[REQUEST] - Ludus

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[REQUEST] - Ludus

Post by TonyGil »

Game Name: Ludus
Game Engine: Unity
Game Version: 2019.1.8.14557
Options Required: Money, items.
Game/Steam Website:

Thanks in advance for any kind help. :mrgreen:

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Re: [REQUEST] - Ludus

Post by jalubagaskara »


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Re: [REQUEST] - Ludus

Post by Nosfox »

+1 too

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Re: [REQUEST] - Ludus

Post by TonyGil »

Well, searching in forums I found a way to get a massive amount of money(Credits to Kjubaran):

In game, go to the Inn and search the dice mini game, then in the bet bar, choose a value and scan for float value, change the number in the bet bar and search again until u get only one adress, then change the amount to a desired value and freeze the adress, then play until win, thats it.

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Re: [REQUEST] - Ludus

Post by Sigan »

I'm having trouble getting a good injection point for the gladiators, as well as for the information and stuff. Sometimes it overloads things, other times the values won't display correctly in the pointers that I have but they're working in game just fine (Health is always full, for instance).

This initial script should only be activated once you've spoken to your Gladiator Manager. He walks around in your camp, and it's where you can auction your gladiators. Once you've opened his menu, activate the script and the cheats.

Some scripts include an alteration to a character being alive. The reason for this was that I would log back in, at times, and sometimes these characters would be dead as a result, likely, of the scripts I was running and all the testing I was doing. You shouldn't need them, but they won't hurt to turn on either.

The rest of the codes should be self-explanatory and can be activated or deactivated anytime.

It's a WIP, so help is appreciated. Thanks.

Find Gladiator Information
Set Stats for Each Gladiator Perfect
Populate Pointers related to individual gladiators
Infinite Energy
Perfect Family Stats
Son Always Has Earned Gold
Wife Always Has Earned Gold
Grandfather Always Has Earned Iron
Uncle Always Has Logs
Nailman Sells Infinite Nails
Dealer Sells Infinite Worms
Blacksmith Instantly Produces Items
Infinite Water/Wine/Food at Vendor
Infinite Fishing Rod Durability
Livestock Stats Maxed
Windmill Always Full
Gladiators Instantly Finish Training
Gladiators Instantly Finish Dungeon
Gladiators Never Poop
Mother-In-Law Alive
Find Tourney/Duel Info
Never-ending Colosseum Events
Populates Pointers
Find Game Time
Time of Day
Day Number
(190.64 KiB) Downloaded 817 times
(181.41 KiB) Downloaded 202 times

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Re: [REQUEST] - Ludus

Post by gideon25 »

Yea its a bit of a mess. I was looking around for a simple resources (wood, nails,food, Money) cheat and couldnt even find one!I would prune the options that are not absolutely necessary. And post a cleaner table and change the scripts you are having trouble with to RED. And for now instead of editing all that, try combining options into scripts to take care of all the family stuff. Like all family stat stuff make it into two scripts good health and working. Livestock Pointers same Way: 1 script...yea needs some work,

I'll mess around with it tomorrow. Having a hard time understanding it as I just started playing game. Oh and it looks like you money script is using a SHARED address. If the other scripts are also doing that no wonder you have been having problems.

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Re: [REQUEST] - Ludus

Post by cfemen »

PlayerPrefs :D

resource strings:
  • cowcount
example for a filter to make a money script:

Code: Select all

define(bytes,55 48 8B EC 48 81 EC 90 00 00 00)







  push rcx
  push rdx
  push rax
  mov rdx,MoneyString
  add rcx,14
  call ucrtbase.wcscmp
  cmp eax,0
  jne @f
  movss xmm0,[newF]
  pop rax
  pop rdx
  pop rcx
  db 48 81 C4
  pop rbp
  pop rax
  pop rdx
  pop rcx
  jmp return

dd (float)9999

db 6D 00 6F 00 6E 00 65 00 79 00 00

  jmp newmem
  nop 6



or just patch the checks while buying : RET addresses of PlayerPrefs("money")
as example the dealer:

Code: Select all

 GoodsManPanel:BuyItem: F3 0F 5A C9

  cvtss2sd xmm1,xmm1
  comisd xmm1,xmm0
  jna @f
  movsd xmm0,xmm1
  comisd xmm1,xmm0
  jmp return
allows to buy things without money



nice table, here some of my observations:

first : you really should not use fixed symbol offsets at mono games (unless you are doing quick tests for yourself)
MyGladiatorManager:Update+13 instruction is on my machine on +14 -> script cant be activated

use symbol without offsets or symbol+short aobs to make sure your script works on all CPUs ;)


regarding your gladiator problem:

Code: Select all

  mov [myGlad1],rbx
  test rbx,rbx // add this 
  je _ending  // add this


_ending: // add this
  pop rbx
  pop rdi

  movzx eax,byte ptr [rsi+00000088]       //orig code
  jmp return  

so the game wont crash coz mov rdi,[rbx+168] hits a empty pointer :)
Last edited by cfemen on Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [REQUEST] - Ludus

Post by Sigan »

I barely know what I'm doing, and the table is WIP so those scripts are definitely not optimized. This was intended to be a reference point, or something we can build from. I appreciate all education on this stuff.

For instance, I have no idea what you mean about the phrase, "should not use fixed symbol offsets at mono games." I followed a few tutorials that taught me to write my mono game scripts like this. If AOB is better, great, but I've always experienced it being slower and less reliable.

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Re: [REQUEST] - Ludus

Post by cfemen »

Sigan wrote:
Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:06 pm
I barely know what I'm doing, and the table is WIP so those scripts are definitely not optimized. This was intended to be a reference point, or something we can build from. I appreciate all education on this stuff.

For instance, I have no idea what you mean about the phrase, "should not use fixed symbol offsets at mono games." I followed a few tutorials that taught me to write my mono game scripts like this. If AOB is better, great, but I've always experienced it being slower and less reliable.
look at my script for the money.
only symbol no offsets.
will work for every system.

pure AOB on mono games = slow and less reliable yes,coz cheat engine cant detect a module on mono games.

but aobscan with symbols+aobs are fast and you can inject in code thats not yet JIT compiled:

as example:
aobscanregion(aobDealer,GoodsManPanel:BuyItem,GoodsManPanel:BuyItem+50,F3 0F 2A C8)

now go to the aobDealer symbol and you will be on this instruction -> cvtss2sd xmm1,xmm1

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Re: [REQUEST] - Ludus

Post by Sigan »

The reason I drop down to a place where I do is because I need to make sure I've grabbed the right register, and usually when I do my testing I grab one like rsi+XX somewhere in the list and see if that's the right one. I sub in some values, or just look at what they are when the game is already running to figure out how to alter them, then just leave the injection point there. I didn't know I could just remove that injection point. I'm still not entirely sure how the stack works, nor am I sure how to just know which register is going to be used for what.

Edit: And everything else you said went over my head. How do I do both? Is there a tutorial video somewhere on this, because I learned a lot of information from Stephen Chapman videos (a.k.a. SneakyMofo) on YouTube.


Edit 2: Oh! And, at the risk of sounding like an idiot, I would appreciate you taking the time to explain what "test rbx,rbx" means and does. I understand it sets a flag that you call in the next line, but I don't understand it. Tbh, I don't even understand why I'm able to use certain registers in my scripts, but not others.

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Re: [REQUEST] - Ludus

Post by LegendZero88 »

Hello i also would +1 on this. i donwloaded sigan's table and tried to fix the offsets in aobs, they activate but it won't work :(


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