I've tried now for some time, but just can't it running (prob s.t simple but ... I don't get it yet).
Curr. experimenting with mono features, and I do want to get the build vers (also read a structure for dropdown but let's keep it simple for now., might be same problem)
What I did manage so far (also trying other things but on that topic):
[SPOILER="lua code"]
local namespace='WolfFramework'
local class='GameManager'
local method='Update'
local fver='BUILD_VERSION'
local dom=mono_enumDomains()
local ass=mono_enumAssemblies()
local cId = mono_findClass(namespace, class)
local cName = mono_class_getName(cId)
local cStatic = mono_class_getStaticFieldAddress(dom[1], cId)
local ftbl = mono_class_enumFields(cId)
local ftblver, ftblstr = {},{}
local mId = mono_findMethod(namespace,class,method)
local mcId = mono_method_getClass(mId)
local pcId = mono_class_getParent(mcId)
local pcIdname= mono_class_getName(pcId)
for i=1,#ftbl do
if ftbl[i].name == fver then ftblver = ftbl[i] end
if ftbl[i].name == fstr then ftblstr = ftbl[i] end
if next(ftblver)~=nil and next(ftblstr)~=nil then
print("found both")
local addr = getAddress('WolfFramework:GameManager:Update')
print("class ",cId, string.format("%.8x",cId))
print("classname ",cName)
print("static ",cStatic, string.format("%.8x",cStatic))
print("fields ",#ftbl,ftbl[1].name,ftbl[#ftbl].name)
print("method ",mId,string.format("%.8x",mId))
print("method-cl ",mcId, string.format("%.8x",mcId))
print("parent ",pcId, string.format("%.8x",pcId),pcIdname)
print("addr ",addr, string.format("%.8x",addr))
local test = readPointer(ftblver.field)
print("test ",test, string.format("%.8x",test))
return ftblver,ftblstr
[CODE=ruby]found both
class 3027348515648 2c0dc086b40
classname GameManager
static 3027188070240 2c0d2783760
method 3027350643184 2c0dc28e1f0
method-cl 3027348515648 2c0dc086b40
parent 3027288188728 2c0d86fe738 MonoBehaviour
addr 3027638222848 2c0ed4d0000
test 3027350668768 2c0dc2945e0
flags = 32854
field = 3027347685512
isStatic = true
isConst = true
monotype = 8
parent = 3027348515648
typename = System.Int32
offset = 0
type = 3027350668768
flags = 32854
field = 3027347685608
isStatic = true
isConst = true
monotype = 14
parent = 3027348515648
typename = System.String
offset = 0
type = 3027350668816
[SPOILER="Notes"]Since it does not show offsets, I don't believe f.e. [URL='https://www.cheatengine.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=608459']this does help[/URL], does it? OR
... and way more (just last results)
idk, is there something I can read in on mono features that is ... not extensive like 100+ documentation (esp. since engl. is not my native language)
Or is there some table I have not found yet but can take a look at doing ~ the same?
dnSpy does show
[CODE=csharp]// WolfFramework.GameManager
// Token: 0x04002B7C RID: 11132
public const int BUILD_VERSION = 114;[/CODE]
Lua mono - get field addr
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Lua mono - get field addr
Last edited by miraikolus on Wed May 20, 2020 10:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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