[Request/Help] Cogmind 9.3

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Lord Blade
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[Request/Help] Cogmind 9.3

Post by Lord Blade »

Hi all, so I've been trying to get a working table for Cogmind's RPG mode going.
I managed (with a lot of help) to get a script working for tracking while hacking terminals (yay!).
But I've been trying to get a proper script for the overall alert level of the facility (which goes up when you get spotted or cause chaos and goes down through hacking security options in terminals). Going the RIF route in game (basically getting into a garrison and getting system upgrades that way) will actually show you the current alert value (which is a huge help).

So ShyTwig16 was trying to help my brainless self work out the proper script once the value was found using the "what access this address" bit and got the following:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : COGMIND.exe
  Date   : 2020-02-18
  Author : Adam Taylor

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(Alert,COGMIND.exe,89 10 83 3D BC 27 AF 00 00) // should be unique



  xor edx,edx // xor any number by it self and it will always be zero. So this just zeros the value.
  // mov edx,(int)100 // use this if the value decreases as alert level increases and set it to what the game's value is.
  mov [eax],edx
  cmp dword ptr [COGMIND.exe+6F27BC],00
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 4


  db 89 10 83 3D BC 27 AF 00 00



"COGMIND.exe"+1A5EF9: C7 45 FC FF FF FF FF  -  mov [ebp-04],FFFFFFFF
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F00: 8D 4D D4              -  lea ecx,[ebp-2C]
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F03: E8 98 AB 27 00        -  call COGMIND.exe+420AA0
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F08: 83 7D D0 00           -  cmp dword ptr [ebp-30],00
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F0C: 74 05                 -  je COGMIND.exe+1A5F13
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F0E: E9 86 00 00 00        -  jmp COGMIND.exe+1A5F99
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F13: 8B 4D CC              -  mov ecx,[ebp-34]
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F16: 8B 11                 -  mov edx,[ecx]
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F18: 03 55 08              -  add edx,[ebp+08]
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F1B: 8B 45 CC              -  mov eax,[ebp-34]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F1E: 89 10                 -  mov [eax],edx
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F20: 83 3D BC 27 AF 00 00  -  cmp dword ptr [COGMIND.exe+6F27BC],00
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F27: 74 62                 -  je COGMIND.exe+1A5F8B
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F29: 8B 0D BC 27 AF 00     -  mov ecx,[COGMIND.exe+6F27BC]
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F2F: 89 4D C8              -  mov [ebp-38],ecx
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F32: 83 7D C8 02           -  cmp dword ptr [ebp-38],02
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F36: 74 08                 -  je COGMIND.exe+1A5F40
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F38: 83 7D C8 05           -  cmp dword ptr [ebp-38],05
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F3C: 74 28                 -  je COGMIND.exe+1A5F66
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F3E: EB 4B                 -  jmp COGMIND.exe+1A5F8B
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F40: 83 7D 08 05           -  cmp dword ptr [ebp+08],05
"COGMIND.exe"+1A5F44: 7E 1E                 -  jle COGMIND.exe+1A5F64
However it doesn't seem to quite work. I was hoping someone with experience could give me a hand in fixing this up to work properly without errors.

I've attached the puny script I've got so far. Any help is appreciated.
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Re: [Request/Help] Cogmind 9.3

Post by GreenHouse »

Code: Select all

  xor edx,edx // xor any number by it self and it will always be zero. So this just zeros the value.
  // mov edx,(int)100 // use this if the value decreases as alert level increases and set it to what the game's value is.
  mov [eax],edx 
Why all of that to just change the value to 0? Just do "mov [eax],#0".

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Lord Blade
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Re: [Request/Help] Cogmind 9.3

Post by Lord Blade »

I don't know really. I'm pretty bad at making tables, so other folks were trying to help me out. I was mostly just doing as I was told. :p

Any chance you might be able to fix up a proper table for it?

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