Close To The Sun [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

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Close To The Sun [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

[ 12 Apr 20 - Update #1 ]


Added a table that allows you do several things:
  • [ Enable ]
    Main hook, you need this active for the rest to work.
  • Hook UCheatManager execs (execFly, execGhost, execWalk)
    The script restores the core of fly, ghost, walk console commands. You need this enabled for the subsequent scripts underneath it to work.
  • Hijack MoveForward/MoveRight (optimized)
    The script hooks the spot where a ProcessEvent execution of forward and right movement functions occurs. It replaces that execution with my functions, to allow free movement on all axis (including Z). NOTE that I do not recommend keeping this enabled when you have no use for it, for several reasons: a) when you attach a ladder, that counts as "flying"; so you will endlessly climb the ladder as you press W key; b) some events might fuck-up due to the hook being in place.
  • Test MoveForward, MoveRight, MoveUp (blank handler)
    This hook will not take into account any constrictions and just move your character forward, backward, left, right, up, down when you press WASD keys and Space for up and Ctrl for down. If fly isn't enabled, then it will basically double the movement speed (as if you pressed W twice very fast). Your choice :P
  • For anything else, see [ Debug ] section and test stuff out; please, no "what does this one do?" questions. Test them yourself to get the answer. Some are just tracking values (e.g.: PlayerVelocity just shows the current velocity, doesn't alter anything), some can be changed. Example: if you want to move faster while flying, change the default speed from 150 to 400; you'll notice the difference.
(32.46 KiB) Downloaded 238 times


[ 11 Apr 20 - First Release ]

Game Name: Close To The Sun
Game Vendor: Epic
Game Version: 1.0
Game Process: ctts-Win64-Shipping.exe
Game File Version:


The game is free to acquire till the 16th of April 2020.

Hello folks.

Attached below is a DLL that will do the following:
  • Run threaded UE4 code to create the UConsole UObject, member of GameViewportClient; you may then use Tilde (~) key to open up the console. As far as what you can or can't do with the console, well.. I'm not the game developer :) You'll have to google around for commands, test stuff out and return with feedback. As opposed to just asking "what are the commands?" and doing shit about it, waiting to be spoon-fed.
  • Will dump the UE4 FNameArray and UObjectArray, along with their addresses. What this means is you can then know what the fuck you're looking at in memory, when debugging/tracing or mapping structures, and come up with your own conclusions. Just like I did with my table below.
pass: sunbeam
(181.56 KiB) Downloaded 168 times

  • Download the archive; extract content to a folder of your choice.
  • Run the game, get to main menu.
  • Run IGCSInjector.exe. You can close it when asked.
  • Takes 1-2 seconds for the DLL to find the stuff, StaticCreate the Console UObject and dump Names/Objects to disk in the Win64 folder.
  • You may then use Tilde (~) key to open up the console in-game.

  • The dump location is your game folder (e.g.: C:\Games\CloseToTheSun\WindowsNoEditor\ctts\Binaries\Win64). You will find 2 files there: NamesDump.txt and ObjectsDump.txt. You'll be very interested in the 2nd one :)
  • The .txt files are generated at "run-time". What this means is if you transition in-game from one map to another or from main menu to game world and backwards, you need to re-dump them. Why? UE4 destroys and recreates UObjects; re-initialization. To re-dump the .txt files press Numpad / (no, key can't be changed).
  • In order for Tilde key to work - or any other key you want to set yourself to open the console - you need to head to %LocalAppData%\ctts\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor folder. Just press WinKey+R and paste the path in, then Enter to go there. You will see a file here called Input.ini. Open it and paste the two lines below:
    You may change Tilde to any key you like (e.g.: F10). Save the file and you're done.
  • god
    Makes you invulnerable. You'll need to re-enable it if you exit to main menu, then back in-game, load a save/quicksave or transition in any other way that makes the loading screen show up. Why; re-initialization. The god flag is a BOOL within your Character structure. When you reload the game, all structure are re-initialized by the Engine and their default statuses set in place. Which means your god bool will be reset. NOTE that if you enable god and save your game with it enabled, the next time you reload, it will be enabled :P State seems to be saved in the save file.
  • slomo <float>
    Slows down, accelerates or sets game speed back to normal, depending on the value you give it. (e.g.: slomo 0.5; slomo 1; slomo 1.5)
  • teleport
    Will teleport your character to the location appointed by your mouse pointer. Simply aim some spot, then ~ and teleport [Enter]. You'll instantly get to your targeted location.
  • playersonly
    Currently is designed to freeze any AI in place, including yourself. In older versions of the Engine, this was freezing everything but you. Guess Epic changed their mind. Could probably be tweaked through code hooks to exclude the player Character from the list of frozen entities.
  • toggledebugcamera
    This will detach current camera from the player (in reality, it changes controller to the newly created camera UObject) letting you fly around and explore the area. You can use it together with 'teleport', for example, to move your player to the location where the camera is pointing. Just type it in the console once you've decided for the spot.
  • summon <blueprint_name>
    Probably the most powerful command one can use. It's designed to spawn/generate in front of your view an UObject defined by the Blueprint's name you've typed in. What you can do with this is simply use it in conjunction with either extracting the game's .pak archive (\CloseToTheSun\WindowsNoEditor\ctts\Content\ctts-WindowsNoEditor.pak) or with the ObjectsDump.txt file \CloseToTheSun\WindowsNoEditor\ctts\Binaries\Win64\ObjectsDump.txt). I'll describe the 2nd one, as it's faster:

    - get in-game, inject the DLL
    - hit Numpad / just to make sure you have the latest .txt dumps
    - open ObjectsDump.txt in Notepad++ and search for "Package BP_"
    - everything that you see now can be summoned in-game, condition being you suffix them with a "_C"

Apart from the above, I'll see if there's need to post a cheat table. At least some minimal stuff that should not ruin your game experience :D


How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Close To The Sun [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by notpikachu »

Free games? I'm in :D .

N there's another game free before 16 and + two more after 16 April.

As always nice job SunBeam~

Edit: Man, I'm really bad at puzzle horror/surprise game, need to sit this one out. In any case, I tested till chapter 3 and its all good.

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Re: Close To The Sun [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

I've updated the main post with a cheat table that allows some modifications. Explained them in detail above.

Apart from that, here's some things I noticed along the way:
  • the symbol below appears on some objects in most levels:


    I'm not sure it can be used to activate something, but I am starting to believe it's an animation trigger. For example, at the start of CHAPTER FOUR: The Works of Daedalus, the symbol is on a wall right opposite of where the rail cart's right door would open. Right when Aubrey yells "jump!". The door opens and you know the rest.

    Here's another one, in the same level:

  • Then in another level, prior to that - CHAPTER THREE: The Home of Hestia - before Tesla locks you in Ada's quarters, right when you enter Ada's room, if you go behind the desk to the right here, you will see the symbol printed at the bottom-left-side of the counter:



    I initially thought it was some trigger to open up a secret, but I think they're just scripted animation/speech triggers, nothing else.
  • In CHAPTER FOUR: The Works of Daedalus level you will come across some encrypted messages. I found like 2 of them. I didn't find any automated or scripted events that would allow you to decode them based on the pairing you find between the symbols and letters in one or two of the rooms, therefore, for those of you interested in manually decoding these, here's the screenshots:










    And here are the pages that could be decoded (I used toggledebugcamera for this):





I've been looking over the internet for information regarding the above, though couldn't find any. Only people who slander the game's developers or Epic Games for yet another Epic-exclusive title. And that on the game's Steam forum section, as if the marketing done on Steam is the developers' fault. Here, have a look: [Link]. We have a saying in Romania: "mare e gradina lui Dumnezeu" (God's garden is big enough for all types; or, as a saying.. "it takes all sorts to make a world").


P.S.: I've started mapping those pages and.. from top to bottom.. here's the translation :) In spoiler tags, of course :D
1st page
the answer
is right in
front of you

its blindness
trying to
solve this

so live
2nd page
the answer
is right in
front of you

its blindness
trying to
solve this

so live
(same as 1st page)
3rd page
ktowards london.con
4th page


5th (last) page
oh my
god. you
did it.
you are
the best
enjoy the
rest of
close to
the sun

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Re: Close To The Sun [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by notpikachu »

Interesting find :D .

Although, I did stop playing the game mostly bcus of the surprise/kinda horror genre, I'm a sucker for puzzle.

Let's see from those symbols to alphabets, I wrote them down for easy lookup. There's quite a few missing but we got all the vowels down and I did read somewhere, if you know the front and the end of a word with the length, you pretty much figure out the word. While translating the first paper, I got like three missing alphabets more. So, here's the result.


Probably not that accurate~ :) but got me through the first paper.

So, here the first paper translation
If someone want to translate own their own~ spoiler alert









Edit: Nice finding for the easter egg and secret plan :D and yeah sadly enough, the game does not have replay values.
Last edited by notpikachu on Sun Apr 12, 2020 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Close To The Sun [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

notpikachu wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:21 am
Cool! Thanks for the equivalences. I was expecting not to have all letters and deduct the meaning from context, but I will do them on my own. That's why I put the screenshots here, as well as offering another way to cure your Corona-boredom :D

P.S.#1: Got 2 more levels to beat and I'm done with the game. If you miss collectibles, just use some walk-through to determine locations, then fly/ghost your way there (you can go back throughout the entire level, though can't go back to a previous map). Plan's not to play the same map again, as the game really doesn't have redo value.

P.S.#2: I got the main page (the last one). Funny easter-egg :P

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Re: Close To The Sun [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

Leaving here as well my x64dbg project, containing some mapped internal UE4 functions :P Finished the game, quite entertaining. Loved the story.
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Re: Close To The Sun [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by notpikachu »

Hey, thanks again man. Not exactly an expert on doing internal hack on UE4 but maybe I can learn a thing or two :D from here.


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Re: Close To The Sun [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by BlueRaja »

From page 4

> new drop location machine hall, engine room five northwest rotor

Has anyone checked what's there?

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