up the good work!

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by Philii »

r3con220 wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 3:41 am
Just wanted to stop in and thank you for the work everyone has done. I recently picked the game up and immediately started digging around in the files. I'm far from a modder, but I started teaching myself because I feel this game has a ridiculous amount of untapped potential. I started using this CT the other day to get a better understanding of the spawns/respawns and when/where diamonds spawn etc. I've managed to use DECA to reskin a couple rifles, and I've since used CE to create what I consider the "perfect" save file. This evening I was testing out the Keen Eye skill (Tier 4 Ambush Skill) to see how many Need Zones I could find in a single area. Unfortunately I have to log to desktop, then reload the game every time I want to reset the 30 minute cooldown. I found the 4 byte address for the cooldown, but unfortunately changing the value to 0 does nothing. It just reset and continues to count down. I'm curious if anyone would be able and/or willing to figure out how to reset the cooldown without leaving the game every time. Ultimately I want to add the Found_POI and Animal_Population files to my save file, that way I have all the need zones on a fresh save. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again for everything and keep up the good work!
Cooldown is plain float value in seconds.
I suggest to use value between to find it. eg. (30mins = 1800s so find value between 1500 - 1800(my pc take time to search all).)

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by r3con220 »

Philii wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:44 pm
r3con220 wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 3:41 am
Just wanted to stop in and thank you for the work everyone has done. I recently picked the game up and immediately started digging around in the files. I'm far from a modder, but I started teaching myself because I feel this game has a ridiculous amount of untapped potential. I started using this CT the other day to get a better understanding of the spawns/respawns and when/where diamonds spawn etc. I've managed to use DECA to reskin a couple rifles, and I've since used CE to create what I consider the "perfect" save file. This evening I was testing out the Keen Eye skill (Tier 4 Ambush Skill) to see how many Need Zones I could find in a single area. Unfortunately I have to log to desktop, then reload the game every time I want to reset the 30 minute cooldown. I found the 4 byte address for the cooldown, but unfortunately changing the value to 0 does nothing. It just reset and continues to count down. I'm curious if anyone would be able and/or willing to figure out how to reset the cooldown without leaving the game every time. Ultimately I want to add the Found_POI and Animal_Population files to my save file, that way I have all the need zones on a fresh save. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again for everything and keep up the good work!
Cooldown is plain float value in seconds.
I suggest to use value between to find it. eg. (30mins = 1800s so find value between 1500 - 1800(my pc take time to search all).)
I found it immediately... Thank you so much!

Also, if anyone has any experience using a hex editor or DECA to mod any of the game files, would you be willing to share your experiences/knowledge? I've been teaching myself and have found, extracted, and edited multiple game files. I've been using mods made by others and my limited knowledge of DECA to figure out which files do what. Unfortunately, I've been struggling to get the game to recognize the changes I'm making. I believe it has to do with changing the file types back to their original (atunec, adf, ee). I believe I'm not saving the files correctly or missing a step in compressing, etc.

I'm just trying to edit some small things like the unrealistic wobble/sway when aiming, the oddly heavy weights all the items have, and some other small changes like this. Eventually I'd like to figure out how to edit the perks/skills to make them more useful and less of an afterthought.

Thanks again for everyone's work!

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by mitsu80 »

for highlight animals is there a possibility to ignore females when it comes to weight? I see a red and I go wow a Diamond and approach it and find out it's just a fat cow lol

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by Philii »

mitsu80 wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:18 pm
for highlight animals is there a possibility to ignore females when it comes to weight? I see a red and I go wow a Diamond and approach it and find out it's just a fat cow lol
script can ignore females when it comes to weight.

In Highlight Animal sub script, name Highlight Animal script just add one line under female lable = jmp paintGreen

Code: Select all

 jmp paintGreen 					<<< --- This will skip female weight check.
  push rbx
  mov rbx,[rax+000000D0]
I hope this help.

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Re: theHunter: Call of The Wild

Post by mitsu80 »

I love you @Philii

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