Resident Evil 3 +14 (table Update5)

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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +10 (table Update.7)

Post by mateusre6g »

key trigger: does not work when holding the space bar
in the update 7 table, but the update 6 table works perfect

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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +9 (table Update.3)

Post by AwakenZero »

xorps wrote:
Sat Mar 21, 2020 8:35 am
Well I do not know. The ammo function there is reworked very well. I mean if you implement it normally, and not 155 filters.
I'll take another look at it tonight!
Unlimited Health

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(_unlimited_health_,re3demo.exe,8B 40 58 48 8B * * * 48 83 C4 * * C3 48 8B * * * * 01 * * * 48 83 C4 * * C3)
  mov ebx,[rax+54]
  mov [rax+58],ebx
  mov eax,[rax+58]
  mov rbx,[rsp+30]
  jmp return
  jmp newmem
  db 90 90 90
  db 8B 40 58 48 8B 5C 24 30
No reload

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(_no_reload_weapon_,re3demo.exe,48 8B 74 24 38 48 83 * * * * * * B8 F2 41 B8 01 00 00 00)
  db 00
  db 01

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(_unlimited_grenades_,re3demo.exe,F2 0F 11 4B 10 * * * * * 41 B9 01 00 00 00)
  db 00
  db 01
No recoil

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(_no_recoil_weapon_,re3demo.exe,0F 84 * * * * 48 8B 47 50 48 8B * * * * * * 83 * * * 0F 85 * * * * 48 85 * 75 13)
  db 90 E9
  db 0F 84

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(_no_spread_weapon_,re3demo.exe,75 94 * * * * F3 0F 11 87 28 01 00 00)
  movss xmm0,[_spread_weapon_]
  movss [rdi+00000128],xmm0
  jmp return
  dd (float)100
  jmp newmem
  db 90 90 90
  db F3 0F 11 87 28 01 00 00
Universal key

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(_keu.1_,re3demo.exe,74 * 48 85 * 74 * * 39 * * 74 * 48 85 * 74 * 8B * * * * * * 48 85 * 74)
  db EB
aobscanmodule(_keu.2_,re3demo.exe,74 * 48 * * 74 * 83 * * * 74 * 48 * * 74 * 8B * * 48 * * 74 * 48)
  db EB
  db 74
  db 74
Damage weapon

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(_damage_weapon_,re3demo.exe,48 8B 48 58 48 85 * 74 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * F3 0F 10 74 91 20) // should be unique
  movss xmm6,[rcx+rdx*4+20]
  mulss xmm6,[damage]
  jmp return
  dd (float)50
  jmp newmem
  db 90
  db F3 0F 10 74 91 20
Max slot

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(_max_slot_,re3demo.exe,39 BE 90 00 00 00 0F 9F * EB 02)
  mov [rsi+00000090],#20
  cmp [rsi+00000090],edi
  jmp return
  jmp newmem
  db 39 BE 90 00 00 00
Rapid fire scan

Code: Select all

44 39 61 30 0F 9F D1 48 8B 43 50 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8B 96 B0 00 00 00
I shared my experience with you guys :)
By the way. In the second part of the game - it worked like this:
Function ammo

Code: Select all

{ Game   : re2.exe
  Date   : 2019-07-21
  Author : LIRW

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(_unlimited_ammo_1_,re2.exe,48 * * 74 * 48 * * * 48 * * 74 * 8B * * 41 * * 49 * * 44 * * * 48)
  db 90 90 90

aobscanmodule(_unlimited_ammo_2_,re2.exe,48 * * 74 * 48 * * * 48 * * 74 * 8B * * 41 * * 49 * * 48)
  db 90 90 90

aobscanmodule(_unlimited_ammo_3_,re2.exe,48 * * 48 * * E8 * * * * 48 * * * 48 * * * 0F 85 * * * * 49 * * * * 41 * * 41 * * 48 * * 74 * 48 * * * 48)
  db 90 90 90


  db 41 2B FA

  db 41 2B FE

  db 41 2B D7


"re2.exe"+1832F9D: 74 05              -  je re2.exe+1832FA4
"re2.exe"+1832F9F: 8B 4A 20           -  mov ecx,[rdx+20]
"re2.exe"+1832FA2: EB 02              -  jmp re2.exe+1832FA6
"re2.exe"+1832FA4: 8B CF              -  mov ecx,edi
"re2.exe"+1832FA6: 48 85 C0           -  test rax,rax
"re2.exe"+1832FA9: 74 0C              -  je re2.exe+1832FB7
"re2.exe"+1832FAB: 48 8B 50 10        -  mov rdx,[rax+10]
"re2.exe"+1832FAF: 48 85 D2           -  test rdx,rdx
"re2.exe"+1832FB2: 74 03              -  je re2.exe+1832FB7
"re2.exe"+1832FB4: 8B 7A 20           -  mov edi,[rdx+20]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"re2.exe"+1832FB7: 41 2B FA           -  sub edi,r10d  //_unlimited_ammo_1_
"re2.exe"+1832FBA: 49 8B D4           -  mov rdx,r12
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"re2.exe"+1832FBD: 44 8D 04 39        -  lea r8d,[rcx+rdi]
"re2.exe"+1832FC1: 48 8B CB           -  mov rcx,rbx
"re2.exe"+1832FC4: 45 03 C7           -  add r8d,r15d
"re2.exe"+1832FC7: E8 94 4C 65 FF     -  call re2.exe+E87C60
"re2.exe"+1832FCC: 48 8B 43 50        -  mov rax,[rbx+50]
"re2.exe"+1832FD0: 48 83 78 18 00     -  cmp qword ptr [rax+18],00
"re2.exe"+1832FD5: 0F 85 FB DF FF FF  -  jne re2.exe+1830FD6
"re2.exe"+1832FDB: 44 8B 44 24 40     -  mov r8d,[rsp+40]
"re2.exe"+1832FE0: 48 8B D6           -  mov rdx,rsi
"re2.exe"+1832FE3: 48 8B CB           -  mov rcx,rbx

// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "re2.exe"+1833067

"re2.exe"+1833047: 48 8B 43 50        -  mov rax,[rbx+50]
"re2.exe"+183304B: 48 39 78 18        -  cmp [rax+18],rdi
"re2.exe"+183304F: 74 37              -  je re2.exe+1833088
"re2.exe"+1833051: E9 80 DF FF FF     -  jmp re2.exe+1830FD6
"re2.exe"+1833056: 48 85 C0           -  test rax,rax
"re2.exe"+1833059: 74 0C              -  je re2.exe+1833067
"re2.exe"+183305B: 48 8B 48 10        -  mov rcx,[rax+10]
"re2.exe"+183305F: 48 85 C9           -  test rcx,rcx
"re2.exe"+1833062: 74 03              -  je re2.exe+1833067
"re2.exe"+1833064: 8B 79 20           -  mov edi,[rcx+20]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"re2.exe"+1833067: 41 2B FE           -  sub edi,r14d  // _unlimited_ammo_2_
"re2.exe"+183306A: 49 8B D4           -  mov rdx,r12
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"re2.exe"+183306D: 48 8B CB           -  mov rcx,rbx
"re2.exe"+1833070: 45 8D 04 3F        -  lea r8d,[r15+rdi]
"re2.exe"+1833074: E8 E7 4B 65 FF     -  call re2.exe+E87C60
"re2.exe"+1833079: 48 8B 43 50        -  mov rax,[rbx+50]
"re2.exe"+183307D: 48 83 78 18 00     -  cmp qword ptr [rax+18],00
"re2.exe"+1833082: 0F 85 4E DF FF FF  -  jne re2.exe+1830FD6
"re2.exe"+1833088: B0 01              -  mov al,01
"re2.exe"+183308A: E9 49 DF FF FF     -  jmp re2.exe+1830FD8
"re2.exe"+183308F: CC                 -  int 3
"re2.exe"+1833090: 48 89 5C 24 08     -  mov [rsp+08],rbx

// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "re2.exe"+1833020

"re2.exe"+1832FF4: 0F 84 8E 00 00 00  -  je re2.exe+1833088
"re2.exe"+1832FFA: E9 D7 DF FF FF     -  jmp re2.exe+1830FD6
"re2.exe"+1832FFF: 48 8B D6           -  mov rdx,rsi
"re2.exe"+1833002: 48 8B CB           -  mov rcx,rbx
"re2.exe"+1833005: E8 56 4C 65 FF     -  call re2.exe+E87C60
"re2.exe"+183300A: 48 8B 43 50        -  mov rax,[rbx+50]
"re2.exe"+183300E: 48 39 78 18        -  cmp [rax+18],rdi
"re2.exe"+1833012: 0F 85 BE DF FF FF  -  jne re2.exe+1830FD6
"re2.exe"+1833018: 49 8B 44 24 18     -  mov rax,[r12+18]
"re2.exe"+183301D: 41 8B D6           -  mov edx,r14d
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"re2.exe"+1833020: 41 2B D7           -  sub edx,r15d  // _unlimited_ammo_3_
"re2.exe"+1833023: 48 85 C0           -  test rax,rax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"re2.exe"+1833026: 74 0E              -  je re2.exe+1833036
"re2.exe"+1833028: 48 8B 48 10        -  mov rcx,[rax+10]
"re2.exe"+183302C: 48 85 C9           -  test rcx,rcx
"re2.exe"+183302F: 74 05              -  je re2.exe+1833036
"re2.exe"+1833031: 8B 49 20           -  mov ecx,[rcx+20]
"re2.exe"+1833034: EB 02              -  jmp re2.exe+1833038
"re2.exe"+1833036: 8B CF              -  mov ecx,edi
"re2.exe"+1833038: 3B D1              -  cmp edx,ecx
"re2.exe"+183303A: 7C 1A              -  jl re2.exe+1833056
"re2.exe"+183303C: 49 8B D4           -  mov rdx,r12
May I ask, how can I use your Rapid Fire Scan ? I did find the Address but don't know how to use it

Deathwing Zero
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +9 (table Update.3)

Post by Deathwing Zero »

AwakenZero wrote:
Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:10 am
May I ask, how can I use your Rapid Fire Scan ? I did find the Address but don't know how to use it
Here's a script I made from it. I definitely recommend using no recoil and infinite ammo. Possibly no spread as well but the gun seems pretty accurate to me.
Rapid Fire

Code: Select all

{ Game   : re3demo.exe
  Date   : 2020-03-25
  Author : Deathwing Zero + xorps for AOB



aobscanmodule(rapidfire,re3demo.exe,48 8B 43 50 4C 39 60 18 0F 85 0D 02 00 00 84) // should be unique



  cmp [rax+18],r12
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3


  db 48 8B 43 50 4C 39 60 18



"re3demo.exe"+13A2CF84: 48 85 C9              -  test rcx,rcx
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CF87: 75 12                 -  jne re3demo.exe+13A2CF9B
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CF89: 8D 51 38              -  lea edx,[rcx+38]
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CF8C: 45 31 C0              -  xor r8d,r8d
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CF8F: 48 89 D9              -  mov rcx,rbx
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CF92: E8 39 86 86 EE        -  call re3demo.exe+22955D0
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CF97: 30 C9                 -  xor cl,cl
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CF99: EB 07                 -  jmp re3demo.exe+13A2CFA2
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CF9B: 44 39 61 30           -  cmp [rcx+30],r12d
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CF9F: 0F 9F D1              -  setg cl
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CFA2: 48 8B 43 50           -  mov rax,[rbx+50]
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CFA6: 4C 39 60 18           -  cmp [rax+18],r12
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CFAA: 0F 85 0D 02 00 00     -  jne re3demo.exe+13A2D1BD
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CFB0: 84 C9                 -  test cl,cl
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CFB2: 0F 84 05 02 00 00     -  je re3demo.exe+13A2D1BD
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CFB8: 49 8B 96 B0 00 00 00  -  mov rdx,[r14+000000B0]
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CFBF: 45 31 C0              -  xor r8d,r8d
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CFC2: 48 89 D9              -  mov rcx,rbx
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CFC5: 48 85 D2              -  test rdx,rdx
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CFC8: 75 0F                 -  jne re3demo.exe+13A2CFD9
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CFCA: BA 38 00 00 00        -  mov edx,00000038
"re3demo.exe"+13A2CFCF: E8 FC 85 86 EE        -  call re3demo.exe+22955D0
It doesn't really disable properly, so there's something else somewhere I need to fix but it "works".

*EDIT another more different edit*
I changed the script above, injecting at a different area and it now disables correctly.

*EDIT 3*
Shotgun rapid fire causes a crash. Be careful.
Last edited by Deathwing Zero on Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +10 (table Update.7)

Post by Cielos »

mateusre6g wrote:
Wed Mar 25, 2020 2:57 am
key trigger: does not work when holding the space bar
in the update 7 table, but the update 6 table works perfect
set chance trigger to 0 , set min health trigger to disable.
tick the box in front of the key trigger, you should see the blank child entry has a value of 0.
change focus FROM the CE (e.g. to an opened notpad), hold space and see if it changes to 1. if so it's actually working, and it may be the latency of the LUA listener.

edit the script by pressing enter when highlighting the script, goto line 213, change the value (currently 300 milliseconds) of the sleep to a smaller number.
note that doing this could increase the CPU usage depends of your system.
you should start by changing it to 100, this should be sufficient.

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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +10 (table Update.7)

Post by mateusre6g »

thank you very much, I'm testing it and it looks like it's working now

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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +11 (table Update.8)

Post by LML17 »

Would you like to add the (left trigger) of the xbox 360 control in the slow motion function :?:

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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +11 (table Update.8)

Post by FUBA »

Hey Cielos,

can you respond to my demands on the table?

Deathwing Zero
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +11 (table Update.8)

Post by Deathwing Zero »

FUBA wrote:
Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:31 am
Hey Cielos,

can you respond to my demands on the table?
Adding lock picks to the game can't be done. Even if they could be added there would be no point in it. The yellow padlocks are non-interactable. If they were you would be able to use the universal key item cheat to open them. As for no clip, it's possible but also not very much point in it. There isn't anywhere you can really go.

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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +11 (table Update.8)

Post by mateusre6g »

could create piercing ammunition that explodes on zombie heads and damage multiplier, please. :roll:

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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +11 (table Update.8)

Post by Cielos »

LML17 wrote:
Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:07 am
Would you like to add the (left trigger) of the xbox 360 control in the slow motion function :?:
- added controller support for perfect dodge mod, slow motion, and universal item key. NONE of them are tested. report!
so, re-download and test.
also while you're at it, please test if the other 2 scripts are working properly with the controller as well.

FUBA wrote:
Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:31 am
Hey Cielos,

can you respond to my demands on the table?
no. :oops:
check my previous post for longer excuse, but Deathwing Zero sums it up nicely.

mateusre6g wrote:
Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:57 pm
could create piercing ammunition that explodes on zombie heads and damage multiplier, please. :roll:
for head explodes/limp detaches, not for now. maybe I'll add it back later.
what I did on RE2 was manipulate the damage information when it's being registered, in which I was making undead there as well.
this time around I'm doing the undead differently and elsewhere, which is way after the damage info registered. that means I have to trace back again if I want to make the "piercing ammo" cheat...

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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +11 (table Update.9)

Post by FUBA »

Ok, i understand with the padlocks. No clipping would be nice just to explore and makinf YT Vids.

Deathwing Zero
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +11 (table Update.9)

Post by Deathwing Zero »

For No Clip there's only really 2 areas you can "explore". The rest of it would be a grey/blue skybox backdrop with Jill running in a void. Not a good YouTube video. The two areas are the toy store which is one very small room with nothing but bad box art megaman in it, and the gas station which isn't even fully rendered and has no walls. Likely due to the way the game handles asset streaming and it being a demo. Thinking about it now, there is something I want to mess with, so if you want it I can release the super-jank no clip I made yesterday while screwing around, but I really don't recommend it.

In regard to piercing ammo, that's something I was wanting to look into. I had a look at the RE2 script and pretty much lolnope'd my way out of that and instead decided to try and find the critical hit chance to see if you can modify it. I wasn't able to really find anything, but I'm sure it's there. My guess would be in one of 3 places, weapon data, player data, or somewhere near-ish to xorp's weapon damage script location. In this game critical hits not only happen far more often than in RE2, but it also has an effect once it happens. And they're stupid powerful. If you hit Nemesis in the head or heart with a critical hit from the hand gun he'll stagger backwards. Not even the shotgun does that. Alas, I don't think that's something I'm going to be able to find with my current skill set. Which isn't much at all.

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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +11 (table Update.9)

Post by LML17 »

I tested and works perfectly for the Xbox 360 controller, slow motion, perfect dodge and universal key combined with buttons on the Xbox 360 controller.
Congratulations Cielos, great job! :D
I don't speak english, google translator.
I made a short video.

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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +12 (table Update.10)

Post by mateusre6g »

piercing ammo key and dodge works perfectly on the xbox one X controller,
I don't want to disturb,but
I looked at the table of Resident Evil 2 remake the option in piercing ammo, it was method and the option to choose, not pressing or pressing, it makes the zombies' heads explode randomly, I liked it more, because in the third or fourth shot the head explodes , please, could you create for Resident Evil 3 remake

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Re: Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo +12 (table Update.10)

Post by wolfreon »

Downloading the actual game now. I'll be testing this in 10mins.

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