Been using the existing version of the table the last few days and most of the options have been working for me.
Tested personally (And found to be working): Deposit Anywhere, Inf Demo charges, inf Health, Inf Fuel, Tether Lifetime, No overheat, No suit damage, and purchase any upgrade.
Oxygen cheat works but it prompts the game to spam "Oxygen levels are low" message over and over again even when the oxygen is that full, also the full time cheat Instantly deplete remaining time and ends the shift, would really love having these two big ones updated maybe with inf Tethers too.
Game Version: v1.0.1242471 | v1.3.0 Table Last Version: 20221227_v0.2
This is an unusual style of table from me. Had a couple hours free to muck about with mono dissection. Activate AOB scripts to find pointers, then change the variable values (set purple variables to on for quick cheats) Change Log
on Mono Dissector window click on first address then click one with "BBI.Unity.Game"
find appropriate structure. For example, the grappling hook i was hooking into "BBI.Unity.Game.GrapplingHookAsset+GrapplingHookData" structure on the "m_MaxDistance" variable. Old offset was 294, new offset is 2DC(1 on photo1).
We use this to update the script hooks (KEEP IN MIND THAT IN MEMORY THE VALUES ARE INVERTED DUE TO ENDIANESS SO ITS "DC 02" (0 padded) in 2 bytecode locations and offset is "2DC"). (2 on photo1)
The other variables should also be updated (3 on photo1)
Add any other variables that you want
Update pointers on table as they no longer point to the right locations (photo2). I put default values on pointer descriptions to make it easier to tell.
If done well you now have all pointers going to the right location (photo3)
Tether count+unlock (use 1 tether to update)
Tether properties+definitions (reset on game exit)
Cutter properties+definitions (resets on game exit)[updates on cut]
Grapple properties+definitions (resets on game exit)
. NOTES |:.
Set "purple" variables to on for quick over-powered cheats
Values to the right of pointer name indicate default value.
Activate scripts 1 at a time after you're on your hab/shipyard (will take couple seconds per)
Purchase any upgrade with this. Originally OP's script. Simply updated it. Most of the original scripts work if you update bytes. (Note: Enable Mono for this script)
As others have said, the "inf. Oxygen" is very annoying because it spams low oxygen warnings constantly. Luckily, I play in Open Shift with drain disabled so I don't have to deal with it.
The only ones that don't work for me (can't enable them) are "Fast Disarm (No Fail/Delay)" and "inf. Tether." Right clicking on them says "<<Error while scanning for AOB's : DefaultDelayHook Error: Not all results found>>" and <<Error while scanning for AOB's : unlimTetherAob3 Error: Not all results found>>" respectively.
Does anyone know what "Set Full Time (Enable In-Game)" does?
I talked about the oxygen and time cheat in an earlier post, that one is supposed to reset the time you have for your 15 min shift so you can have inf time but it actually does the opposite and just instantly ends the day when you activate it.
I talked about the oxygen and time cheat in an earlier post, that one is supposed to reset the time you have for your 15 min shift so you can have inf time but it actually does the opposite and just instantly ends the day when you activate it.
Yes, same problem here. ... but not at first, it worked very well at the start, but stopped working after playing a while. Now it ends the shift immediately when activated.