Game Name: RBI Baseball 20 Game/Steam Website: Game Engine:Unity (Assembly-CSharp.dll available in game folder!) Game Version:1.0 Options Required:Cheat table with
Ability to Hack player abilities/powers/stats
Pitching hacks (Instant full power, full stamina, full CONFIDENCE, no target wobble, always strike)
Batting Hacks (full power without having to hold down button, NO strike count/Can't Strike out)
Ok, so part of the problem is I believe the game probably has some cheat protections. I had some crashes just debugging but not as bad using VEH. Also I noticed lots of stuff that said serialize to buffer so stuff gets serialized and de-serialized (whatever that means, maybe encrypted and decrypted)? In any case they left the Assembly-CSharp.dll in the game folder like normal. I will attach it here in case anyone wants to look it over. Thanks!
Hehe, 65 downloads and nobody has been able to figure out how to get around the cheat protection stuff? Glad I didn't try to spend more time messing with it. It looks like it will take a ..Talent!