Alright, folks. Attached below you will find my current table:
Note: The table itself may not be much of interest, as it currently has 1 active feature in there (yes, it works fine). And that is
Add Trait Points. However, there is a big ass Lua script that you're required to run when you open the table. Allowing this script to run and not stumbling across any errors till it finishes will provide access a shit load of console commands that I've detailed below.
Download the table, double-click the file so CE opens it and click 'Execute Script' when asked. It may take up to 6-7s for the stuff to run, time in which CE main window will be frozen. Once it finishes, you will be able to use the window and will see the process was already open and everything's ready. If you get any error messages along the way, do let me know.
Use Cheat Engine 7.1!
- Compact Mode
The script will create a menu in main CE window allowing you to toggle full/compact views. Compact view is useful when tables are large, containing a lot of entries, thus you'd have to scroll a bit till you get to your line item. It suppresses the top-half part of CE's main GUI so you can focus only on the table, not scanning or other actions.
- [ Enable ]
The script is required for "Add Trait Points" script to work properly, as well as displaying the [ Debug ] information. Sure, you can activate it, but the major functionality is given by the Lua script you're asked to run when opening this table.
- Add Trait Points
The script will add the specified number of TraitPoints. I've currently set the script to add 1; you may edit it if you like and set it to a higher value.
This works with or without the TRAITS widget open. Your choice. Note that the script will not activate when ticking its box; it's designed like this to avoid having to disable/re-enable the script each time you want to add 1 point.
- [ Debug ]
This section is just for show. You won't find anything user-useful in here, but if you plan on developing some stuff for the game, you may find those pointers useful. Yes, not even the speed can be changed in there, it's a display value and that 600 won't affect your current stats.
Now for the heavy stuff
I hope you're ready.
If you've injected the DLL via the injector provided in the first post, you then have access to the console and those 2 .txt files dumped in the Win64 folder, where the game's executable is. Aside from that, if you've allowed the start-up Lua script to execute and no error showed up, then you can use the below now in the console:
Code: Select all
ActivateHandGun -- [x] Usage: ActivateHandGun 0/1
ActivateLongGun -- [x] Usage: ActivateLongGun 0/1
AllowWeaponSwap -- [x] Usage: AllowWeaponSwap 0/1
CanCraftWeaponMod -- [x] Usage: CanCraftWeaponMod 0/1
CanUpgrade -- [x] Usage: CanUpgrade 0/1
ClientGiveWaveEmote -- [x] Usage: ClientGiveWaveEmote
DebugGiveMaterials -- [x] Usage: DebugGiveMaterials
DebugResourceHack -- [x] Usage: DebugResourceHack
"Give Liquid Escape" -- [x] Usage: "Give Liquid Escape"
GiveMaterials -- [x] Usage: GiveMaterials
GodMode -- [x] Usage: GodMode 0/1 (off|on)
ReplenishResources -- [x] Usage: ReplenishResources 0/1 (Health) | 0/1 (Ammo) | 0/1 (DragonHearts)
ReplenishResourcesShard -- [x] Usage: ReplenishResourcesShard 0/1 (Health) | 0/1 (Ammo) | 0/1 (DragonHearts)
ServerEquipMod -- Usage: ServerEquipMod ModItemID:int32 ItemID:int32
ServerUnequipMod -- Usage: ServerUnequipMod ItemID:int32
SetUntargetable -- [x] Usage: SetUntargetable 0/1 (off|on)
TryUnlockTraits -- Usage: TryUnlockTraits id:int32
TryUnlockWeaponTraits -- Usage: TryUnlockWeaponTraits ItemID:int32
"Update Achievement Progress - Armor Sets" -- Usage: "Update Achievement Progress - Armor Sets"
"Update Achievement Progress - Armor Skin Sets" -- Usage: "Update Achievement Progress - Armor Skin Sets"
"Update Achievement Progress - Crafted Item" -- Usage: "Update Achievement Progress - Crafted Item"
"Update Achievement Progress - Items" -- Usage: "Update Achievement Progress - Items"
"Update Achievement Progress - Loot" -- Usage: "Update Achievement Progress - Loot"
"Update Achievement Progress - Trait Added" -- Usage: "Update Achievement Progress - Trait Added"
"Update Achievement Progress - Trait Level" -- Usage: "Update Achievement Progress - Trait Level"
"Update Achievement Progress - Upgrade Item" -- Usage: "Update Achievement Progress - Upgrade Item"
"Update Achievement Progress - Weapon Mods" -- Usage: "Update Achievement Progress - Weapon Mods"
AddTrait -- [ ] Usage: AddTrait NameOfBP:str Level:int32
DropItem -- [ ] Usage: DropItem NameOfBP:str Quantity:int32 LevelOverride:int32 Stacks:int32
DoAction -- [ ] Usage: DoAction NameOfBP:str bApplyToTarget:bool
GetAllCheats -- [ ] Usage: GetAllCheats arr:str
GetConsoleCommands -- [ ] Usage: GetConsoleCommands Category:str arr:str
GiveAllItems -- [ ] Usage: GiveAllItems NameOfClassBP:str Quantity:int32 LevelOverride:int32 bOnlyUnique:bool
GiveItem -- [ ] Usage: GiveItem NameOfBP:str Quantity:int32 LevelOverride:int32 bAutoEquip:bool
IncreasePlayerLevel -- [ ] Usage: IncreasePlayerLevel NumLevel:int32
KillNearbyEnemies -- [ ] Usage: KillNearbyEnemies
RemoveItem -- [ ] Usage: RemoveItem NameOfBP:str Quantity:int32
SetKillRadius -- [ ] Usage: SetKillRadius NewKillRadius:float
SpawnCharacter -- [ ] Usage: SpawnCharacter NameOfCharBP:str
UnlockAllTraits -- [ ] Usage: UnlockAllTraits StartingLevel:int32
AddExperience -- [x] Usage: AddExperience Amount:int32
AddScrap -- [x] Usage: AddScrap Amount:int32
GiveAccountAward -- [x] Usage: GiveAccountAward NameOfBP:str
Joinability -- [x] Usage: Joinability 0/1
LowerDifficulty -- [x] Usage: LowerDifficulty
RaiseDifficulty -- [x] Usage: RaiseDifficulty
SetDifficulty -- [x] Usage: SetDifficulty Difficulty:int32
ShowMatchmakingPowerLevel -- [x] Usage: ShowMatchmakingPowerLevel
SpawnDebugQuest -- [x] Usage: SpawnDebugQuest NameOfBP:str
ToggleDLC -- [ ] Usage: ToggleDLC License:enum(byte)
ToggleFogOfWar -- [x] Usage: ToggleFogOfWar
ToggleShowBlood -- [x] Usage: ToggleShowBlood
TravelToQuest -- [x] Usage: TravelToQuest QuestName:str ComponentName:str
UnlockAllEmotes -- [x] Usage: UnlockAllEmotes
UnlockAllWaypoints -- [x] Usage: UnlockAllWaypoints
ServerStreamSwapCharacter -- [x] Usage: ServerStreamSwapCharacter CharacterData:arr
ServerUnlockAccountCurrency -- [x] Usage: ServerUnlockAccountCurrency CurrencyType:class Quantity:int32 bDoNotify:bool
ServerUnlockItemAward -- [x] Usage: ServerUnlockItemAward ItemAward:class bDoNotify:bool
ClientIncrementBossCounter -- [x] Usage: ClientIncrementBossCounter
ComputeItemLevel -- [x] Usage: ComputeItemLevel
ComputePowerLevel -- [x] Usage: ComputePowerLevel
GetPlayerInventory -- [x] Usage: GetPlayerInventory
Respawn -- [x] Usage: Respawn StartingWaypoint:struct
SwapCharacter -- [x] Usage: SwapCharacter StartingWaypoint:struct
Where you see [ ] in the above, it means the developers have not compiled the core code of the command. In short, it doesn't do anything. I've left them in for tracking purposes. Where you see [x] it means the command works. Some are more than intuitive to run, while others may require adjusting of parameters. Where you don't see any brackets is where I've not tested the stuff or can't confirm it working/not working.
Note that I've figured out how to run these commands, their parameters, however I cannot tell you "what does this do?" more than the below:
ActivateHandGun - makes the pistol your currently selected (active) weapon
ActivateLongGun - makes the rifle or w.e. you use as main weapon your currently selected (active one)
CanCraftWeaponMod - I'm assuming this sets the flag that allows you to craft Weapon Mods (may be you're not allowed to do that right from start)
CanUpgrade - no idea on this one
ClientGiveWaveEmote - it gives you some emote
DebugGiveMaterials - gives you 1000 of each resource type; the next time you run this, it will refill all but Iron-based ones to 1000, but keep adding 1000 to those Iron-based; adds to Scrap as well
DebugResourceHack - refills health, ammo, dragon hearts
GodMode 1 - you're invulnerable, can get hit, but no health is depleted; stamina is also infinite
SetUntargetable 1 - you're invisible to AI that haven't already seen you; those who've seen you will go into a reset state in 2-3s
AddExperience # - d'oh
AddScrap # - d'oh
ToggleFogOfWar - open map with M and run this; it will make all map visible; run again to restore map state
You'll have to test stuff on your own terms and provide feedback. Some may do things, some won't, for some you'll probably need to unpack the game's .pak files to determine the names of the Blueprints (BP stands for blueprint) or use
ObjectsDump.txt to figure stuff out. I may update the post as I progress, but it's not a promise. The shit that's above makes it impossible to need anything else for an enjoyable experience
Now.. were you to want something specific.. you'll have to manage on your own or find a trainer. Or use other tables.
Aside from the above some core ones still work:
- slomo val (default is 1)
- playersonly
- toggledebugcamera
- god (but it's not used in damage checks)
- teleport (you can use it along with toggledebugcamera to teleport player to camera's position)
- fly, ghost don't work, as it's a Shipping build (I might restore them, just for fun)
- summon - spawns an Actor of a certain BP type (use ObjectsDump.txt to find blueprint names)