Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by Noidor »

please update!

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by Gavril2 »

Campaign Data was working till a few updates ago, now its broken.

Hoping for an update.

Also, since you probably have lost interest in this game, a final update + instructions/mini-tut on how to update the CT would be super appreciated :D

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by Datapel »

update pls.

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by The_Idler »

Hi everyone. This isn't an update of the table itself, but rather an instruction set on how to hack this game.

Before I go further, some example screenshots of what I accomplished:
Image Image Image
That's 70 million gems :)

I managed to reach about 14000 gems per minute (~850k per hour), or about 100k bosses per hour, by using modron automation (no scripts).

Idle Champions - Useful Tweaks and Tricks

0. Settings
You can open localsettings.Json and set the values to lower than you can set in game. This file is found in:

\AppData\LocalLow\Codename Entertainment\Idle Champions\localSettings.json


The x- and y-resolutions can get down to 500. The lower your x resolution, the faster your Briv transition will be.

You can set your UI scale to 0.5 to see all your champions in one screen, and set your targetframerate to 120 to have a faster game. You should disable many other settings, such as percent particle spawned to 0, soundvolume to 0, etc.

1. Speedhack
Cheat Engine's Enable Speedhack works well. I didn't find much benefit beyond 65x with an i5-1035G1 CPU. Slower CPUs may not speed up as much. Note that if you go too high, you have a high chance of crashing. The more champions you have on the field, you also have a higher chance of crashing.

2. Memory editable values in game
As seen in the screenshots above, you can hit the max limits of Torogar and Zorbu (2.1e9 assuming signed int) permanent stacks by searching for the values through Cheat Engine and editing them. Morgaen's gold can be done by editing the gold finds of cached_defs, which I'll describe below. I couldn't edit Black Viper's gems, but it's easy enough to rake the gems in if you're skipping 120 zones every second.

Also. you can edit some temporary stacks in game and set them to max. One easy stack is Grimm and Beadle's rest stacks, which increase 1 every 10 seconds giving you enough time to search for them and set them to 2.1e9. Another good one is Baeloth's morbid excitement. Even if your max stack value is below 2.1e9, you can "freeze" the stacks to force it to stay above your max stacks.

This also works for any achievements with large numbers - i.e. Briv stacks (also see below), where you can just look at the achievement slider, find the value as it ticks up, and edit it to a high value (like 2.1e9).

3. Memory Edit Special Case 1 - Briv Stacking
Briv Steelbone stack has two dependent memory values - 4 bytes and double. Search for that value until you have one 4 byte and one double value in memory, then fix it to a reasonbly high value - say, 1e5. Then, you can freeze it, and whenever modron resets, your briv will automatically have 1e5 steelbone stacks, without having to script. You can thus keep skipping zones back to back.

If you set it to a value that is too high, it can "roll over" and you will have -2.1e9 stacks - be careful and set it to a reasonable amount. 100k is enough to get you to 1500.

4. Memory Edit Special Case 2 - Events and Bounty Contracts
The number of bounty contracts are calculated client side, not server side, so you can get infinite event tokens. First, find the number of bounty contracts you have as two 4-byte addresses. Then freeze them at some high value (say, 1e5). then, until you restart the game, you will be able to click the contract infinite times.

I would also recommend searching for the memory location for the "number of contracts per use" selection (the slider bar), and setting it to 10 (any higher slows the game down). Then, you can just script mouse clicks to click on the bounty contract and then clicking on OK, saving one click and making the process a lot more stable.

If you save more than 2.1e9 event tokens, the game display reverts to 0, but your tokens are still there in the server.

You can use Kleho's site to use all your event tokens in the last hour of the event. Also, you can use a website made by community member (check the game's discord) to buy gold boxes for year 1 champions. This way, you can get epic shiny equipment for all event champions, and get a lot of ilevels - my Avren is at 2.1 million ilvls.

5. Memory Edit Special Case 3 - Modron Pieces
As long as you have at least one modron piece, you can find the memory address of the # of that piece you have (by placing it in and out of the storage), then freeze it at some high value (i.e. 99). Then you can get purple flow across all outlets by using epic pieces at all placements.

6. Cached_Def edits

You can edit your cached_definitions.json to get near-infinite DPS, gold find, and speed. This file is found in:
Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\IdleChampions\IdleDragons_Data\StreamingAssets\downloaded_files\cached_definitions.json


step 1: get notepad++.
step 2: install the jsonviewer plugin.
step 3: format cached_definitions to json.


This lets you explore and tweak many different values.

I recommend the following "enhancements":

Enhancement 1: Krond
Krond qualifies for all 3 patrons, and has an regular attack that can hit the entire screen. CTRL-F the following entries and edit them:

Cooldown for this one:
"id": 49,
"name": "War Magic",
"description": "Krond leaps out and attacks the front-most target with his bonded warhammer and then casts Fire Bolt, damaging several random enemies.",
"long_description": "",
"graphic_id": 0,
"target": "front",
"num_targets": 1,
"aoe_radius": 0,
"damage_modifier": 1,
"cooldown": 0.1,
"animations": [
"type": "melee_attack",
"damage_frame": 2,
"return_to_formation": false,
"chain_attack_id": 53,
"sequences": [
"target_offset_x": -80,
"start_frame": 0,
"damage_frame": 2,
"end_frame": 9,
"sound_frames": {
"3": 154
"tags": [
"damage_types": [
# of targets and cooldown for this one:
"id": 53,
"name": "Krond's Fire Bolt",
"description": "Part 2 of Kronds Attack - Fire Bolt",
"long_description": "",
"graphic_id": 0,
"target": "random",
"num_targets": 100,
"aoe_radius": 0,
"damage_modifier": 1,
"cooldown": 0.1,
"animations": [
"type": "ranged_attack",
"projectile": "firebolt",
"jump_from_target": true,
"shoot_frame": 11,
"sound_frames": {
"4": 84
"hit_sound": 69
"tags": [
"damage_types": [
And the hero DPS for this one:
"id": 448,
"hero_id": 15,
"required_level": 80,
"required_upgrade_id": 0,
"upgrade_type": null,
"effect": "hero_dps_multiplier_mult,1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"static_dps_mult": null,
"default_enabled": 1,
"name": ""

Enhancement 2: Briv area Skips
Next, We want to edit Briv area skips. I recommend searching for one of the upgrade ability entries for Briv, and edit the upgraded ability and quantity as follows:
"id": 3459,
"hero_id": 58,
"required_level": 100,
"required_upgrade_id": 0,
"upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
"effect": "buff_upgrade,259625000000000000000000000000000000,3452",
"static_dps_mult": null,
"default_enabled": 1,
"name": ""
Enhancement 3: Sentry Area Skips
Finally, we want to edit the permanent quest reduction of Sentry. Search for the following entry, and increase the reduction to 1000%:
"id": 493,
"flavour_text": "",
"description": "Increases the quest requirement reduction of Echo Resolution to 30%.",
"effect_keys": [
"effect_string": "buff_resolution_amount,1000"
"requirements": [],
"graphic_id": 0,
"properties": []
Conclusion and Additional Tips
After doing some or all of the above, you can then start the game and automating a formation with 5 (or 3) familiars on the field, and 1 familiar each on Krond, Briv, and Sentry. Set the target area to 999, and set the formation as Krond up front with Sentry and Briv behind. If you have less than 6 familiars, focus on getting the champions on the field first.

Remember to search for briv stacks and hold it at a high value. Further, remember that the less number of champions you have, the less likely the game will crash, so don't put any more champions on the field.

If the app crashes, you can restart and search for the same Briv stack value. If you set it to some unique value (i.e. 7e5) You should typically be left with just a few addresses, which you can then freeze in cheat engine. Leave it overnight, and over 8 hours you'll get about 5 million gems, accounting for memory leak slowdowns.

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by bpx »

The_Idler wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:46 am
Excellent information, super useful thank you very much. 2-3 questions though. You speak of a website to buy gold boxes of year one champions. I couldn't find anything like that in their Discord. Can you explain this further?

The other thing, I can't figure out how to edit Morgaen's gold find in cached_defs.

Lastly, Modron Pieces freezing is good but very tedious but it also doesn't end up actually giving you parts. The moment you replace or remove a part you froze it will vanish from your inventory. Same if you try to sell frozen parts for components. I guess this is as good as it gets in terms of client-sided info we can mess with. But it shouldn't hurt to ask if maybe there's more we can do?

Edit: Also, while that Idlecombos tool is great there's no way to mass-use bounty contracts. Any idea for a workaround?

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by The_Idler »

bpx wrote:
Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:19 pm
The_Idler wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:46 am
Excellent information, super useful thank you very much. 2-3 questions though. You speak of a website to buy gold boxes of year one champions. I couldn't find anything like that in their Discord. Can you explain this further?
The website is by soul reaver: [Link]

Upload your webrequestlog.txt file to that website and you can buy boxes for all champs from the current event from the interface, even if you can't buy it from the in-game shop interface.
Lastly, Modron Pieces freezing is good but very tedious but it also doesn't end up actually giving you parts. The moment you replace or remove a part you froze it will vanish from your inventory. Same if you try to sell frozen parts for components. I guess this is as good as it gets in terms of client-sided info we can mess with. But it shouldn't hurt to ask if maybe there's more we can do?
Yes, if you exit out of the interface, it refreshes your inventory. You have to complete your entire layout while having the window open. I waited until I reached level 15, then completed it in one shot. You need to keep the quantity frozen while you're in the shop to complete the layout.

I think the quantities for each "slot" is a fixed distance away (I think they were 16? or 32 bits away, but you should confirm), so once you find one quantity, you can just add all addresses before and after that in 16 bit or 32 bit intervals, to make it less tedious.
Edit: Also, while that Idlecombos tool is great there's no way to mass-use bounty contracts. Any idea for a workaround?
The issue is since bounty contract is client sided and it adds a *lot* of animations, you can't just use a whole bunch at once. I experimented and using 10 at a time was the fastest you can use, while on any random map. If you really want to experiment, you can find the value of the # of items used slider, and increase that to ~20 without crashing.

Now that I think about it, you may be able to delete the icon for the event tokens or somehow to disable the icon drawing and let you use a lot more, but I haven't tried. Let me know if it works.

Oh, and about Morgaen - I may have actually edited Jarlaxle's goldfind to get to 1e308 gold find, then just have moragen in the party. She automatically steals 1/4th of the gold so she would have 2.5e307 gold automatically after that. You can also do this to get e92 favor in all campaigns. Then you need to get event conversion to get higher favor.

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by bpx »

The_Idler wrote:
Sat Jan 16, 2021 12:24 am
The issue is since bounty contract is client sided and it adds a *lot* of animations, you can't just use a whole bunch at once. I experimented and using 10 at a time was the fastest you can use, while on any random map. If you really want to experiment, you can find the value of the # of items used slider, and increase that to ~20 without crashing.
It works. I settled for 100 now. Game freezes for like 2 seconds but then uses 100 contracts at once. Really nice.

Thx for explaning the Morgaen thing, I'll give it a try at some point. The website looks interesting but I guess I originally misunderstood it. At first I thought you can buy non-active chests too but that would've been too good to be true.

Edit: Hmm can't seem to figure out how editing the gold find for Jar works. Edited some values but it makes him unusable lol.

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by The_Idler »

bpx wrote:
Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:26 pm
Edit: Hmm can't seem to figure out how editing the gold find for Jar works. Edited some values but it makes him unusable lol.
Edit Jarlaxle's specialization that increases gold find from 100 to something like 100000000000000000 (etc). The game may reject it if you put in too many zeros, in which case you just need to increase it enough then climb a few levels. It may depend on your current favor.

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by bpx »

The_Idler wrote:
Sat Jan 16, 2021 11:37 pm
Edit Jarlaxle's specialization that increases gold find from 100 to something like 100000000000000000 (etc). The game may reject it if you put in too many zeros, in which case you just need to increase it enough then climb a few levels. It may depend on your current favor.
Good stuff, this worked. I was being dumb and edited the number behind the 100 as well which I guess messed everything up.

It's so amazing how much the game can be edited like this. I'm trying to figure out a way to change Modron parts now. Say I have a normal straight piece but want to change it to a 3in-1out section piece. Lots of value figuring out to do but I hope I can find at least something lol.

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by Noidor »

bpx wrote:
Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:26 pm
The_Idler wrote:
Sat Jan 16, 2021 12:24 am
The issue is since bounty contract is client sided and it adds a *lot* of animations, you can't just use a whole bunch at once. I experimented and using 10 at a time was the fastest you can use, while on any random map. If you really want to experiment, you can find the value of the # of items used slider, and increase that to ~20 without crashing.
It works. I settled for 100 now. Game freezes for like 2 seconds but then uses 100 contracts at once. Really nice.

Thx for explaning the Morgaen thing, I'll give it a try at some point. The website looks interesting but I guess I originally misunderstood it. At first I thought you can buy non-active chests too but that would've been too good to be true.

Edit: Hmm can't seem to figure out how editing the gold find for Jar works. Edited some values but it makes him unusable lol.
Hi, how you did this: "you may be able to delete the icon for the event tokens or somehow to disable the icon drawing and let you use a lot more, but I haven't tried" ?

I use large bounty and it freeze game by 20 items. cant find icon to delete.

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by bpx »

Noidor wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:08 am
Hi, how you did this: "you may be able to delete the icon for the event tokens or somehow to disable the icon drawing and let you use a lot more, but I haven't tried" ?

I use large bounty and it freeze game by 20 items. cant find icon to delete.
I haven't tried or found out how to delete the icons. I use 100 for small contracts and then like 50 for medium and large like 20. It will freeze for a bit but eventually go unstuck. You need to figure out a value that works well for your CPU. In the end the most effective way is probably leaving it at 10 and just using a mouse macro to automatically use the contracts.

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by bpx »

The_Idler wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:46 am
4. Memory Edit Special Case 2 - Events and Bounty Contracts
The number of bounty contracts are calculated client side, not server side, so you can get infinite event tokens. First, find the number of bounty contracts you have as two 4-byte addresses. Then freeze them at some high value (say, 1e5). then, until you restart the game, you will be able to click the contract infinite times.
By the way, I just tried this with a random potion and it seems to work too. This means if we find a way to get a handful of shiny potions we could find the value, freeze it and then use potions till all characters have complete shiny sets. The hard part is acquiring shiny potions in the first place (if you already bought the patron ones).
Edit: Or maybe it actually doesn' work? Just tried with blacksmithing contracts but that didn't work.

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by The_Idler »

bpx wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:21 am
The_Idler wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:46 am
4. Memory Edit Special Case 2 - Events and Bounty Contracts
The number of bounty contracts are calculated client side, not server side, so you can get infinite event tokens. First, find the number of bounty contracts you have as two 4-byte addresses. Then freeze them at some high value (say, 1e5). then, until you restart the game, you will be able to click the contract infinite times.
By the way, I just tried this with a random potion and it seems to work too. This means if we find a way to get a handful of shiny potions we could find the value, freeze it and then use potions till all characters have complete shiny sets. The hard part is acquiring shiny potions in the first place (if you already bought the patron ones).
Edit: Or maybe it actually doesn' work? Just tried with blacksmithing contracts but that didn't work.
It's one of the first things I tried as well; unfortunately, they're pretty diligent about making sure anything that deals with equipment is handled server side. The regular potions do work client side, but the number of potions you use is tallied; so if you had 10 small potions, set it to 99 and used all 99, you'll still be left with 0 when you restart.

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by mahesh »

The_Idler wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:46 am
Hi everyone. This isn't an update of the table itself, but rather an instruction set on how to hack this game.

Before I go further, some example screenshots of what I accomplished:
Image Image Image
That's 70 million gems :)

I managed to reach about 14000 gems per minute (~850k per hour), or about 100k bosses per hour, by using modron automation (no scripts).
Question, what happens if you get more than 2.1bil kills on Zorbu on an enemy? Does it go negative or can you get more, I assume 2.1 bil is the max kills for the best bonus? Thank you so much for the guide btw, I'm up to 20 mil gems so far :)
Also, been trying to do what you mentioned earlier with modron pieces, but I have no idea how to add 16 or 32 bits to the address I could find. Pieces in which I had 3 or more, was easy to find by placing/removing the piece, while scanning for the 4 byte address each time of what was shown for that piece in the stash, but I had lots of difficulty finding the addresses for pieces where I only had 1 or 2 of them. You mentioned as long as we had 1 piece it would be easy to find, well I cannot find them lol. Thanks for any help.

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Re: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms + 3 (Steam)

Post by The_Idler »

mahesh wrote:
Fri Jan 29, 2021 2:35 pm
Question, what happens if you get more than 2.1bil kills on Zorbu on an enemy? Does it go negative or can you get more, I assume 2.1 bil is the max kills for the best bonus? Thank you so much for the guide btw, I'm up to 20 mil gems so far :)
Also, been trying to do what you mentioned earlier with modron pieces, but I have no idea how to add 16 or 32 bits to the address I could find. Pieces in which I had 3 or more, was easy to find by placing/removing the piece, while scanning for the 4 byte address each time of what was shown for that piece in the stash, but I had lots of difficulty finding the addresses for pieces where I only had 1 or 2 of them. You mentioned as long as we had 1 piece it would be easy to find, well I cannot find them lol. Thanks for any help.
2,147,483,647 is the max signed 4-bit integer - I didn't try going over, but I imagine it will go negative.

To look at modron pieces, find the memory address for one modron piece, then right click and do "browse memory region." Scroll a bit up and/or down in the memory region, and you will probably be able to see similar #'s every few lines (2-4?) in the same offset of that line. the pattern will repeat. Just add all those regions into cheat engine and freeze them at 99. As long as you don't exit the pipe interface, you can put any number of them in.

The memory regions may be grouped by rarity, so you may want to find at least one epic and one uncommon piece each.

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