Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.2.0

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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by Meatpixie »

The ID is 0200. There might be other ID's missing in the table that I haven't found yet. A good way to get them is to check out the save editor made by "Falo".

Also here is my WIP categorized list. It might help you in some way. I sorted weapons worst to best but is not perfect yet.
11:Espada rota | Broken Sword
104:Espada oxidada | Rusted Sword
105:Espada oxidada | Rusted Sword
106:Espada oxidada | Rusted Sword
107:Espada oxidada | Rusted Sword
108:Espada oxidada | Rusted Sword
21:Espada de práctica | Training Sword
133:Espada de práctica + | Training Sword+
16:Espada de hierro | Iron Sword
128:Espada de hierro + | Iron Sword+
17:Espada de acero | Steel Sword
129:Espada de acero + | Steel Sword+
18:Espada de plata | Silver Sword
130:Espada de plata + | Silver Sword+
56:Estoque | Rapier
168:Estoque + | Rapier+
55:Machacacorazas | Armorslayer
167:Machacacorazas + | Armorslayer+
61:Espada demoníaca | Devil Sword
173:Espada demoníaca + | Devil Sword+
20:Espada asesina | Killing Edge
132:Espada asesina + | Killing Edge+
44:Espada trueno | Levin Sword
156:Espada trueno + | Levin Sword+
94:Espada envenenada | Venin Edge
185:Espada envenenada + | Venin Edge+
63:Wo Dao | Wo Dao
175:Wo Dao + | Wo Dao+
68:Espada maldita Ashiya | Cursed Ashiya Sword
177:Espada maldita Ashiya + | Cursed Ashiya Sword+
19:Espada del valor | Brave Sword
131:Espada del valor + | Brave Sword+
69:Espada de Zoltan | Sword of Zoltan
178:Espada de Zoltan + | Sword of Zoltan+
98:Mercurius | Mercurius
65:Espada de Seiros | Sword of Seiros
66:Espada de Begalta | Sword of Begalta
67:Espada de Moralta | Sword of Moralta
70:Filo del Trueno | Thunderbrand
192:F. del Trueno oscuro | Dark Thunderbrand
71:Blutgang | Blutgang
193:Blutgang oscura | Dark Blutgang (Unused)
72:Espada de la Creación | Sword of the Creator
191:Espada Suprema | Sublime Creator Sword
93:Espada del Caos | Dark Creator Sword
310:Viskam | Viskam
90:Athame | Athame
91:Ridill | Ridill (Unused)
12:Lanza rota | Broken Lance
109:Lanza oxidada | Rusted Lance
110:Lanza oxidada | Rusted Lance
111:Lanza oxidada | Rusted Lance
112:Lanza oxidada | Rusted Lance
113:Lanza oxidada | Rusted Lance
27:Lanza de práctica | Training Lance
139:Lanza de práctica + | Training Lance+
22:Lanza de hierro | Iron Lance
134:Lanza de hierro + | Iron Lance+
23:Lanza de acero | Steel Lance
135:Lanza de acero + | Steel Lance+
24:Lanza de plata | Silver Lance
136:Lanza de plata + | Silver Lance+
47:Jabalina | Javelin
159:Jabalina + | Javelin+
57:Anticaballos | Horseslayer
169:Anticaballos + | Horseslayer+
26:Lanza asesina | Killer Lance
138:Lanza asesina + | Killer Lance+
48:Pica corta | Short Spear
160:Pica corta + | Short Spear+
59:Lanza bendita | Blessed Lance
171:Lanza bendita + | Blessed Lance+
79:Pica de Indra | Arrow of Indra
180:Pica de Indra + | Arrow of Indra+
95:Lanza envenenada | Venin Lance
186:Lanza envenenada + | Venin Lance+
25:Lanza del valor | Brave Lance
137:Lanza del valor + | Brave Lance+
49:Pica | Spear
161:Pica + | Spear+
64:Hoz medialuna | Crescent Sickle
176:Hoz medialuna + | Crescent Sickle+
73:Lanza de Zoltan | Lance of Zoltan
179:Lanza de Zoltan + | Lance of Zoltan+
99:Gradivus | Gradivus
77:Lanza de Assal | Spear of Assal
74:Lanza de la Ruina | Lance of Ruin
194:L. de la Ruina oscura | Dark Lance of Ruin
75:Areadbhar | Areadbhar
195:Areadbhar Γ | Areadbhar Γ
76:Lúin | Lúin
196:Lúin Δ | Lúin Δ
78:Guadaña de Sariel | Scythe of Sariel
13:Hacha rota | Broken Axe
114:Hacha oxidada | Rusted Axe
115:Hacha oxidada | Rusted Axe
116:Hacha oxidada | Rusted Axe
117:Hacha oxidada | Rusted Axe
118:Hacha oxidada | Rusted Axe
33:Hacha de práctica | Training Axe
145:Hacha de práctica + | Training Axe+
28:Hacha de hierro | Iron Axe
140:Hacha de hierro + | Iron Axe+
29:Hacha de acero | Steel Axe
141:Hacha de acero + | Steel Axe+
30:Hacha de plata | Silver Axe
142:Hacha de plata + | Silver Axe+
89:Maza | Mace
184:Maza + | Mace +
58:Martillo | Hammer
170:Martillo + | Hammer+
50:Hacha de mano | Hand Axe
162:Hacha de mano + | Hand Axe+
62:Hacha demoníaca | Devil Axe
174:Hacha demoníaca + | Devil Axe+
32:Hacha asesina | Killer Axe
144:Hacha asesina + | Killer Axe+
51:Hacha corta | Short Axe
163:Hacha corta + | Short Axe+
96:Hacha envenenada | Venin Axe
187:Hacha envenenada + | Venin Axe+
31:Hacha del valor | Brave Axe
143:Hacha del valor + | Brave Axe+
45:Hacha rayo | Bolt Axe
157:Hacha rayo + | Bolt Axe+
52:Tomahawk | Tomahawk
164:Tomahawk + | Tomahawk +
83:Hacha de Zoltan | Axe of Zoltan
181:Hacha de Zoltan + | Axe of Zoltan+
100:Hauteclaire | Hauteclere
82:Hacha de Ukonvasara | Axe of Ukonvasara
80:Freikugel | Freikugel
197:Freikugel Λ | Freikugel Λ
81:Triturador | Crusher
198:Triturador oscuro | Dark Crusher
92:Aymr | Aymr
14:Arco roto | Broken Bow
119:Arco oxidado | Rusted Bow
120:Arco oxidado | Rusted Bow
121:Arco oxidado | Rusted Bow
122:Arco oxidado | Rusted Bow
123:Arco oxidado | Rusted Bow
39:Arco de práctica | Training Bow
151:Arco de práctica + | Training Bow+
34:Arco de hierro | Iron Bow
146:Arco de hierro + | Iron Bow+
35:Arco de acero | Steel Bow
147:Arco de acero + | Steel Bow+
36:Arco de plata | Silver Bow
148:Arco de plata + | Silver Bow+
54:Miniarco | Mini Bow
166:Miniarco + | Mini Bow+
53:Arco largo | Longbow
165:Arco largo + | Longbow+
38:Arco avanzado | Killer Bow
150:Arco avanzado + | Killer Bow+
60:Arco bendito | Blessed Bow
172:Arco bendito + | Blessed Bow+
97:Arco envenenado | Venin Bow
188:Arco envenenado + | Venin Bow+
37:Arco del valor | Brave Bow
149:Arco del valor + | Brave Bow+
46:Arco mágico | Magic Bow
158:Arco mágico + | Magic Bow+
86:Arco de Zoltan | Bow of Zoltan
182:Arco de Zoltan + | Bow of Zoltan+
101:Parthia | Parthia
84:Arco de Tathlum | Tathlum Bow
85:El Inagotable | The Inexhaustible
87:El Infalible | Failnaught
199:El Infalible Τ | Failnaught Τ
15:Guanteletes rotos | Broken Gauntlet
124:Guanteletes oxidados | Rusted Gauntlets
125:Guanteletes oxidados | Rusted Gauntlets
126:Guanteletes oxidados | Rusted Gauntlets
127:Guanteletes oxidados | Rusted Gauntlets
43:Guanteletes de práctica | Training Gauntlets
155:Guanteletes de práctica + | Training Gauntlets+
40:Guanteletes de hierro | Iron Gauntlets
152:Guanteletes de hierro + | Iron Gauntlets+
41:Guanteletes de acero | Steel Gauntlets
153:Guanteletes de acero + | Steel Gauntlets+
42:Guanteletes de plata | Silver Gauntlets
154:Guanteletes de plata + | Silver Gauntlets+
102:Nudilleras asesinas | Killer Knuckles
189:Nudilleras asesinas + | Killer Knuckles+
103:Nudilleras aura | Aura Knuckles
190:Nudilleras aura + | Aura Knuckles+
88:Garras de dragón | Dragon Claws
183:Garras de dragón + | Dragon Claw+
4000:Fuego | Fire
4001:Bolganone | Bolganone
4002:Ragnarok | Ragnarok
4003:Trueno | Thunder
4004:Thoron | Thoron
4005:Rayos | Bolting
4006:Viento | Wind
4007:Vendaval de acero | Cutting Gale
4008:Excalibur | Excalibur
4009:Ventisca | Blizzard
4010:Fimbulvert | Fimbulvetr
4011:Sagittae | Sagittae
4012:Meteoro | Meteor
4013:Flecha de Agnea | Agnea's Arrow
4014:Miasma Δ | Miasma Δ
4015:Ciénaga Β | Mire Β
4016:Enjambre Ζ | Swarm Ζ
4017:Banshee Θ | Banshee Θ
4018:Agonía Γ | Death Γ
4019:Luna Λ | Luna Λ
4020:Púas oscuras Τ | Dark Spikes Τ
4021:Hades Ω | Hades Ω
4022:Bohr Χ | Bohr Χ
4023:Terremoto Σ | Quake Σ
4024:Curar | Heal
4025:Recuperar | Recover
4026:Sanar | Physic
4027:Fortalecer | Fortify
4028:Nosferatu | Nosferatu
4029:Ángeles | Seraphim
4030:Aura | Aura
4031:Abraxas | Abraxas
4032:Antorcha | Torch
4033:Restaurar | Restore
4034:Protección | Ward
4035:Silenciar | Silence
4036:Rescatar | Rescue
4037:Transportar | Warp
210:P. emblema de Gautier | Crest Stone (Gautier)
211:P. emblema bestia | Crest Stone (Beast)
212:P. emblema agrietada | Cracked Crest Stone
213:Esquirla de p. emblema | Crest Stone Shard
214:P. e. artificial pequeña | Artificial Crest Stone S
215:P. e. artificial grande | Artificial Crest Stone L
216:P. e. artificial gigante | Giant Art. Crest Stone
217:P. e. artificial aguzada | Pointy Art. Crest Stone
218:Lanza de la Luz | Lance of Light
219:Lanza de la Luz + | Lance of Light+
220:Katar gigante | Giant Katar
221:Esquirla bendecida | Blest Crest Stone Shard
222:P. emblema de Seiros | Crest Stone of Seiros
223:P. emblema de Seiros | Crest Stone of Seiros
224:P. e. Seiros auténtica | Real Seiros Crest Stone
225:P. emblema de Macuil | Crest Stone of Macuil
226:P. emblema de Indech | Crest Stone of Indech
227:Piedra oscura (ave) | Dark Stone (Bird)
228:Piedra oscura (gusano) | Dark Stone (Crawler)
229:Piedra oscura (lobo) | Dark Stone (Wolf)
230:Poder del e. de fuego | Crest of Flame Power
231:Poder de los e. gemelos | Twin-Crest Power
232:Lanza refulgente | Piercing Light Lance
233:Jabalina refulgente | Throwing Light Lance
234:Alas afiladas | Sharp Wings
235:P. emblema perdida | Lost Crest Stone
236:P. emblema perdida (g) | Lost Crest Stone (Lg)
237:Poder emblema fuego | Crest of Flame Power
238:Poder emblema fuego | Crest of Flame Power
600:Escudo de cuero | Leather Shield
601:Escudo de hierro | Iron Shield
602:Escudo de acero | Steel Shield
603:Escudo de plata | Silver Shield
604:Escudo talismán | Talisman Shield
605:Escudo antimagia | Hexlock Shield
606:Escudo égida | Aegis Shield
607:Escudo Ochain | Ochain Shield
608:Escudo Seiron | Seiros Shield
609:Escudo Aurora | Aurora Shield
610:Escudo Kadmos | Kadmos Shield
611:Escudo Lampos | Lampos Shield
612:Anillo precisión | Accuracy Ring
613:Anillo letal | Critical Ring
614:Anillo evasión | Evasion Ring
615:Anillo celeridad | Speed Ring
616:Anillo movimiento | March Ring
617:Anillo Diosa | Goddess Ring
618:Anillo auxilio | Prayer Ring
619:Bastón de hechicero | Magic Staff
620:Bastón de sanación | Healing Staff
621:Caduceo | Caduceus Staff
622:Tirso | Thyrsus
623:Piedra Rafail | Rafail Gem
624:Piedra experiencia | Experience Gem
625:Piedra conocimiento | Knowledge Gem
626:Bastón Circe | Circe Staff
627:Bastón de Tomas | Tomas's Staff
628:Escudo de infantería | Armored Soldier Shield
629:Escudo pesado | Armored Knight Shield
630:Escudo bastión | Fortress Soldier Shield
631:Asclepius | Asclepius
632:Escudo égida oscuro | Dark Aegis Shield
633:Tirso oscuro | Dark Thyrsus
634:Piedra Rafail oscura | Dark Rafail Gem
635:Escudo de fuego | Flame Shield
636:Escudo emperatriz | Emperor Shield
637:Colgante Águila Negra | Black Eagle Pendant
638:Broche León Azul | Blue Lion Brooch
639:Brazalete C. Dorado | Golden Deer Bracelet
640:Fular Dragón Blando | White Dragon Scarf
641:Cáliz Primordial | Chalice of Beginnings
642:Cadenas de Dromi | Fetters of Dromi
1000:Poción | Vulnerary
1001:Brebaje | Concoction
1002:Elixir | Elixir
1003:Sello intermedio | Intermediate Seal
1004:Sello avanzado | Advanced Seal
1005:Sello maestro | Combined Seal
1006:Sello supremo | Master Seal
1007:Antorcha | Torch
1008:Lingote de oro | Bullion
1009:Lingote de oro grande | Large Bullion
1010:Lingote de oro enorme | Extra Large Bullion
1011:Antídoto | Antitoxin
1012:Agua pura | Pure Water
1013:Llave de puerta | Door Key
1014:Llave de cofre | Chest Key
1015:Llave maestra | Master Key
1016:Túnica angélica | Seraph Robe
1017:Gota de energía | Energy Drop
1018:Polvo espiritual | Spirit Dust
1019:Libro secreto | Secret Book
1020:Alas veloces | Speedwing
1021:Icono de la Diosa | Goddess Icon
1022:Coraza gigante | Giant Shell
1023:Talismán | Talisman
1024:Perla negra | Black Pearl
1025:Botas del viento | Shoes of the Wind
1026:Pollo asado al horno | Grilled Duck
1027:Estofado de conejo | Fried Boar
1028:Ensalada mágica | Magical Herb Salad
1029:Pan de frutas de Noah | Dried Plums
1030:Gobios envueltos | Pike Casserole
1031:Estofado de marisco | Bear & Vegetable Soup
1032:Guiso de locha | Fried Gar
1033:Pato a la brasa | Fried Queen Koi
1034:Asado de jabalí | Sculpin Gratin
1035:Confitura de ciruelas | Grilled Wolverine & Herb
1036:Cacerola de lucio | Grilled Duck +
1037:Sollo frito | Fried Boar +
1038:Koi reina frita | Magical Herb Salad +
1039:Sopa de verdura y oso | Dried Plums +
1040:Parrillada de glotón | Pike Casserole +
1041:Gratinado de charrasco | Bear & Vegetable Soup +
1042:Té de angélica | Fried Gar +
1043:Ensalada verde | Fried Queen Koi +
1044:Macedonia con nueces | Sculpin Gratin +
1045:Tarta de kirsch | Grilled Wolverine & Herb +
1046:Bocadillo de lucio | Albinea Juice
1047:Lucio frito | Grilled Chicken & Herb
1048:Gambas al vapor | Roast Duck
1049:Faisán ahumado | Grilled Chicken & Herb +
1050:Guiso de zorro | Roast Duck +
1051:Zapatos viento sacro | Sacred Galewind Shoes
1052:Túnica floral sacra | Sacred Floral Robe
1053:Copo de nieve sacra | Sacred Snowmelt Drop
1054:Piedra de luna sacra | Sacred Moonstone
1055:Pato asado | Food | Duck
1056:Empanada de pez y ave | Food | Fish Bird
1126:Seña dragón espinado | Thorn Dragon Sign
1127:Seña dragón ventoso | Wind Dragon Sign
1128:Seña dragón celeste | Sky Dragon Sign
1129:Seña dragón triturador | Crusher Dragon Sign
1130:Seña dragón escudo | Shield Dragon Sign
1131:Seña dragón floreciente | Bloom Dragon Sign
1132:Seña dragón luminoso | Light Dragon Sign
1133:Seña dragón ígneo | Flame Dragon Sign
1134:Seña dragón ominoso | Grim Dragon Sign
1135:Seña dragón habilidoso | Craft Dragon Sign
1136:Seña dragón kalpa | Kalpa Dragon Sign
1137:Seña dragón terrestre | Earth Dragon
1138:Seña dragón gélido | Ice Dragon Sign
1139:Seña dragón rasgado | Fissure Dragon Sign
1140:Seña dragón acuático | Water Dragon Sign
1141:Seña dragón borrascoso | Storm Dragon Sign
1142:Seña dragón fulgente | Lightning Dragon Sign
1143:Seña dragón oscuro | Dark Dragon Sign
1144:Seña dragón astral | Star Dragon Sign
1145:Seña dragón nival | Snow Dragon Sign
1146:Seña dragón égida | Aegis Dragon Sign
1147:Piedra emblema | Crest Stone
1148:Cadillo pétreo | Rocky Burdock
1149:Hierbas mágicas puras | Premium Magic Herbs
1150:Granada de Ailell | Ailell Pomegranate
1151:Zanahoria rauda | Speed Carrot
1152:Judía milagrosa | Miracle Bean
1153:Ambrosía | Ambrosía
1154:Verona blanca | White Verona
1155:Manzana de oro | Golden Apple
1156:Fruta de la vida | Fruit of Life
1157:Sello oscuro | Dark Seal
1158:Sello novel | Beginner Seal
1159:Sello abisal | Abyssal Seal
1160:Llave antimagia | Anti magic key
1161:Secreto comercial | Anna's Secret Thingy
-----Unused Baits(?)-----
1401:Trozo de pescado | Minnow Fillet
1402:Larva fresca de insecto | Fresh Insect larva
1403:Trozo pescado fresco | Fresh minnow fillet
1404:Poliqueto | Bristle worm
1406:Poliqueto freco | Fresh Bristle worm
1407:Caracol terrestre fresco | Premium Pond Snail
1408:Gamba terciopelo | Shrimp
1409:Cangrejo violinista | Fiddler Crab
1411:Gamba terciopelo fr. | Premium Shrimp
1412:Cangr. violinista fresco | Premium Fiddler Crab
1413:Lombriz fresca | Premium Earthworm
1414:Crisálida | Pupa
1415:Larva | Grub
1416:Escarabajo | Beetle
1418:Crisálida fresca | Premium Pupa
1419:Larva fresca | Premium Grub
1420:Escarabajo fresco | Premium Beetle
1431:Cebo de Flayn | Flayn's Bait
1400:Larva de insecto | Insect larva
1405:Caracol terrestre | Pond Snail
1410:Lombriz | Earthworm
1417:Moscarda | Blowfly
1421:Moscarda fresca | Premium Blowfly
1422:Bola de calamar | Squid Ball
1423:Cebo de arenque | Herring Bait
1430:Cebo de torneo | Tournament Bait
1463:Semillas de Dedue | Dedue's Seeds
1450:Semillas frutales | Mixed Fruit Seeds
1432:Semillas de hierbas | Mixed Herb Seeds
1434:Semillas tubérculos | Root Vegetable Seeds
1438:Semillas de verduras | Vegetable Seeds
1433:Semillas occidentales | Western Fodlan Seeds
1447:Semillas orientales | Eastern Fodlan Seeds
1451:Semillas baya Albinea | Albinean-Berry Seeds
1443:Semillas de Morfis | Morfis Seeds
1439:Semillas norteñas | Nothern Fodlan Seeds
1442:Semillas sureñas | Southern Fodlan Seeds
1454:Semillas de flor azul | Blue Flower Seeds
1458:Semillas flor turquesa | Pale-Blue Flower Seeds
1455:Semillas de flor morada | Purple Flower Seeds
1452:Semillas de flor roja | Red Flower Seeds
1457:Semillas de flor verde | Green Flower Seeds
1456:Semillas flor amarilla | Yellow Flower Seeds
1453:Semillas de flor blanca | White Flower Seeds
1441:Semillas ciruela Morfis | Morfis-Plum Seeds
1444:Semillas lechuga boreal | Nordsalat Seeds
1449:Semillas de angélica | Angelica Seeds
1445:Semillas nuez de boa | Boa-Fruit Seeds
1435:Sem. hierbas mágicas | Magical Herb Seeds
1436:Semillas de Noah | Noah-Fruit Seeds
1437:Semillas nuez Albinea | Albinean-Nut Seeds
1440:Semillas de verona | Verona Seeds
1446:Semillas de Albinea | Albinean Seeds
1448:Sem. cereza Magdred | Magdred Kirsch Seeds
1464:Piedra de refinado | Smithing Stone
1465:Acero tamahagane | Black-Sand Steel
1466:Acero wootz | Wootz Steel
1467:Cristal arcano | Arcane Crystal
1468:Mitrilo | Mythril
1469:Acero sombrío | Umbral Steel
1470:Agarthanio | Agarthium
1471:Toxolito | Venowstone
1495:Mineral principiante | tutorial ore
1496:Gobio del Airmid | Airmid Goby
1497:Cangrejo de Caledonia | Caledonian Crayfish
1498:Trucha blanca | White Trout
1499:Locha del Teutates | Teutates Loach
1500:Lucio del Airmid | Airmid Pike
1501:Sollo de Caledonia | Caledonian Gar
1502:Locha reina | Queen Loach
1503:Sollo primitivo | Ancient Gar
1504:Lucio del Teutates | Teutates Pike
1505:Gamba del Teutates | Teutates Shrimp
1506:Charrasco | Bullhead
1507:Arenque de Albinea | Albinean Herring
1508:Carpa dorada | Golden Fish
1509:Carpa platino | Platinum Fish
1510:Fódlandy | Fódlandy
1511:Mensajero divino | Goddess Messenger
1512:Carpa plateada | Silverfish
1527:Carassius | Carassius
1528:Maíz | Corn
1529:Manzana | Apple
1530:Caña de azúcar | Sugar Cane
1531:Cebada | Barley
1532:Hierbajos | Weeds
1533:Fruta de Zanado | Zanado Fruit
1534:Verduras secas | Dried Vegetables
1535:Hierba de Ailell | Ailell Grass
1536:Ambrosía de Zanado | Zanado Treasure Fruit
1537:Tomate | Tomato
1538:Fruto de Noa | Noa Fruit
1539:Pasa melocotonera | Peach Currant
1540:Verona | Verona
1541:Ciruela de Morfis | Morfis Plum
1542:Lechuga boreal | Nordsalat
1543:Nuez de boa | Boa Fruit
1544:Cereza de Magdred | Magdred Kirsch
1545:Angélica | Angélica
1546:Bayas de Albinea | Albinean Berries
1547:Cebolla | Onion
1548:Zanahoria | Carrot
1549:Nabo | Turnip
1550:Garbanzos | Chickpeas
1551:Col | Cabbage
1559:Verdura principiante | Starter Vegetable
1560:Carne de ave | Poultry
1561:Conejo | Rabbit
1562:Faisán de Fódlan | Fódlan Pheasant
1563:Zorro de Gronder | Gronder Fox
1564:Carne de caza | Wild Game
1565:Jabalí | Boar
1566:Urogallo | Grouse
1567:Oso de Duscur | Duscur Bear
1568:Glotón de Oghma | Oghma Wolverine
1569:Alce de Albinea | Albinean Moose
1570:Conejo | Rabbit
1571:Zorro de Gronder | Gronder Fox
1572:Faisán de Fódlan | Fódlan Pheasant
1612:Té de los Santos | Tea of the Saints
1595:Carne principiante | Albinean Berry Blend
1598:Té al pino almyriense | Mint Leaves
1599:Té Luna Creciente | Crescent-Moon Tea
1601:Té con almendras | Almond Blend
1606:Té de jengibre | Ginger Tea
1607:Tisana | Angelica Tea
1602:Té de frutas a la miel | Honeyed-Fruit Blend
1608:Té a la lavanda | Lavender Blend
1609:Camomila | Chamomile
1596:Té a la bergamota | Southern Fruit Blend
1603:Té a la canela | Cinnamon Blend
1600:Té de frutas de Dagda | Dagda Fruit Blend
1597:Té con manzana dulce | Rose Petal Blend
1604:Té de Seiros | Seiros Tea
1605:Té a las cuatro especias | Four-Spice Blend
1610:Mezcla de Hresvelg | Hresvelg Blend
1611:Cortania de Leicester | Leicester Cortania
2000:Adorno floral | Floral Adornment
2001:Boya de pesca | Fishing Float
2002:Bizcocho | Tasty Baked Treat
2003:Cuentas de collar | Gemstone Beads
2004:Carne ahumada | Smoked Meat
2005:Osito de peluche | Armored Bear Stuffy
2006:Pesas | Traning Weight
2007:Partituras | Book of Sheet Music
2008:Cuchillo de caza | Hunting Dagger
2009:Tratado de aritmética | Arithmetic Textbook
2010:Historia de Fódlan | The History of Fódlan
2011:Regadera | Watering Can
2012:Botas de montar | Riding Boots
2013:Piedra de afilar | Whetstone
2014:Hojas de té | Tea Leaves
2015:Emblemas ilustrados | Book of Crest Designs
2016:Accesorio para el pelo | Stylish Hair Clip
2017:Leyendas de caballería | Legends of Chivalry
2018:Estudios de gobierno | Monarch Studies Book
2019:Pañuelo elegante | Dapper Handkerchief
2020:Pluma de búho | Owl Feather
2021:Queso azul | Blue Cheese
2022:Cuadro paisajista | Landscape Painting
2023:Especias exóticas | Exotic Spices
2024:Estatuilla votiva | Goddess Statuette
2025:Espada ceremonial | Ceremonial Sword
2026:Moneda antigua | Ancient Coin
2027:Juego de tablero | Board Game
2028:Granos de café | Coffee Beans
2029:Emblemas misteriosos | Crestological Mysteries
2030:Linaje de los bellos | Tome of Comely Saints
2031:Amuleto de fuego | Fire Amulet
2032:Piedra brillante | Glowing Stone
2033:Crónicas del amanecer | The Path of Dawn
2034:Colirio milagroso | Medicinal Eyedrops
2035:Esmeril bicolor | Two-Toned Whetstone
2036:Daga de Catherine | Catherine's Dagger
2037:Carcaj de Shamir | Shamir's Quiver

-----Lost Items-----
2038:Guante blanco | White Glove
2039:Espada roma | Dulled Longsword
2040:Funda de arco | Leather Bow Sheath
2041:Tratado de Hresvelg | Hresvelg Treatise
2042:Aceite para armas | Maintenance Oil
2043:Lucha de los Santos | The Saints Revealed
2044:Réplica Filo Trueno | Thunderbrand Replica
2045:Juego de bordado | Needle and Thread
2046:Broche de plata | Silver Brooch
2047:Pluma exótica | Exotic Feather
2048:Pendiente de oro | Gold Earring
2049:Espuela negra | Black Iron Spur
2050:Caballero de la Luna | Moon Knight's Tale
2051:Pintalabios nuevo | Unused Lipstick
2052:Historias de fantasmas | Book of Ghost Stories
2053:Partitura inconclusa | Unfinished Score
2054:Herraduras de pegaso | Pegasus Horseshoes
2055:Adorno floral | Artificial Flower
2056:Botón de madera | Wooden Button
2057:Piedra azul | Blue Stone
2058:Enciclopedia golosa | Encyclopedia of Sweets
2059:Bolsa de semillas | Bag of Seeds
2060:Accesorio artesanal | Handmade Hair Clip
2061:Mapa del bosque | Hand Drawn Map
2062:Fábula inacabada | Unfinished Fable
2063:Broche antiguo | Antique Clasp
2064:Gamuza bordada | Lens Cloth
2065:Hierbas balsámicas | Wellness Herbs
2066:Muñeco sin nariz | Noseless Puppet
2067:Iniciación a la magia | Introduction to Mgic
2068:Capa raída | Weathered Cloak
2069:Madeja de cáñamo | Bundle of Dry Hemp
2070:Destral gastado | Well-Used Hatchet
2071:Petaca de madera | Wooden Flask
2072:Horquilla fina | Elegant Hair Clip
2123:Pañuelo sospechoso | Noxious Handkerchief
2124:Informe sobre cosechas | Agricultural Survey
2125:Almohada de plumón | Feather Pillow
2126:Abrigo agujereado | Tattered Overcoat
2127:Bodegón de flor | Still-Life Picture
2128:Póster de la Gran Diva | Songstress Poster
2129:Pieza de cuero | Small Tanned Hide
2130:Tijeras de podar | Gardening Shears
2131:Fragmento de vaina | Sword Belt Fragment
2132:Talismán | Evil-Repelling Amulet
2133:Carta de amor tirada | Crumpled Love Letter
2134:Fruta en almíbar | Fruit Preserves
2135:Libro de texto mágico | School of Sorcery Book
2136:Calendario de justas | Jousting Alamanac
2137:El noble cortés | A Treatise on Etiquette
2138:Saco de piedras | Burlap Sack of Rocks
2139:Historia del arte | Art Book
2140:Muñeca de princesa | Princess Doll
2141:Mantén limpia tu casa | How to be Tidy
2142:Venda impoluta | Spotless Bandage
2143:Puntas de flecha toscas | Crude Arrowheads
2144:Caña de pescar | Old Fishing Rd
2145:Viejo plano de Enbarr | Old Map of Enbar
2146:Martillo y cincel | Hammer and Chisel
2147:Trapo limpio | Clean Dusting Cloth
2148:Maza de tallado | Carving Hammer
2149:Moneda extranjera | Foreign Gold Coin
2150:Carta a lady Rhea | Letter to Rhea
2151:Dibujo de ciempiés | Centipede Picture
2152:Retrato de la Arzobispa | Potrait of Rhea
2153:Navaja plegable | Folding Razor
2154:Bolsita de té | Bag of Tea Leaves
2155:Cebo animado | Animated Bait
2156:Amuleto antirrayos | Grounding Charm
2157:Estuche de abalorios | Hedgehog Case
2158:Peineta fina | Lovely Comb
2159:Diccionario anotado | Annotated Dictionary
2160:Cacerola de hierro | Iron Cooking Pot
2161:Daga dentada | Toothed Dagger
2162:Manojo de hierbas | Bundle of Herbs
2163:Historia de los sreng | The History of Sreng
2164:El arte de la repostería | How to Bake Sweets
2165:Díptica deteriorada | Wax Diptych
2166:Cepillo para caballos | Curry Comb
2167:Pañuelo de seda | Silk Handkerchief
2168:Cucharón | Big Spoon
2169:Carta a la Diosa | Letter to the Goddess
2170:Perfume sin abrir | New Bottle of Perfume
2171:Confesión firmada | Confessional Letter
2172:Perfume usado | Used Bottle of Perfume
2173:Bufanda de piel | Fur Scarf
2174:Pluma despuntada | Snapped Writing Quill
2175:Viejo libro de fábulas | Dusty Book of Fables
2176:Dibujo de círculo | Sketch of a Sigil
2177:Velo morado | Light Purple Veil
2178:Collar de plata | Silver Necklace
2179:Libreta misteriosa | Mysterious Notebook
2180:Medalla de graduación | Badge of Graduation
2181:Dado de hueso | Animal Bone Dice
2182:Bayeta vieja | Old Cleaning Cloth
2183:Hierbas para el parto | Birthing Herbs
2184:Tallas de Brigid | Brigid Techniques
2185:Escrituras de Seiros | Seiros Scriptures
2186:Viejo mapa celeste | Faded Star Chart
2073:Fragmento Cethleann | Saint Cethleann Shard
2074:Fragmento Cichol | Saint Cichol Shard
2075:Fragmento Macuil | Saint Macuil Shard
2076:Fragmento Indech | Saint Indech Shard
2077:Recetas clásicas | Classic Cookbook
2078:Lista del coro | Choir Sign Up Sheet
2079:Lista del coro | Choir Sign Up Sheet
2080:Lista del coro | Choir Sign Up Sheet
2081:Desbloquear comercio | Unlock Trade
2082:Juego de té elegante | Elegant Tea Set
2083:Desbloquear notas | Unlock Report Cards
2084:Desbloquear notas | Unlock Report Cards
2085:Desbloquear notas | Unlock Report Cards
2086:Informe disidentes | Dissidents Intel
2087:Informe ladrones | Thieves Intel
2088:Informe tropas Imperio | Imperial Army Intel
2089:Carta de admiración | Admiring Love Letter
2090:Carta de amor sincera | Heartfelt Love Letter
2091:Carta reverencial | Reverent Love Letter
2092:Hierbas iluminadoras | Enlightening Herbs
2093:Hierbas del coraje | Bravery Hebs
2094:Hierbas reconfortantes | Fortifying Herbs
2095:Hierbas calmantes | Calming Herbs
2096:Hierbas de la confianza | Confidence Herbs
2097:Hierbas del optimismo | Hopeful Hebs
2098:Cartel alumno perdido | Missing Student Poster
2099:Ofrenda floral | Flower Tribute
2100:Recetas irresistibles | Tantalizing Cookbook
2101:Recetas ilustradas | Illustrated Cookbook
2102:Nota Águila Negra | Black Eagle Note
2103:Nota León Azul | Blue Lion Note
2104:Nota Ciervo Dorado | Golden Deer Note
2105:Partitura (primavera) | Sheet Music (Spring)
2106:Partitura (verano) | Sheet Music (Ummer)
2107:Partitura (otoño) | Sheet Music (Fall)
2108:Partitura (invierno) | Sheet Music (Winter)
2109:Carpa diminuta | Tiny Fodlan Carp
2110:Carpa pequeña | Small Fodlan Carp
2111:Carpa mediana | Regular Fodlan Carp
2112:Carpa grande | Large Fodlan Carp
2113:Carpa gigante | Huge Fodlan Carp
2114:Arenque del Teutates | Teutates Herring
2115:Material de forja | Iron Welding Material
2116:Nota investigación 1 | Investigation Note #1
2117:Nota investigación 2 | Investigation Note #2
2118:Nota investigación 3 | Investigation Note #3
2119:Nota investigación 4 | Investigation Note #4
2120:Nota investigación 5 | Investigation Note #5
2121:Nota investigación 6 | Investigation Note #6
2122:Nota investigación 7 | Investigation Note #7
2187:Mi maravilloso jardín | Growing a Garden
2188:Naranjas | Orange
2189:Lavándula | Lavándula Grass
2190:El Grandullón | The Big One
2191:Trozo piedra angular | Cornerstone Fragment
2192:Estatuilla de Zoltan | Zoltan's Beast Idol
2193:Gladiolos | Gladiolos
2194:Gladiolos | Gladiolos
2195:Gladiolos | Gladiolos
2196:Secreto de Anna | Anna's Secret Thingy
2197:Planta carnívora | Pithcer Plant
2198:Girasol | Sunflower
2199:Violeta | Violet
2200:Lavanda | Lavender
2201:Narciso | Daffodil
2202:Rosa | Rose
2203:Nomeolvides | Forget-me-nots
2204:Lirio | Lily
2205:Lirio del valle | Lily of the Valley
2206:Gypsophila | Baby's Breath
2207:Anémona | Anémone
2208:Clavel | Carnation
2209:Manual de tácticas | Tactics Primer
2210:Pluma gastada | Time-worn Quill Pen
2211:Guantes negros | Black Leather Gloves
2212:Laxante | Mild Stomach Poison
2213:Porcelana oriental | Eastern Porcelain
2214:Diario de prácticas | Training Logbook
2215:Ficha de juego | Board Game Piece
2216:Carta de Edelgard | Letter From Edelgard
2217:Carta de Edelgard | Letter From Edelgard
2218:Carta de Dimitri | Letter From Dimitri
2219:Carta de Dimitri | Letter From Dimitri
2220:Carta de Claude | Letter From Claude
2221:Carta de Claude | Letter From Claude
2222:Carta de Rhea | Letter From Rhea
2223:Carta de Flayn | Letter From Flayn
2224:Carta de Gilbert | Letter From Gilbert

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by Karlos_007 »

Updated table
Added more stuff in English (Class and combat arts)

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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by Meatpixie »


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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by Msolivei »

Karlos_007 wrote:
Fri Apr 23, 2021 10:14 am
Xtremeist wrote:
Fri Apr 23, 2021 5:30 am
Thank You For the Tables!! I have one question though, How exactly do you edit the growth rate of characters in the "Enable: Growth Rates". Thank You!!
Is something like this, every value is for 1 stat.
if you double clic the value list it's easier to edit

Name HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Mov Cha
Edelgard 40 55 45 45 40 30 35 35 5 60
Hey Karlos, can you help me please?
So if i want to earn 2 points in Str, should i change the value to 56?

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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by Karlos_007 »

Msolivei wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 1:45 am
Karlos_007 wrote:
Fri Apr 23, 2021 10:14 am
Xtremeist wrote:
Fri Apr 23, 2021 5:30 am
Thank You For the Tables!! I have one question though, How exactly do you edit the growth rate of characters in the "Enable: Growth Rates". Thank You!!
Is something like this, every value is for 1 stat.
if you double clic the value list it's easier to edit

Name HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Mov Cha
Edelgard 40 55 45 45 40 30 35 35 5 60
Hey Karlos, can you help me please?
So if i want to earn 2 points in Str, should i change the value to 56?
It's almost like a % gain for every level up
100 100 100... should give a perfect lvl up
200 200 200... gives +2 on every stat
or you can edit unitstats directly.

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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by Msolivei »

Thank you!

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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by minhkhanh238 »

Hi ! Thank you for your work, V1.2 works well with my yuzu but it doesnt recognize Ryujinx, I wanna try with Ryujinx because my Yuzu is unstable and unable to play. I use Cheat Engine 7.2 , can you help me ???

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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by Karlos_007 »

minhkhanh238 wrote:
Tue May 25, 2021 12:29 pm
Hi ! Thank you for your work, V1.2 works well with my yuzu but it doesnt recognize Ryujinx, I wanna try with Ryujinx because my Yuzu is unstable and unable to play. I use Cheat Engine 7.2 , can you help me ???
I updated my table for the latest Ryujinx build 1.0.6895.

Also Ryujinx needs .NET 5.0 Desktop Runtime (v5.0.0) - Windows x64 Installer

Try that if cheat engine freezes with Ryujinx

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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by minhkhanh238 »

Thanks Karlos, it works perfectly with Ryujinx build 1.0.6895
Karlos_007 wrote:
Thu May 27, 2021 5:03 pm
minhkhanh238 wrote:
Tue May 25, 2021 12:29 pm
Hi ! Thank you for your work, V1.2 works well with my yuzu but it doesnt recognize Ryujinx, I wanna try with Ryujinx because my Yuzu is unstable and unable to play. I use Cheat Engine 7.2 , can you help me ???
I updated my table for the latest Ryujinx build 1.0.6895.

Also Ryujinx needs .NET 5.0 Desktop Runtime (v5.0.0) - Windows x64 Installer

Try that if cheat engine freezes with Ryujinx

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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by minhkhanh238 »

Update to Karlos,

It works at the first time but then it doesnt work again al all. I have no idea why it Ryujinx recognized at first time but not later. I opened Ryujinx 1.0.6895-Fire Emblem, then I clicked "Attach to Ryujinx.exe", "Enable: Main v2", "Enable -Ryujinx and/or Enable-Ryujinx (LDN 2.3)", but all showed ????. What did I miss ?

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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by zrasam »

Uhhh. Guys, this is a save breaking bug! After using the cheat table somehow my save file got tagged as complete save so I cannot load the save file and prompted to start new game+. Thankfully I saved in multiple slot, but I still lost 6 hours of progress.

Any of you know how to fix this? I use the latest version of ryujinx btw.

Edit: I only used the table for food ingredients and exploration, battle, lecture points btw.

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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by Lep »

Anyone else having issues with only the items under Enable: Main working? I can't use the in combat editor or spell editor. It just gives me a lua script error.

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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by yhawkz »

Hi Bro Karlos_007,

Can You update it to Ryujinx v1.0.6906?


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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by Reno »

Lep wrote:
Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:19 am
Anyone else having issues with only the items under Enable: Main working? I can't use the in combat editor or spell editor. It just gives me a lua script error.
Same with me, getting only Lua error

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Re: [Yuzu] Fire Emblem: Three Houses V1.0.0 / V1.2.0

Post by Reno »

Karlos_007 wrote:
Thu May 27, 2021 5:03 pm
minhkhanh238 wrote:
Tue May 25, 2021 12:29 pm
Hi ! Thank you for your work, V1.2 works well with my yuzu but it doesnt recognize Ryujinx, I wanna try with Ryujinx because my Yuzu is unstable and unable to play. I use Cheat Engine 7.2 , can you help me ???
I updated my table for the latest Ryujinx build 1.0.6895.

Also Ryujinx needs .NET 5.0 Desktop Runtime (v5.0.0) - Windows x64 Installer

Try that if cheat engine freezes with Ryujinx
Hello brother, how are you?

I'm using the last updated ch file but the growth part won't work, could you help us?

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