The table that's posted here, if you took a look at it, contains raw ASM, compiled like that from understanding the Engine code. There is no script or option that deals with health, ammo and other crap you seem to want to promote like with any other tool out there: "look at my tool, it can scan memory and you can CHEAT in your favorite game". "What is left from the game after all of these features you listed above?" I tell you what: pulling yourself together and overcoming the beginner-to-mid-level condition 90% of the users here have. All they talk about is scanning memory, looking at addresses and "why does code change when I change map?".
Then you're showing very similar things to what others before you have created. For example, strings displayed automatically for random addresses ("Actx"?). Before your tool there were other tools specifically designed to deal with structures and pointers: remember ReClass, a tool from 2011? Don't act like it wasn't an inspiration to you at all. Then "pointer peeking" is a feature that's default in x64dbg, coded way before your tool. Apart from that.. it's a debugger that brings nothing extra than the features you've seen in the most popular out there. And the most popular debuggers out there have MORE features than your tool.
That last part kinda got to me "Unlimited ammo. Simply when the game updates scan for above signature to get the new instruction address." OK, here's a nice trick you probably didn't know. Most games today come with code optimizations and Denuvo envelope. What the latter prick does is to compute the ASM-form of simple instructions using variants of their Intel forms. Let me explain even further:
Code: Select all
00007FF620E771E8 | 48:8BC8 | MOV RCX,RAX
00007FF620E771EB | 48:8BD7 | MOV RDX,RDI
Code: Select all
0000000150570188 | 48:89C1 | MOV RCX,RAX
000000015057018B | 48:89FA | MOV RDX,RDI
Now, please enlighten me how "scan for the signature to get the new instruction address" would work in the case you use "\x48\x8B\xC8\x48\x8B\xD7" and you can't find the address? And that's because now it's "\x48\x89\xC1\x48\x89\xFA". Do tell. And most people will be like "wow, the aob changed, we have to find a new one..." but spending some time and learning how fucking assembly works without wasting your life playing 24/7 can go a loooong way. What I see in general is people wanting to "learn" how to execute what others show in videos; and NOT wanting to understand the LOGIC of what they're doing. That logic is essential in showing you're who you claim to be. Which is also what I am told whenever I bitch at people: it's your damn fucking fault for talking more bullshit than your experience.
So, long story short, H4x0rBattie: if, after all of the above, you come at me saying I am no better than the rest of people who criticized your work, then all I can say is you seem to have developed some narcissistic complex over that Cheat Tool Set. If it does the job for you and makes life more interesting than regular CE or x64dbg do, then so be it. But please, for the last time, stop trying to shove it up our throats as if it's some hyper-awesome tool we've never seen so far. You're reinventing the wheel in there and you know it very well. All I can tell you experienced people will not make use of it, for reasons that I partly explained above. That your tool can scan memory 100 times faster than CE.. that doesn't concern me. I've long passed that "scan memory, change value, scan again, change value". That's the point of studying Engines: you can easily pin-point core functionality without the need to scan on-screen values and debug. Yes, for me it's faster.
Hope you take all of this as constructive criticism and not interpret it like you've done with others' criticism. You also have to ask yourself: if your work is as good as you want people to see it is, how come they are not that interested in it? Think.
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1