Space Haven

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Space Haven

Post by cristobalcat »

Easy. It use 4bytes memory (for items), but, you have to select value from 1 (any) Storage only for search at a time. Do not get value from the (Total) on top, it is individual by storage.

Get value, search, wait to change, search, you've got it in few pass. Even you can narrow memory area when you have few discovered, since most of the inventory items are within same memory area.
Inventory cheat is good enough. Next, maybe we get health, sleep, etc.

Note: You can 'overload' (bypass) max capacity from any storage with items, but it will count against possibility to put more items on that storage if you overpass the storage's total. So be wise in quantities. In fact, if you keep those memory/items live on CE, then when any value goes to low, just change it again for average.

Enjoy it. Nice game

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Space Haven

Post by Vandarius »

Thanks! Very helpful.

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Space Haven

Post by Jernjr »

Wheres the engine?

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Space Haven

Post by Khayman »

You can mod the spacehaven.jar file open it as archive with 7zip and mess wiith heaven file inside the archive. That file pretty much defines every object in thje game, including bulding, production, conditions and so on.

Guide: [URL][/URL]

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Re: Space Haven

Post by impzzz »

I have tried to modify hull blocks but it's not working. They just go straight back to the original value. Does anyone have a .ct file?

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Re: Space Haven

Post by qristobalcat »

Khayman wrote:
Sat Jun 13, 2020 8:46 pm
You can mod the spacehaven.jar file open it as archive with 7zip and mess wiith heaven file inside the archive. That file pretty much defines every object in thje game, including bulding, production, conditions and so on.

Guide: [Link]
Tx Khayman, I followed your guide, and I've got into the jar, then to the haven file with Notepad++, but I couldn't understand where to find items individually,

i.e I look for 'TID=' or name (i.e. Gun) but those repeat and info make no sense to me, even when I am habit to play with this type of files.

I've got SH v.8, and the mod loader (latest version) you gave us the link, didn't recognize it (probably works for older SH version) in fact, the error says: need to update the loader.

Hope someone knows how to get into items, my most important one is to the get turret 'decent' amount of power and speed at least, most of the time I've got hit faster that I do to enemies.

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