Space Haven

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Re: Space Haven

Post by yang33 »

BringChaos wrote:
Sun Feb 07, 2021 8:39 pm
yang33 wrote:
Sun Feb 07, 2021 1:14 pm
Great work, but it's not working on gog version, can you share the source code maybe i can fix it ?
You tested it on a steam version and it worked? Not surprising it wouldn't work on a GOG version because the jar classes would be slightly different.

I can send you the IntelliJ project files but if you aren't confident in updating it yourself you can just DM me a GOG version of the "spacehaven.jar" and I should be able to quickly build a new editor for it.

I'll also try to make a version of my jar using reflection so perhaps this won't be an issue.

I made a version of my editor that only uses reflection. I would appreciate someone trying it on a GOG version. There is no point in downloading the jar below if the previous one worked for you.
pw: spacehaven
Nop,sorry, still not working on gog version. Can you send me your inteelij project i'd be happy to play with the code, and if i manage to make it work, i will send it back to you and not publish it

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Re: Space Haven

Post by timj78a »

BringChaos wrote:
Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:05 pm
I did make some scripts in cheat engine that worked sometimes in regards to resource amount, so it is possible but one would need to find a better function to inject into than I did. However I got bored and decided to play around with a java application to cheat the game instead.

Just place in the game folder and run the jar. Click "Get Instance" after a save has been loaded. This was made for Alpha 10 0.12.2 steam build 3. It might work on other versions but no promises. Didn't get very far into the game so there are some things I couldn't test or make functionality for.
PW: spacehaven


It's a pretty tiny swing program. Anyone interested in the game could easily expand on it.
Any Chance of updating this, I tried it a few times, it crashed the game every time, if you get around to updating/fixing this, the effort would be much appreciated, if you don't have much spare time, then, no pressure.

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