Activating the script with the key [help]

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Activating the script with the key [help]

Post by krul »

I would like to activate the script in-game with a single key.
Default one is Ctrl. How can I change to load it with Q key?
How does CE recognize keyboard keys?

I have found this [Link]
How do I create hold Q key instead of Ctrl?
Virtual key code of Q is 81. But if I change the line push 81 / /Q nothing happens in the game.

Code: Select all

push 11 //Ctrl
call GetAsyncKeyState
shr ax,#15
cmp ax,1
jne originalcode
fstp st(0)

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Re: Activating the script with the key [help]

Post by TimFun13 »

krul wrote:
Tue Mar 03, 2020 1:45 pm
I would like to activate the script in-game with a single key.
Default one is Ctrl. How can I change to load it with Q key?
How does CE recognize keyboard keys?

I have found this [Link]
How do I create hold Q key instead of Ctrl?
Virtual key code of Q is 81. But if I change the line push 81 / /Q nothing happens in the game.

Code: Select all

push 11 //Ctrl
call GetAsyncKeyState
shr ax,#15
cmp ax,1
jne originalcode
fstp st(0)
This isn't Lua it's ASM, so it needs to be injected into the game's code somewhere.
Topic moved to appropriate area.

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