Astroneer [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

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Astroneer [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

Game Name: Astroneer
Game Vendor: Steam
Game Version: [ check build.version file in ASTRONEER folder -OR- OPTIONS tab in-game (SOFTWARE VERSION > ASTRONEER) ]
Game Process: Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe
Game File Version: 4.18.2-0+++UE4+Release-4.18

Hello folks.

Decided to give this a go. The first release contains the well-known DLL that allows the creation of the stripped-out console, as well as dumping Unreal Engine list of Names and real-time Objects. That being said, please follow the below instructions:
  • Download the archive; extract content to a folder of your choice.
  • Run the game, get to main menu.
  • Run IGCSInjector.exe. You can close it when asked.
  • Takes 1-2 seconds for the DLL to find the stuff, StaticCreate the Console UObject and dump Names/Objects to disk in the Win64 folder (e.g.: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ASTRONEER\Astro\Binaries\Win64)
  • You may then use Tilde (~) key to open up the console in-game.
pass: sunbeam
(181.59 KiB) Downloaded 430 times

  • The dump location is your game folder (e.g.: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ASTRONEER\Astro\Binaries\Win64). You will find 2 files there: NamesDump.txt and ObjectsDump.txt. You'll be very interested in the 2nd one :)
  • The .txt files are generated at "run-time". What this means is if you transition in-game from one map to another or from main menu to game world and backwards, you need to re-dump them. Why? UE4 destroys and recreates UObjects; re-initialization. To re-dump the .txt files press Numpad / (no, key can't be changed).
The cheat table will follow shortly, as I progress with this. I've seen the other topic where there's a lot of confusion and discussions around crashes or whatnot: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=199.

First-up, the game uses SteamDRM. Any attempt at debugging the game with a standard debugger (like x64dbg, even with ScyllaHide plugin) will cause an exception, freeze the game and eventually crash it (it closes after 5-10s). Two ways to go about this:
  • Steamless: [Link]
    You can use this tool to strip out the DRM. You will therefore obtain an Steam-envelope-free executable and can debug it with x64dbg.
  • Cheat Engine with VEH or kernel-mode debugger.
    Either works just fine one my end.
Secondly, like in many other UE4 games, the Shipping build will have stripped any cheat functionality. When I say stripped, I don't mean access disabled, but the actual entire code not compiled in the release build. For example, the core code of the "fly" or "ghost" functionality isn't there. However, with a little bit of rebuilding skills (using a locally compiled UE4 game on my end), I would be able to restore this functionality :) Like I did in many other games.

Thirdly, aside from the stock ones, there's a small list of 'Astro'CheatManager' commands available, which don't seem to work right away. Like I mentioned, it takes a little bit of code-restoration or tweaking:

Code: Select all

Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.AstroAllProbesSpawnWandererRealityTear
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.AstroDebugFakeDeadlockAndCrash
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.AstroFindVintageProbe
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.AstroGrantResearchPoints
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.AstroPlayOutroCinematic
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.AstroResetNumTimesCreativeTutorialShown
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.AstroRevealGateStation
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.AstroToggle2DUI
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.AstroToggleHUD
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.AstroToggleWorldUI
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.ServerGrantResearchPoints
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.ServerPlayOutroCinematic
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.ServerRevealGateStation
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.ToggleDrillUI
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.ToggleSelectionOutline
Function Astro.AstroCheatManager.ToggleStreamingPowerDebugVis
For example, AstroGrantResearchPoints, when made executable, will give you research points.

More to follow.


How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Astroneer [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

For Unlimited Oxygen there is a CVar :) It's called astro.UnlimitedOxygen. It's reference can be found right in the middle of the oxygen tick function:


Which means now I want to obtain a list of CVars, as well as un-restrict them :)


EDIT: Turns out there aren't any useful CVars and that one mentioned above is un-linked. However, I was able to track down the conditional and a 1-byte patch gives you Unlimited Oxygen riiiight here:
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2FE4 - 48 8D 15 CD364D02 - lea rdx,[Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+2CA66B8] { ("astro.UnlimitedOxygen") }
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2FEB - 48 8B 4C 24 40 - mov rcx,[rsp+40]
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2FF0 - E8 4B692700 - call Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+A49940
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2FF5 - 90 - nop
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2FF6 - 48 8D 55 98 - lea rdx,[rbp-68]
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2FFA - 48 8D 4C 24 40 - lea rcx,[rsp+40]
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2FFF - E8 6C40F3FF - call Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+707070
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D3004 - 90 - nop
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D3005 - 48 8B 4C 24 40 - mov rcx,[rsp+40]
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D300A - 48 85 C9 - test rcx,rcx
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D300D - 74 06 - je Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D3015
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D300F - E8 0C3F2900 - call Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+A66F20
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D3014 - 90 - nop
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D3015 - 48 8B CE - mov rcx,rsi
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D3018 - E8 E3E1EFFF - call Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+6D1200
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D301D - 41 8B CD - mov ecx,r13d
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D3020 - 84 C0 - test al,al // result would be 1 if CVar existed and set to 1
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D3022 - 0F95 C1 - setne cl // flips ZF
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D3025 - 01 4D 98 - add [rbp-68],ecx
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D3028 - 74 05 - je Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D302F // this is skipped
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D302A - F3 41 0F5F F1 - maxss xmm6,xmm9 // always Oxygen_Max in xmm6
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D302F - 4D 85 FF - test r15,r15
The effect.. your oxygen would never go down, as it's always maintained at current value (it will increase as soon as you return to a tether point).

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Re: Astroneer [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

Then there is another CVar called Astro.EnableBackpackTrickleCharge. What this does is to slowly restore your backpack's power to full once you use the backpack to create stuff (outside of a habitat). Setting it to 1 enables this to run:

Code: Select all

Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2E64 - 83 3D 95F8F103 00     - cmp dword ptr [Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+46F2700],00 { (1),0 }
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2E6B - 74 26                 - je Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2E93
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2E6D - E8 AE002200           - call Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+9F2F20 // < from here
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2E72 - 4D 8B 07              - mov r8,[r15]
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2E75 - 48 8B D0              - mov rdx,rax
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2E78 - 49 8B CF              - mov rcx,r15
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2E7B - 41 FF 90 C8050000     - call qword ptr [r8+000005C8]
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2E82 - 41 0F28 CC            - movaps xmm1,xmm12
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2E86 - F3 41 0F59 CB         - mulss xmm1,xmm11
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2E8B - 48 8B C8              - mov rcx,rax
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2E8E - E8 DDC90900           - call Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+86F870
Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D2E93 - 80 BB 38040000 00     - cmp byte ptr [rbx+00000438],00 // > till here

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Re: Astroneer [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by squall0833 »

thanks, gonna takes sometime for me to learn

it's something new to me :)

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Re: Astroneer [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by Zanzer »

SunBeam loves teaching!

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Re: Astroneer [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SvT »

This is just way too advanced for me :)
I assume this isn't really possible for the Windows Store version because you can't even get access to any of the game files other than the saves.

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Re: Astroneer [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

^ Short version: you are correct. Long version: it's possible, though not worth the trouble of figuring out how to make a sandbox (that's what UWP is) write to the outside. It behaves like a virtual machine for which you need special actions to make it communicate with the OS or even access the storage drive(s). So there you go.

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Re: Astroneer [Engine:Unreal 4.18] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by fuzzywuff »

will there be an update for it to work on version 1.20.265 ?

I am curious about getting the ability to wear the MTX cosmetic and such.

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