Pathway table

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Table Makers
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Pathway table

Post by jgoemat »


You have to have entered combat for this table to work. Then enable the top-level script (could take 15 seconds to find the code), then the second level script.


Enable: Heal Allies - will heal allies up to their max hp each frame, not including equipment bonus
Enable: High Aim - will set allies' aim to 150, you shouldn't miss
Enable: High Evade - will set allies' evade to 150, you shouldn't get hurt
Enable: No Enemy Action - enemies can move, but shouldn't be able to attack, although some can counter-attack
Enable: No Enemy Move - enemies can attack, but cannot move around
Enable: One Hit Kill - sets enemy hp and max hp to 1 each frame, one hit should kill them

You can also edit stats for your allies, but everything but HP gets reset for the next fight.


I might write a config/cheat editor sometime. Most of the configuration is in JSON files, so you can edit them. If you edit a character you've already unlocked however it won't matter since the character data is stored with the save, so it's good to edit them before starting. Weapons at least will update in-game if you change their stats. Check out the game directory `steam\steamapps\common\Pathway\config`

Characters: open `units\characters.json'. You can edit stats, starting gear, and perks. I like to add these perks to at least one character so I have those options in dialog:


You can edit starting and max supply values (fuel, supplies, ammo) and some other things in `balancing/resourceBalancing.json`

You can edit items under items of course. Besides damage, hit, aim, etc I like to up the weapon ranges to something like 15. I also like to give some gear buffs for the events:

"id": "daredevilBuff",
"id": "stealthBuff",
"id": "rawStrengthBuff",
"id": "intimidationBuff",
"id": "survivalBuff",
"id": "technicalBuff",
"id": "detectionBuff",
"id": "occultBuff",
"id": "medicalBuff",


If you want to edit the saved game, it's a little complicated. They're just JSON files, but they're gzipped so you have to decompress them, edit them, then compress them again. They're in `%AppData%\..\Local\Robotality\Pathway`. If you really want to:

2. download and install git, run git bash
2. do `cd ~/AppData/local/Robotality/Pathway`
3. do `gzip -d -c save0.bin > save0.json`
4. edit json (especially under `explorationSnapshot`)
5. do `gzip -c save0.json > save0.bin`

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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