Today game is update and new dlc is sell.
Infinite Mandate Time,Infinite Raid Points,Infinite Swiss Bank Money,Infinite Broker Actions (Talk,Distraction,Pull Strings),Zero Cost Businesses,Get Population are does not work.
All research Max approval No more criminals Get Rid of criminals Zero cost housing Massive min production Job super quality House superquality dont work as well in addition to above. I have Codex, for info.
Edit: Other option ticck off but dont seem to work okay I can place more Aircraft carries but it seems that not everything that is ticked works properly.
All research Max approval No more criminals Get Rid of criminals Zero cost housing Massive min production Job super quality House superquality dont work as well in addition to above. I have Codex, for info.
Edit: Other option ticck off but dont seem to work okay I can place more Aircraft carries but it seems that not everything that is ticked works properly.
Ok, working on it. Might take me a day or two as that is a lot of scripts to update.
Here is an experimental version. Basically fixed a few of the codes many still dont work but the top level ones do. This is use at your own risk territory but better than nothing.
Update 12-Jul: Updated a few of the other scripts.