not a mem_connaisseur
Ah, this is actually funny
didn't know the problem with 2GB limit and 64-bit is the relative rip based addressing in allocation, makes sense to use 'globalalloc' for that reason.
Just to be sure: when windowed, no probs running the 'collecting...' script, right ?!
Correct, after several tries it seems has only effect when it is windowed state. There could be also likely chance just random, for example another test case I've noticed whenever you load gameworld and the character you're in control either Jacob or Evie, the script will also return same near address and offset which can be
temporary solution fixed by moving around to get (x,y, z) position for that pointer maybe? Apart from these, didn't expect this game to be loading time longer than in Unity or even most AC games.
Edit (24/03/22): Paul reached out and we're kinda still of sorting out this issue, full story here:
it's quite a hesitance dealing with it but I think consider at least every help a bit counts for Paul44 would appreciate easier to find culprit better than that, could someone else confirm same issue as I have dealing with Windows 11/10 not but limited alder lake CPUs?
Edit (16/04/22): Finally, Paul44 released new version table (v3.2) with great improvements on main page, you can find most of the time with "offset too big" errors to be resolved already whoever use W11 to support +2GB mem, however if it still happens occasionally, try to reproduce if you can (see details about 5. JMP5 to JMP14 here
viewtopic.php?p=140171#p140171) and let know issue to Paul44. Cheers.