Tekken 5 (PCSX2) Camera Hack/Free Cam? or Tekken 5 DR (PPSSPP, RPCS3)?

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Tekken 5 (PCSX2) Camera Hack/Free Cam? or Tekken 5 DR (PPSSPP, RPCS3)?

Post by Jiko27 »

Heya. I'm making a youtube video on Tekken 5, and a freecam to focus on the environment detail would be great. I managed to find one for Tekken 4, though. I've done plenty of googling, and asking here is my only recourse.

I've used CE before but mostly for value manipulation. So, if you want to teach a man to fish, I'll also listen.

Ideally, it'd be for the NTSC-U version on PS2, or Dark Resurrection Online for PS3 -- but I've got most of the versions of the game, and beggers can't be choosers.

Thanks in advance

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