DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by SunBeam »

infogram wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:22 pm
And yeah, two sides of the same coin, as one of my favourite ME quotes like to say :lol:
What can I say.. it takes ONE (side) to know ONE (side) :D Good work on the progress :)

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by dirtydanisreal »

infogram wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:22 pm
SunBeam wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:09 pm
I too saw those Denuvo strings, can probably track the functions down. However, I'm not a fan o multi-player, so if they do work, it will most likely be in MP. This topic though is not targeting multi-player, so let's keep it in single-player side. Thanks!

P.S.#1: I'll check those old command and explain a bit on the side.

P.S.#2: Just to confirm, you are emoose, right? Or I got it wrong and that dinput8.dll is actually a collaboration between 2 people: emoose and infogram. Lastly, is this the same inforgram as in (one of) the author(s) of DLM?

P.S.#3: ..and perhaps the same Moose I knew from GunBound days? :D
>This topic though is not targeting multi-player, so let's keep it in single-player side. Thanks!
Yeah true enough, just posted since I've a lot of people mention it has no such thing (despite evidence like this / depots / etc).

I think those idkfa etc commands might also be MP related sadly, the refs seem to point that direction anyway, so maybe not worth exploring here.

And yeah, two sides of the same coin, as one of my favourite ME quotes like to say :lol:, but sadly nope, seems there's many moose around.

Back on topic: I found out my older EXE patches to add the flags would actually allow using startup params like "+com_loadlooseLanguages 1", but patching with your derestrict patch didn't seem to work with them, so I guess that must only affect console and not the code that loads in params etc.

Here's that patch btw, if anyone wants to access all cvars from launch params, also wrote a little guide about editing strings files for translations etc: [Link]

Also did some work on modifying the games profile.bin, found a way to tap into the games hashing function so I could make a tool to rehash them etc. Not much use atm though since there's no editor besides hex editing yourself, but hopefully might have a way to get unlocks working on legit copies soon :)
Anyway youd make a LegacyMod for Eternal? I think Sunbeam mentioned he might've been working on one.

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by SamIam76 »

dirtydanisreal wrote:
Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:04 am
infogram wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:22 pm
SunBeam wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:09 pm
I too saw those Denuvo strings, can probably track the functions down. However, I'm not a fan o multi-player, so if they do work, it will most likely be in MP. This topic though is not targeting multi-player, so let's keep it in single-player side. Thanks!

P.S.#1: I'll check those old command and explain a bit on the side.

P.S.#2: Just to confirm, you are emoose, right? Or I got it wrong and that dinput8.dll is actually a collaboration between 2 people: emoose and infogram. Lastly, is this the same inforgram as in (one of) the author(s) of DLM?

P.S.#3: ..and perhaps the same Moose I knew from GunBound days? :D
Anyway youd make a LegacyMod for Eternal? I think Sunbeam mentioned he might've been working on one.
A Legacy Mod for Eternal would be phantastic!!

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by skacikpl »

infogram wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:22 pm
Also did some work on modifying the games profile.bin, found a way to tap into the games hashing function so I could make a tool to rehash them etc. Not much use atm though since there's no editor besides hex editing yourself, but hopefully might have a way to get unlocks working on legit copies soon :)
It would be useful to be able to swap account identifiers from save files because currently as far as i can tell each save file is imprinted with account identifier so swapping them around immediately throws a "corrupt save" error.

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by banditfpc »

Which commnand is for unlimited ammo?
And how to take screenshot? Win gamebar shortcut doesn't work.

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by infogram »

skacikpl wrote:
Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:09 pm
infogram wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:22 pm
Also did some work on modifying the games profile.bin, found a way to tap into the games hashing function so I could make a tool to rehash them etc. Not much use atm though since there's no editor besides hex editing yourself, but hopefully might have a way to get unlocks working on legit copies soon :)
It would be useful to be able to swap account identifiers from save files because currently as far as i can tell each save file is imprinted with account identifier so swapping them around immediately throws a "corrupt save" error.
Yeah that's the saves encryption, AFAIK the user ID is used as part of the encryption key, so if you want to swap saves you first need to decrypt with their user ID, then reencrypt with your own.

[Link] can mostly handle this for you (export = decrypt saves into a ZIP, import = encrypts a decrypted ZIP with your IDs, and copies to save folder)

It should work with both Steam & Bethnet versions but there might be some issues with Steam saves atm, hopefully will get fixed up soon.
dirtydanisreal wrote:
Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:04 am
Anyway youd make a LegacyMod for Eternal? I think Sunbeam mentioned he might've been working on one.
I did a tiny bit of work on that, the EXE patch I linked above could work like LegacyMod and unlock cvars in console / launch params, posted that here if you want to try it: [Link]

Commands aren't unlocked with that though, did make something for those but I need to port that over from update 0.

Haven't looked into making a DLL or anything to add the extra commands (noclip etc) if that's what you mean, not really sure if there's much point when SunBeam's trainer works fine for that.

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by Knightmare077 »

infogram wrote:
Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:33 pm
skacikpl wrote:
Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:09 pm
infogram wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:22 pm
Also did some work on modifying the games profile.bin, found a way to tap into the games hashing function so I could make a tool to rehash them etc. Not much use atm though since there's no editor besides hex editing yourself, but hopefully might have a way to get unlocks working on legit copies soon :)
It would be useful to be able to swap account identifiers from save files because currently as far as i can tell each save file is imprinted with account identifier so swapping them around immediately throws a "corrupt save" error.
Yeah that's the saves encryption, AFAIK the user ID is used as part of the encryption key, so if you want to swap saves you first need to decrypt with their user ID, then reencrypt with your own.

[Link] can mostly handle this for you (export = decrypt saves into a ZIP, import = encrypts a decrypted ZIP with your IDs, and copies to save folder)

It should work with both Steam & Bethnet versions but there might be some issues with Steam saves atm, hopefully will get fixed up soon.
dirtydanisreal wrote:
Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:04 am
Anyway youd make a LegacyMod for Eternal? I think Sunbeam mentioned he might've been working on one.
I did a tiny bit of work on that, the EXE patch I linked above could work like LegacyMod and unlock cvars in console / launch params, posted that here if you want to try it: [Link]

Commands aren't unlocked with that though, did make something for those but I need to port that over from update 0.

Haven't looked into making a DLL or anything to add the extra commands (noclip etc) if that's what you mean, not really sure if there's much point when SunBeam's trainer works fine for that.
Truthfully, at the end of the day, those decl files are where every config is stored, even ones that dont have a working cvar or cmd in console. I think this is where the effort is being made now, as to have the game truly modable, it will require that. Exciting if they can be accessible, changed and re-saved ! That will change everything !

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by skacikpl »

On a semi-related note, anyone figured what controls whether photomode is active (as in possible to be activated)?
It seems like a massive oversight that it's only enabled during replaying missions and not in the fortress.

NVM there's CVAR for it g_allowphotomode

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by Knightmare077 »

What program do I use to patch the .exe ?

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by Archangel73337 »

SunBeam wrote:
Thu Mar 19, 2020 10:50 pm
[ 29 Mar 20 - Informal Bulletin ]

It has come to my attention that while the hype is going on, the information is spread here and there and people, willingly or not, directly or indirectly, are promoting themselves with the help of others by using my shit (or others' contributions from the pages of this topic).

Bluntly put, STN mentioned an [Link] describing how some Tweeter guy 'Dave' (who has linked this topic in his tweet) was able to get the pistol to work in DOOM Eternal.

The article goes on by describing where you can get and install Cheat Engine (direct link to, then links the table. The link is done through youtube, it's not even a direct link, not to mention it's the link to the direct download, not the topic. In the last part of the article the show-down goes like "tick this and that", without mentioning the names of the scripts (yeah, what's a script, right? IGN thinks all people are dumb; no, not using direct names provides a ghosting effect, whereas IGN would stay off google's radar if someone were to look for my script's name; that's how they avoid "detection"; though it didn't work, STN found out about it).

Lastly, the information came from this guy here (at least on FRF): viewtopic.php?p=126529#p126529. Do I see him credited or mentioned anywhere in both Dave's and IGN's tweet/article? Of course not. It's the information that matters and how that promotes you, not the author.

I sincerely hope the next release will make better use of code optimizations on compile so my generic script that removes restrictions won't work anymore.

This shit is one more reason I am slowly starting to say "FUCK YOU" to all those "please update" requests. Go spam and blame IGN when I'll ignore all of that in the future.


EDIT: I've posted a comment on that article under the user sunbeam906. Trying to post a link to the official response led to this:


Last try led to this:


So, FRF is banned from IGN, hence the cross-linking, making use of our content while disallowing direct links to FRF content. What does that say to you?

Yeah, I saw this post when it was posted on IGN and on other gaming resources, and sure, they didn't credit anyone from our FRF board, but it's okay, i'm not offended about that shit-pistol, let that kids have fun using it.
Of course since this shit happened, i'll not post anything in this topic about which i found using Dev. Console or CE or another program. I so wanted to share about how to unlock all skins, get max level, get a lot XP and etc.
So at last, i want to recommend to add a feature on FRF "HIDE" and we can post some post under "HIDE", so guests and new users can't see what is it. For example "To see this post you must have 20 post on forum" or something like that. So this is just suggestion.

my unlocked stuff, max level, xp :mrgreen:

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by Knightmare077 »

I was wondering why everything just seemed to halt..

Now then; if I may; just one second guys; Look; if I had a dollar for every time IGN wrote a article completely crapping on gaming and gaming communities Id be rich. DONT LET IGN STOP YOU. These people are not gamers they are hacks paid by the highest bidder. They are not for the "gamer", in fact, the entirety of so called big game journalism has long been bought out and corrupted by hacks mostly trying to push some political narrative. So Im not surprised by any of this.

Guys; please dont let these so called gaming journalist hacks destroy this community or the great work you do. They do that enough. You dont have to go far to see this battle; look at a tube channel called "The Quartering" that guy is always bashing so called corporate game journalists for the hack sell outs they are and despicable writing these guys do.

Yea; so they skipped over credit but you know what? we, the people that actually appreciate and use your fine work have not. Im not asking for anything; I just dont want you to quit. You guys have been a great help to me and you know what; Ive learned a few things. But just dont quit.. these assholes win when you do that. Your cheat table is signed "sunbeam" at the bottom , now because of this shit article, the downloads will skyrocket irregardless! Look; you think its IGN that these people downloading are going to go to for stupid or legitimate questions regarding this?? ..Hell, no, they will come here. why? because those hacks at IGN or whoever over on Twit cant answer them nor do any of this you guys have done. So look; dont quit. if anything , now is the time to go even harder..

Just my 2 cents guys, I really do appreciate your work and I think everyone here does too.

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by SamIam76 »

I also hate that chickenshit journalism of nowadays. There is no deep research anymore, just copying and pasting stuff again and again. Same news everywhere.

But maybe let's see that as respect to your work, because these subjects maybe aren't able to do anything comparable.

And please Sun and guys, keep up the good work. That game and we all deserve that!

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by infogram »

I don't get why this seems to happen so much in the game RE world, it's really not hard just to give proper credit.

I'm pretty used to seeing this on twitter where someone digs up an old finding for some quick likes & RTs, it's really sad to see a "proper" gaming news site doing it too though.

When something similar happened with my Control expedition-mode findings I was pretty pissed too, it took a while but in the end I figured it'd only be a momentary thing, some other tweet will get peoples attention in few hours, and barely anyone from that tweets audience will even remember it.

Meanwhile the people who were there when I actually made the first posts about it do remember, even today I still get messages asking for my thoughts on new Control things, as if I'm some kind of authority on it :roll: .

I guess what I'm saying is, in the end who cares about what those normies think? Maybe they'll get a little attention, but they won't get any respect from people that actually matter.

Anyway just my 2c, of course you're still right to be angry about it though, but just remember that everyone here knows the real story.

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by SunBeam »

Knightmare077 wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:59 am
the downloads will skyrocket irregardless
That's the problem. FRF is blacklisted from IGN (not sure if it's just FRF or ANY LINK), as when I tried to post the link as a comment it said "possible spam". On the other hand, if you check the link to the table the guy posted, you'll see this:


So is allowed, but isn't. Which makes my "not sure" from above be a certainty.

Furthermore, if you click the link, you'll see this:


Now.. if we are such good "pals" with IGN.. and they use our shit.. where's the morality of hot-linking direct downloads? That is leeching right there. The guy is linking the direct download of the file. There are 3-4-5 such attachments in the topic, the user never gets to see the comments, solutions, commands, etc.. Just directly download what the IGN guy linked. Do you think those who've read the article gave a rat's ass who made it or where they got it from? Sure they did - IGN, not FRF.

And if we're at it.. how many of you know about the famous Borderlands 2 table? This: viewtopic.php?t=165. Just an example. Does anyone remember who made the various scripts in there? And I'm not talking "download the file and check in each script's content (not even in the script's name, no, open the script), the guy credited everyone" - tell me who in the user-world opens scripts?? No.. up-front you see "compilation by". That's the name that sticks with people. Not me, not Pox, not Cielos. Hence why whenever I'm asked to merge my shit with another person's or allow "compilations", I say pass.
infogram wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:00 am
I don't get why this seems to happen so much in the game RE world, it's really not hard just to give proper credit.
Yeah, if you remember, I actually went to reddit, engaged you via private messages regarding proxy dll methods, asked you this and that and furthermore asked for your permission to re-use some of your proxy dll stuff from github. Why can I do it and others don't? You might say it's cuz they fear being refused. My view is they've gotten popular and grown to the point where, given the name and reputation, they afford the loose use of content anyway, without even thinking to ask anyone about it. As far as they're concerned, Dave guy tipped them off. Did they ask Dave? Doubt it. But he's worth mentioning, right? So what am I, the puny owner of the content, going to do against a magnate like IGN? T_T.. Nada, zilch.
infogram wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:00 am
but just remember that everyone here knows the real story.
That's the thing. Those who steal (I really can't call it other mild names at this point in time) content don't care for whatever else happens in the aftermath. They've already won subscribers, popularity, counts.. and more mentions, tweets and other shit. As you can see, they don't say "some guy on some game-hacking forum discovered this", but always refer people who have a reputation or gazillion followers, as that's the process of e-marketing. That's how they promote and get promoted. Furthermore, the instructions say "click first 2 scripts there", so whatever the fuck has been discussed in the FRF topic is not of their interest. Just that you download the file, do what they say and PRAISE IGN. Not to mention the fact that they don't even say "enable script X". Why would they? So they can draw attention if some person looks my script's name over google and lets me know IGN uses content without asking for permission? Nah, sir, that's how easy it is to lose track of the real author these days: dissimulation, omission, you name it.

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Re: DOOM Eternal [Engine:idTech 7]

Post by dethboy »

Screw these jerks.

I totally understand your anger and frustration over this. IGN sucks. Period. I've deleted their Feed from Feedly and encourage everyone to stop going to their sites. There was little reason to go there before. Now there is ZERO reason.

Please don't let this discourage you. You've done incredible work and nearly everyone here appreciates it. Unfortunately some dirtbags don't understand how giving credit works. Screw them!

Please keep up the good work and remember how much we appreciate it all. Thanks so much.

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