Game Name: Dandy Dungeon - Legend of Brave Yamada -
Game Engine: Unity
Game Version: "Reiwa Version: 2.0.0" as the game title screen says.
Options Requested: Most important to me would be being able to control what tier of chest appears, if that's doable! Maybe messing with enemy/boss drop rates? Health/MP/gold, maybe pyramid keys would be nice, or item durability.
Game/Steam Website:
Other Info: This one's a really charming, quirky game that started off on phones, then got brought to Switch and now PC on Steam. These devs have a neat sense of oddball comedy in their titles, where even the soundtrack adds to that mood.
The basics are that you chart a path through a dungeon floor, trying to pass through all viable tiles and defeat all enemies, with attack/defense/utility items mixing things up. Plus, it has an appealing depth to upgrading/evolving weapons, playing around with equipment set bonuses (even secret mixed ones), and feature unlocks as you go along. They also just added a free, huge expansion! It's a fun sort of grind, though man it can be tough getting top-tier chests to drop. That's the main thing I'd want to tweak if possible, along with enemy drop rate stuff if that's not too finicky.
[Request] Dandy Dungeon - Legend of Brave Yamada -
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